How to Seduce Like Ayanokoji Kiyotaka | Classroom of the Elite

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[Music] in a world where having power is really important being good at seducing people can help you in lots of ways but don't worry you can also learn how to seduce and get what you want just like ayanokoji if you want to learn more about seduction a book I would recommend is the art of seduction by Robert Green now let's get straight to the topic and not waste any time getting really good at observing is a super useful skill for convincing and manipulation ion ooji is really good at noticing things around him and this gives him a special Advantage it helps him figure out the complicated patterns of how people behave with great accuracy body language serves as a window into the subconscious revealing hidden thoughts and emotions that words alone cannot convey by paying close attention to body language you can figure out how comfortable interested or intentional someone is helping you adjust how you interact with them tone of voice is another crucial element to decode in the art of observation the way they change their tone how high or low their voice is and how fast or slow they talk all give hints about how they're feeling and what they're trying to communicate ion aoji is really good at picking up on these subtle changes in how people talk which helps him figure out if they're being honest how sure of themselves they are and what they're really after by paying careful attention to how someone sounds when they talk talk you can figure out what they're really trying to say and adjust how you interact with them to build a better connection and have more influence little signs that many people Miss can tell us a lot about how someone thinks and feels these signs can be tiny facial expressions or movements that people don't realize they're making they show what someone is really thinking even if they're trying to hide it if you practice paying attention to these signs you can figure out what really drives someone and what they're afraid of knowing what someone wants and what they're afraid of is really important when you're trying to make them like you if you take the time to understand them deeply you can figure out why they do what they do a you know koi is really good at this whether he's appealing to what they dream about or using their worries against them understanding what drives them helps him easily get their attention and make them do what he wants creating a sense of mystery and Fascination is like enchanting people pulling them towards you with an irresistible charm ayanokoji with his mysterious personality easily grabs the attention of his friends leaving them Spellbound by the mystery around him to be like ayanokoji in this you have to get comfortable with things being unclear and use it to make an impact instead of showing everyone exactly ly what you're up to keep some mystery around you give people just a peak into who you really are this mysterious way of doing things makes others super curious and drives them to uncover what's really going on it's important to find the right mix of sharing and keeping things private while you want to seem mysterious don't become too distant or disconnected and end up looking like a weirdo share a bit about yourself now and then so people can see a glimpse of what's going on inside these moments of openness can make your connection stronger going Beyond just surface level relationships in simple words when you keep people unsure about what you'll do next you're in charge of how things go when you're with them it's like being the one who controls a puppet show deciding how fast it goes and where it goes and you also make people interested in you because they can't figure you out completely emotions serve as the driving force force behind human behavior influencing decisions and actions in profound ways aan aoji understands how people think and feel really well he knows that feelings can control what people do and think so he uses this knowledge to control how people see things and what they do to get what he wants flattery means saying nice things to make someone feel good aoko G tells people what they want to hear making them feel special and important by doing this he makes them like him and want to be around him more he's very clever about it using compliments and subtle actions to win people over empathy the ability to understand and share the feelings of another is another key component of Ayan aoi's seductive tactics he shows he truly cares about their problems and dreams which makes them trust him and feel close to him by really listening and showing empathy he makes them feel like they're on the same team which helps him win their loyalty fear perhaps the most Primal of human emotions can be wielded as a potent weapon of manipulation ayokoi knows how to make people scared so he can control them he uses their weaknesses and fears to make them do what he wants he might scare them subtly or make them doubt themselves this makes them rely on him and do what he says in the intricate realm of Seduction patience and persistence are really important for winning them over Aon aoi's approach exemplifies the art of playing the long game understanding that true Mastery is not achieved overnight but through sustained effort and unwavering determination imagine this aoko G carefully watches his Target figuring out what they're good at what they're not so good at and what they really want instead of jumping into action right away he waits and plans things out getting ready to win in the end he understands that impatience can be a fatal flaw leading to hasty decisions and missed opportunities being patient helps ayoki deal with people smoothly and accurately he knows that friendships and romantic relationships need time to grow naturally by being patient he gains the trust and loyalty of the people he wants to be close to becoming someone they can rely on and seek advice from but just being patient isn't the whole story what really pushes ayanokoji to succeed is his persistence he sticks to his goals no matter what even when things get tough like a skilled chess player he anticipates his opponent's moves and adjusts his strategy accordingly always one step ahead of the game being really good at seducing people takes a lot of hard work and never giving up Aoki shows this by putting all his effort into what he wants and never accepting anything that's not perfect he knows he might not always succeed but he believes that if he keep keeps trying hard and stays strong he can handle any problem that comes up Ayan aoi's Mastery in maintaining control and manipulating perception is a Cornerstone of his success in The Art of Seduction to be as good as him you need to realize how important it is to make others think and act the way you want them to by controlling what they see perception is subjective shaped by a multitude of factors in including one's past experiences biases and the information presented to them ayoko G recognizes this fundamental truth and strategically employs tactics to mold perception in his favor one key strategy is to seem confident and sure of yourself ayon aoji always acts like he knows what he's doing making people trust and admire him when he speaks and acts with confidence he makes others think he's skilled and dependable furthermore Ayan AO adeptly guides The Narrative to shape the perception of himself and those around him he carefully controls the flow of information selectively revealing or concealing details to manipulate others interpretations of events by Framing situations in a manner that aligns with his objectives he steers perceptions to his advantage in simple terms mastering the art of controlling and manipulating perception requires a keen understanding of human psychology and Behavior it involves the Strategic use of communication body language and interpersonal Dynamics to shape how others perceive you and the world around them by getting better at these abilities you can have a big effect on how things turn out when you deal with others and reach your goals how people see things is important and when you have a lot of influence you need to be careful about how you use it remember that knowledge is a double-edged sword wield it with responsibility and ethical consideration don't forget to show your support by hitting that like button sharing your thoughts in the comments below and subscribing for more videos like this thank you for watching and may your path be filled with success and fulfillment
Channel: RiseAboveLimits
Views: 1,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GZsKYczQgvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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