The Way To Success | Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

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life has both good and tough times light and dark Joy and Pain the hard times make life more meaningful if everything was easy life wouldn't be as valuable challenges are like a sculptor shaping the worth of Our Lives facing difficulties isn't a sign of being weak it's a way to become strong in our life story tough times are unavoidable and we have a choice let them make us weak or use them to grow stronger but either way there is no escaping The Suffering now let's talk about pain threshold it's the point where things start to really hurt the idea is the more pain you can handle the stronger you become imagine a guy who just plays video games all day facing some tough guys not good now think about a guy who works out hard every day facing the same situation he might have a better chance so how do you increase your pain tolerance get out of your comfort zone do things that make you uncomfortable try new things spend more time at the gym and do things that are tough humans tend to take the easy way out but success often comes with a lot of hard work and discomfort to succeed you also need to get rid of unnecessary things in your life sacrifice what's getting in your way like scrolling through Instagram or binge watching anime our modern world is designed to distract us and make us weak so avoid things that aren't helping you develop a winning mindset at the white room they teach students to only focus on winning you need to compete with others to succeed in school business and life in general if you want to do better than others you have to put in more effort it's like practicing chess if you do it twice as much as someone else you'll likely be better how good are you at handling boredom right now you're missing out on a superpower that successful people have the ability to tolerate boredom ever wonder why everything in the white room is the same color it's intentional removing distractions leaves students with only their curriculum and boredom how can our minds come up with great ideas if we don't give them any free space plus doing tough tasks becomes easier in a focused environment the only alternative is spending time alone with your thoughts constantly avoiding boredom can make it hard to be alone with your thoughts losing touch with yourself and your life goals blae Pascal even said that many of Humanity's problems come from our inability to sit quietly in a room alone how can you break free from the cycle of constant stimulation one simple but powerful step is to make your room more like Ayano cois remove unnecessary distractions create specific zones for different activities and simplify the color scheme this helps your mind focus on what's important is being super smart just about your jeans or is there more to it let's start by saying that being really smart isn't only because of your genes while jeans might give you a head start your surroundings and experiences are just as important the white room is like a super intense place where smart people train their brains a lot we might not have a white room in real life but there are things we can do to make our brains work better one big thing is always learning new stuff ayanokoji reads a lot especially books about philosophy and psychology these kinds of books can really boost your brain power some books I would recommend are meditations by Marcus Aurelius which talks about staying calm in tough times then there's the prince by Nicolo makavelli all about being powerful and strategic Beyond Good and Evil by free redich n challenges the usual ideas about right and wrong The Art of War by sunsu teaches you about strategy and Emanuel kant's critique of pure reason explores the limits of what humans can know reading these books can make you smarter just like Aon aoji you can also boost your brain power by playing games that challenge your memory reaction time and problem solving skills chess is a great game for this even playing for just 20 minutes a day can help keeping your body healthy is also important for a Sharp mind and good sleep is a big part of this if you study without a plan your system may be flawed leading to missed opportunities for extra marks experts dedicate energy to preparation before implementing a strategy setting them apart from others so why not follow their lead it's simpler than you think our goal is clear achieving a perfect score now let's plan how to achieve this result calculate the workload by adding up the pages in your textbooks for example if you have 1,000 pages and 100 days before finals aim to cover 20 Pages for 50 days wondering why not use all 100 days the answer lies in maximizing your potential and allowing time for repetition unexpected events May cause Mis study days so planning for 50 days ensures flexibility now you know what to do tackle 20 Pages or related problems daily Next plan when and how to study use your calendar app to allocate dedicated study blocks around essential activities eliminate unnecessary tasks to make room for study blocks boosting your results with increased effort ask yourself if you truly want academic success more than other activities now on to the hardest part sticking to the plan consider this Bill Gates despite being an internet pioneer took breaks from the web for optimal thinking recognizing our primitive brains he understood that Peak results require maximum Focus experts avoid distractions emphasizing intense focus on tasks setting them apart from those easily pulled away create a distraction-free study space eliminate distracting objects and focus intensely on problem solving technology and social media addictions can harm memory reduce social media use accept the recovery process and train your brain by recalling information from your studies Embrace failures as they boost brain function more than successes staying committed to studying is challenging especially when motivation is low write down your reasons for studying obsess over them and make studying attractive by highlighting positive aspects reward yourself after finishing tasks and track your progress this step-by-step approach will help you stay committed to studying r r or shine remember success is not just about jeans it's about the choices you make and the efforts you put in so hit that like button if you found these insights valuable drop a comment below and share your thoughts on how you plan to implement these strategies in your life and hey if you want more tips on maximizing your potential and achieving greatness don't forget to subscribe hit that notification Bell so you never miss out on the latest content together let's build a community committed to continuous growth and success thanks for tuning in and until next time keep pushing your limits stay focused and strive for excellence take [Music] [Music] care
Channel: RiseAboveLimits
Views: 3,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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