How to Secure Stacked Trailers

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my name is joseph massey i'm a load securement manager here at western express today we're going to demonstrate how to secure stacked trailers when you're securing the trailers d.o.t says that you must have your wheels chocked also we're going to have x chains on the front and x chains on the back on both layers to keep your trailers from moving or shifting from side to side it'll help the stability while you're moving down the road when i get started what i do is i lay all my boards out for my chalks i lay all my chains out i get my binders ready so when i get ready to climb up there my change is already on the second level my chalks is already on on each layer so i can go ahead and get my chocks under the tire and then i climb up what i make sure is i disconnect my lines so when i start climbing up here that i won't trip on anything so this is the easier way to just climb up there and everything is pretty much going to be on your second level the safest way to climb up here you still want to have you still want to maintain three points of contact so when you climb up and that's one of the main reasons why i disconnect the line so i don't have anything triple so i want to come here put my foot here come up feel my way once i get up here i want to make sure i watch my head that's why i got my hard hat on so while i'm up here i know i got to put my chains up i know i got to hook my chains up so what i do is is this when i hook my chains up to these pockets i'm going to stagger them so if i hook it up on this front pocket on the first chain i'm going to hook it up on the second pocket down from it on the second chain so when they cross each other they won't touch they'll be like this so you won't have to put a friction mat in between them you got enough stuff to do while you're already up here so my chains are already up here so i know i'm gonna go with my first pocket when i'm gonna hook my chain up so what i did was i went on and ran my chain you can actually see that the chain is upside down on your pocket so what i want to do is i want to keep this from not keep this from coming out so i'm gonna just get a bungee i'll bring a bungee up here with me bring a bungee and just find somewhere to hook it so you won't lose this right here so now i'm gonna slide over and i'm gonna i'm gonna make my chain pull towards the back and i'm gonna drop it in the pocket so as you can see what i did was i've got my chain going to the other side to create my x also is going to have a rear pull so i'm going to just take my chain drop it inside this pipe all the way to the bottom i still don't want to lose my teardrop so i just move my bungee now i'm on the other side so what i want to create i want to create something where these chains do not meet okay so that's less stuff you have to take take off when you get ready to get unloaded and i'm running these chains all the way to the bottom trailer so all my binders will be on the bottom so what i did was on the other side i started with this pocket so on this on the opposite side the side that we're on now i'm gonna start one pocket down so when these when these chains get pulled they will never touch each other that's why you want to use your bungee to keep it in place until you get your chains down in your pocket so now i'm gonna go on the other side and drop it down in the opposite pocket so i got my chains on this side on the front done already and then i'll go down and put my binders on so you must be careful when you get ready get off okay so you feel your way put your hand in the pocket at the end of the trailer turn around and you still got more than three points of contact i got four okay so i just watch myself step down step down move my hand step down on the catwalk and i got mike he gonna show us how to hook our straps up on our first chalkboard on the front now just take the strap like this right and what you want to do is you want to just roll it to the other side all right but before you go to the other side you want to kind of pull it like this now it's important that you put it on a spot where it doesn't cut the strap so i have it on the on the spool right here so so it would be a smooth edge instead of the pocket so i just want to keep it right there okay so i'm on the other side where i hooked up my strap this bottom trailer all the winches which is these here okay they all are on one side on this trailer so i have to remember that i gotta hook all my straps up on this side also i have to remember to leave some winches towards the front because i'm gonna need them up top here as well so all i'm doing is just getting everything right here in the front taken care of before i move to the back so that's why i'm getting my straps ready what i did was i got some belt pads you could use cardboard you can use a plastic edge protector to put on this corner to protect that strap because that strap is going to come back here some okay so i'm going to just put a felt pad here stuff it inside the rub rail and as you can see that pull is coming back to keep that board from coming out i got my strap done i want to go ahead and start hooking up my binders what i want to do is i want to complete everything on this front half first then i'll move back to the other end and start doing everything in the rear she's going to run the teardrop and we're gonna tighten up this chain over here we're coming about four lengths up so what you do is you want to bring this up here all right so she just got a teardrop right now probably could come up here like this okay when i when i get done i'll take my binders my slack from my chain and wrap it around my binding okay just to keep it from hanging all right so we're going to demonstrate the same thing on the other side where you at there you go then you're gonna pull this up so right now we're going to work on our second layer we're still gonna offset our chains so we're gonna start with this first pocket and we're gonna run that chain towards the back okay so you wanna have that chain pulling towards the back so when we done all our chains will have inward pull miss emma going to demonstrate how to do that so now miss emma going to run her change on the opposite side and again we don't want these chains to touch because dlt say if you got any kind of wear on your links this chain is no more good you can get a unsecured load ticket if one of those links is bent cracked damaged anything so we want to avoid that at all costs so that's why we offset them when we when we set our pockets on the other side we started on the front pocket on this side we're going to start on this second pocket go ahead mrs so on the front half we got all our chains and we have our straps for our chucks already set so all we got to do is tighten it down and this front half will be complete far as with your chains and the way you pull them we still have to add straps on the on your belly straps and straps over the top but right now we got pretty much the hard part done on this front half with your chains and putting your straps on your chop so now we at the rear and what i mean by the rear is we're at the rear of the bottom of our trailer okay this bottom trail is the rear part so we want to have our chains pulling inward that's why we have the ones on the front pulling towards the back these that i hook up in the back are going to pull towards the front and also listen when you get out there to get these trailers there probably won't be no harness or nothing so you must must make sure you take your time and climbing up here um i do advise some of the shorter people that throw in any kind of flatbed to invest in a ladder i had one and i'm six two and a half so i just tell you you need to get to a ladder so it'll make it a little easier for you so i had to come down to put my strap up to this bottom trailer see how i do a little climbing every now and then all right now we got all our chains we got our straps for our chalk set our chains on the rear are pulling towards the front our chains in the front is pulling towards the rear also on the rear axles our straps for our chalks are pulling inward you want to have that pulling inward so you can have your chocks for not coming underneath your wheels okay then also d.o.t says anytime you're dealing with anything with length okay you must have a securement every 10 feet i always teach my students to go every 18 because if you go right at 10 feet and they come out there and pull that tape on you and you ten and a quarter then they're gonna say you can get an unsecured load tip okay so go every eight to nine feet okay and we're gonna demonstrate that and then we're gonna tie all this down promotion right one so elt say we must have two pieces of the pyramid within the first four feet okay so i need to come down this each pocket represents two feet okay so from one pocket to this pocket it's two feet so i know i got a strap here so i want to bring it within four right here so now we we got all our stuff all our securement complete only thing we have to do is tie our straps down but i'm going to describe what we've done we got x chains on the top we're pulling towards the back we got x chains on the second layer pulling towards the back also we have straps on our chops on the bottom level and on the top level we have straps within the first four feet up top and the last four feet on the rear also we have our straps every eight feet this is what d.o.t require us to do and also having these chops on these wheels is a d.o.t requirement you must do this to stop your trailers from shifting okay and and that's all you have to do now we're going to tie all our straps down we're going to tighten up all our loose uh our slack in our chains we're going to put bungees on them and you can see this load will be totally secured you can see where you got the chalks on the on the axle right here just to stop these this whole axles from shifting so we got the straps pulling inward as well and you can see all the straps is that every eight feet now one of my students asked me well mr joe why we got our straps on the outside up top okay i said listen they can be on the outside of the rail up top on the second level and the third level but when you get down here you want to make sure your straps are inside the rub rail so nothing can brush past this and cut your straps that's what the rug rail was designed for to protect your straps this concludes learning how to secure trailers stacked trailers here at western express low security my name is jose massey
Channel: Western Express
Views: 4,865
Rating: 4.9622641 out of 5
Id: rmNkgnoXkfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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