How to Sculpt A Wolf Tooth Necklace

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all right guys we're gonna be doing a wolftooth necklace for this guy here [Music] he doesn't have a saga yet but maybe he will tonight belt and his beard and his hair but he doesn't have his wolf tooth necklace but i think this would be a great example to kind of kill two birds with one stone and i do a lot of these straps that go around holsters and pauldrons and stuff and we can kind of do both and put a strap around his pauldron and put some wolf teeth on there and show you guys how to do that so you're gonna need water green stuff and i like a toothpick that's my favorite sculpting tool so the most important part is letting your green stuff set up this has been setting up at least an hour and a half um anymore and it's going to be not really workable but it's still pretty good um just going to be easier and won't mar when you touch it and it's going to look a lot better you let it set up i find when you're doing straps and wraps and if you saw my gun barrel tutorial i talked all about that so check that out so what we're going to do is we're going to break off a little piece and all this whole process is just coils that's all we're doing is just making one coil and then tiny coils and then even tinier coils and it's going to create a strap teeth and then the little rings that hold the teeth on so the initial necklace or wrap is however thick you want to make it that's up to you sometimes i'll take it and like twist it and make it look like it's a braided like this guy here is uh his necklace has a tiny little twist to it and it just it happened accidentally and i was like you know what that looks pretty cool so i'm just going to keep that it kind of looks like a little piece of string or something or a rope that he used um so i just went with it so this one's going to go across this guy's pauldron here and i don't want it to be too small i want it to look cool and i want you know i think about what it's going to look like painted i don't want to make it too hard on myself so not going to make it tiny i keep my mat wet i keep my finger wet and it makes it so the green stuff won't stick roll me out a nice coil use my toothpick [Music] to roll this so similar that you saw in the gun wrap video we start from the middle and go out just slowly roll this actually might be a little too thick but we'll see maybe i can stretch it so this is a important part of my process i'll i'll pick up one end and hold it grab the other with the toothpick and i'll pull very gently stretch it and what this is going to do is make it thinner and return it more to a natural straight line a little piece broke off but that's alright we have plenty to work with so that's going to be okay table wet again just dabbing the table so it doesn't stick and pick a spot kind of look at the pauldron and guesstimate it usually ends up being a little longer than you need because what you were looking to do is wrap it all the way around so you can't see it in the back so cut me off a piece about that big about an inch lift it up with my bobby knife realize that that is way too long not a big deal lay it back down cut a little bit off and i find myself rolling my tools when i apply this like for instance now that i have it off the mat a lot of times i'll switch to my toothpick lift that up and when i apply this stuff i find that by rolling the tool it leaves the piece in place and i just rolled that tool out from out from underneath that and now it's setting on there and it it it's not stuck to the piece right now at all because there's so much water but when that water evaporates which will be pretty soon the uh the green stuff will be stuck and it'll be okay so this is still too long so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take my toothpick and push on the edge and it's going to push it around to the back and we're going to cut it off the back i think that's going to be easier so here's the first the first part that's important is seating it down on the plastic and getting getting it to stick so i'm gonna i have my toothpick wet i'm gonna start focusing it underneath this pauldron and i'm gonna create a tiny little at the same time it's like you're seeding the green stuff on there and also creating visual interest by making it look like stretched leather at the same time every yup a little bit of water in there so we'll just push that back in there push it in and now we can start to form where we want this to be [Music] actually might be okay i might not need to cut it [Music] cut it [Music] and now when i'm pushing this up in there my toothpick's wet and i'm not jabbing it and pulling back because then the the green stuff will stick to the toothpick i'm i have the toothpick wet and i'm the toothpick's in motion before i touch the the green stuff and i start to [Music] sculpt it in place like i'm pushing it up against the plastic creating that little divot looks like a stretch line i'm going to do that here just going to push it down a little bit i'm pulling it down on his pauldron a little make it look like it's sagging a little and we're going to go with that that looks pretty pretty tight ensure it looks good from all angles now for the teeth [Music] all they are just oils so i'm gonna roll a tiny little coil [Music] cut it into some little sections roll them again and i'm tapering them just a hair this one's actually pretty good i'm going to leave that this one i'm going to taper paper just using my finger and i can't really see it when i'm rolling and i'm just doing it by feel [Music] you want to roll just one side of it so it tapers and if they're too roundy on top you can [Music] cut the top of them off with your knife and then just give it a roll and it'll have it look like that top of a tooth we're going for and i find that the biggest thing that really sells it as a tooth [Music] is unfortunately before you paint it it's going to end up looking like a jalapeno pepper but that's what you're gonna do is once you've got your teeth shapes is i wet you wet the toothpick and it's just gonna grab the tooth like the moisture on the tip of the toothpick is gonna lift it right up off the mat and that's what you want so we've got it so where the thick end of the tooth is on top and i'm going to place it on the strap and i'm just going to very lightly and i'm rolling the toothpick right now i rolled it forward to kind of place it and now this is what's going to help seat the tooth on there and also create a spot for the ring to go is i'm going to use the the very tip of the toothpick keep it wet i'm going to put a little indentation in it [Music] [Music] now my green stuff is almost to the point where it's not workable anymore it's not as sticky as i'd like it to be but we can come back later after this is all cured and put a tiny little dab of super glue next to that using a wire and it'll it'll be alright so now that the tooth is seated on there i've got my little spot that i'm going to put the ring through now i'm going to take the toothpick and slowly pull the tooth tip over and that's going to create going to sell it as a tooth by giving it that curve like a canine tooth you don't see teeth that are perfectly straight and pointed i'm sure they're out there but it's just more interesting if they're curved and wicked looking grab another tooth put it next to that one this first one doesn't really want to stick [Music] that'll be okay though now we got a couple teeth on there looking for now the next part is an even smaller coil [Music] and it's just rolling this green stuff out into a tiny little coil there's really no trick to it it's just the biggest uh piece of advice i can give you is finding that perfect window in which to work it that makes it easiest to handle [Music] getting pretty thin looks pretty good cut myself off [Music] a little bit wet my toothpick and use the same technique as i did with the teeth by wetting it and it'll just the moisture will lift it up off the mat and you're going to take this little straight coil and stick it into one of those little holes of the teeth [Music] all right so my original green stuff that i had mixed up is just a little bit it was set up too much in order to stick in those teeth so i mixed up some new stuff and this is actually really fresh it's probably too fresh but we're going to try it um the last step we may be able to get away with it but i've cut my s i've rolled myself a tiny coil cut it to roughly the length that i need and i'm going to stick it into that hole of the tooth and the idea is that it is stuck into that hole and we're going to make it look like it's looped around the band and back around and then into the tooth and the trick is to get that initial part in the tooth to stick which is kind of why the green stuff needs to be a little bit wet and then we're going to tuck it behind the band [Music] and what i do here is i i kind of massage it up there just really gently with the toothpick up around the top edge and now i take an x-acto knife brace my hands and i'm going to tuck that little string oh see there it came out from under the tooth but we may be able to save it so i'm pushing it ever so gently behind that strap so now that it's tucked back behind there i'm going to go back to my toothpick wet the tip back go down around got it normally i do this under a magnifying glass [Music] there we go see how that it looks like a ring that's holding that on there i'm gonna go for the other tooth [Music] push it in the hole loop it around the top [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now i switch to my knife brace my hands together like you're painting an eye the knife is wet [Music] otherwise it'll stick and i'm just match i'm mine the knife blade is parallel to the strap and i'm pushing that little ring behind the strap [Music] and that's going to tuck it behind it make it look like a ring [Music] have yourself a little couple of little teeth on there [Music] that's it guys you got yourself a little necklace with some teeth and uh you're going to want to set this aside let it cure and if you're nervous about them popping off you can take a i made a special little tool it's just a tiny little guitar string on a um a needle tool that i use to apply super glue and you just get a tiny little bit of super glue on there and just dab it in the corners of where you want it to be and use extra thin stuff so it's not too thick and uh you're good to go all right thanks for watching good luck uh have fun all right peace
Channel: Valbjorn
Views: 15,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sculpting, miniatures, valbjorn, greenstuff, milliput, space wolves, astartes, gamesworkshop, forgeworld, kitbash, miniature sculpting, sculpt, wargaming, 40k, warhammer, space marines, sculpting miniatures
Id: LPq84km-ckE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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