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hey hey look it's me bill and you're watching bill making stuff episode 21 and i'm bill this is me bill hmm [Music] hello welcome to episode 21. uh today i want to sculpt some 28 millimeter minutes to fight my bead bot minis that i made out of beads if you've watched any of my episodes you may understand what i'm talking about but uh so i wanted to sculpt a man of some kind of clay or epoxy polymer resin squishy stuff you know squishy you play with it for a bit and it gets hard there's got to be a dead joke in there somewhere [Music] so is a slightly younger version of me said we're using super sculpey now super sculpey is a polymer clay that you have to bake in the oven to harden uh and this is a model i made previously on a live stream uh he's a little 28mm mini and i didn't bake him long enough so just bits of him fall off like that yeah make sure you bake it for the right amount of time at the right amount of temperature or even longer nevertheless is what i learned so we're going to use kitchen foil or tin foil or whatever you americans call it uh to make the main body of the build um apparently this stuff because it's metal conducts heat and it cooks it from inside i don't know if that's true but i want it to be 28 millimeters so i'm using my guy for scale yeah go on get out of here so along with the tin foil i'm going to use armature wire to make the dangly bits the bits that stick out and i'm gonna twist two pieces together uh when you twist it together it becomes stronger obviously we should all twist together to become stronger as a race of people when twist of the ball game was popular apparently we were you know we were closer i don't know i don't know i'm going with that but you know you know what i'm trying to say like a bunch of sticks when it's when it's together you can't break it so if you put a bunch of people together in a bunch they're harder to snap i don't know this i was trying to be positive and get like some sort of message in there anyway look i'm covering this little guy in tin foil so the more you bulk out your little guy with tinfoil the less clay you're going to use and the less clay you use is less money you spend which is more money you can spend on beads in the pound shop be sure to ask your dad before you borrow his petronium jelly petroleum jelly helps the super sculpey to get softer but my dad says it helps things get harder i don't really understand but that's weird so i didn't really have a plan when it came to sculpting this mini um i just started sculpting muscles and putting them on on top of each other muscle after muscle and i think this comes from being a kid in the 80s and 90s and watching arnold schwarzenegger films like my default go-to doodle or sculpt is muscles this is probably why i hate myself uh because i don't look like arnold schwarzenegger or this little clay man arnie has a lot to answer for so you've seen me use the silicon sculpting tools before but one of my patrons kindly bought me off my wish list some of these wax carving tools which are much finer they're metal and they've got really fine points really good for sculpting minis the child in me always giggles when i you know stick a silicon sculpting tool down the butt crevice of a small clay person yeah so once you've got your basic shape use some petroleum jelly to smooth down all those little dimples and rough bits and get ready to bake your first save point which is a joke i made a few episodes ago do you remember that one that's a good joke there's a piece of one of my minis just just falling enough you might be wondering why i've interrupted the video and this is that point in a video where i should tell you to subscribe you know if you're going to subscribe you would have done it by now i mean unless you just hate me which is quite a possibility um you probably would have subscribed unless you forgot to do it i mean it's a little bit embarrassing but you know it's forgivable you know you can't you can just yeah i'm going to turn around you could click that button and i won't know who didn't click it or who has clicked it 10 seconds click that one if you haven't okay well let's uh let's get on so it's time to make the hands and the feetses and the headsees and all the other little bits is that you need on your minis sees um which is a pain uh hold on a second there is definitely one too many butt cracks uh and there and look that's the thing with super sculpey you put it in the oven it gets brittle and it just falls to pieces [Music] so i'm going to think about how i want this guy to look and i want him to be blue and mutant-like he's going to be a big muscly fish man with a giant hammer over his shoulder so our fish man spends a lot of time riding up and working out and getting you know that perfect bod to overcompensate for his fish face because it doesn't matter how much he works out he still has a fish face that's the story of fishman so i imagine every day this fish man's friends say look mate you're a good looking bloke you don't need to work out so much you know you don't need to just get that big you're a good looking fish man okay you've got a good complexion a nice tone of blue you know you're a good looking guy the fish man he just doesn't hear it you know he just doesn't hear it he gets more and more angry and he just hits people with his big hammer i guess that's mutant body dysmorphia for you i personally think he's a good looking guy um personally but uh that's just me so the instructions say 135 degrees celsius for 15 minutes but i i would do it for 20 at least it's per quarter of an inch thickness right so this guy is no thicker than a quarter of an inch and he still got pretty brittle so uh yeah i'll do it for a bit longer so for my third mini i wanted to make a tentacle monster so i wanted to make tentacles using this extruder and then i was going to use a hair comb to make the little ridges in the tentacles but i couldn't find my hair comb for some reason it completely disappeared so we ended up looking like a spaghetti monster which you know i was quite happy with but he just kept falling into pieces uh more about that later now time to prime so when our paint minis i'm not very good and i tend to shake a bit so i made a handle out of a deodorant stick and a cap from a detergent bottle and then stuck a bit of blue tack on top of there to stick the minion uh it works well enough so the first paint i used was this pastel blue which kind of looked exactly the same as the gray underneath it so you didn't see it so i added a bit of white to it to uh highlight areas blah blah blah and then i just dry brushed over and over and over again until i got the kind of gradient i wanted and that's how i tend to paint things i just dry brush a lot now this is white spirits that i would mix with oil paints to make a nice blue wash for my blue [Music] now boy i ever told you that i really like this blue wash or this oil paint wash because it's just look at that it's almost as satisfying as dry brushing look at that so i've got these makeup applicator stick things uh i don't know what they're called but i got those out of pound shop like loads of them and they're really good at kind of soaking up the excess oil paint and to lighten the highlighted areas [Music] so the blue i like the blue but it just wasn't interesting enough i added a bit of green to the blue wash and made these scaly areas a dark green color and yeah looks much better [Music] so to paint the details in his eyeballs i used an acrylic paint pen and i have a video all about acrylic paint pens just up here so here we are here's my minis um i'd be scared to pick them up they might just shatter into a million pieces i'm really proud of this guy my triclops fish fishman um yeah i think he's pretty cool he's i mean he's a lot bigger than 28 millimeters but i don't think that's how scale works you know i think he's just the tall guy in a 28 millimeter world yeah and this this thing when it's a load of tentacles i think it's quite interesting this is the one that keeps breaking constantly and it's you know it's probably breaking as i if i look at it hard a bit will probably fall off i won't i won't do it and then we got this guy the uh the one i did on a live stream um distracted by just random questions and comments um still managed to make it i broke his nose his finger and one of his feet but he's still here and he's got a big piece of broccoli on his back um i quite like him you know so i hope you enjoyed the episode if you enjoyed it let me know in the comments if you want me to make more stuff with clay and sculpt more stuff let me know if you want me to make more stuff out of trash and rubbish then let me know if you think i'm trash and rubbish let me know cue glamour shots i guess right now now i don't know why because i'm editing this so it should just go as soon as i did oh you go right yeah cut when i cut thank you patrons this month we have a bead bot build competition going on um it's not really a competition but it's a build that everyone's taking part in and if you'd like to take part please join patron down below everyone's having a lot of fun and their builds are going to be much better than mine i can already tell and here it is here's my clay mutant minis i think they're all right for my first attempt at sculpting something so small um i really like my blue fish man even though he doesn't like himself uh i really need to take him to counselling or something like that you
Channel: Bill Making Stuff
Views: 70,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scratchbuild, scratchbuilding, terrain, craft, miniatures, tabletop gaming, scratch build, model maker, kitbashing
Id: Hac0Pw_D0V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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