How to Scan Documents as PDF in Notes App - iPAD

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[Music] hey everyone its Dave here just another quick video on the Notes app and this time I'm going to show you how to use the scanning tool in the notes up I believe this is one of the best features of this app and it's something that you would have paid big dollars in an app maybe three or four years ago just to do this kind of activity so now it's free and it's available in the Notes app on iPad so I'm just going to tilt the orientation of my iPad into portrait mode you can do it in landscape but just bear in mind how you tilt in whether it's portrait or whether it's landscape will impact this the way the PDF looks say for example you have been given a document and it's not available in digital format and you want to be able to create a PDF out of it so here I have a document I'm reading at the moment which is the education declaration out of Alice Springs so what I'm going to do now is access the shortcut from the control center for scanning so just flicking from the top right hand corner and then long pressing on the Notes app there's an option here called the scan document so I'm just going to use that this is also available on your iPhone as well okay so now I'm just going to use the camera to scan that document that I've got here and take individual photos of each page so I can adjust the corners if I want to be really particular around how it looks and he keeps can't so then compiles a PDF of all the pages that I scan so click however that's so I think this is a really quick way of scanning a document especially if you're in a class and maybe you've run one less copy of a note or some kind of document that you're handing out to the students and you haven't got time or the opportunity to get to a photocopier you can now scan those documents and then digitally give them to the students for airdrop or email or something else all right so now you can see on this iPad I have six documents down the bottom I want to save those so just hit save it creates even a new note in the notes up and I can write more notes down the bottom here you know talk about a summary of what I'm writing about down the bottom here well I can click on the note again so I've missed a page and I want to add more I can just click down here in the bottom left hand corner and I can keep scanning and adding more documents to that PDF so here we go let's just add this last page I'll call it the last page anyway it keeps scared okay so now I have those documents available as a PDF in the Notes app what's great about this is I click again on the notes I can flick through them just to see what they look like if there's any that I'm not particularly happy with I can click on them go to the crop tool and I can always readjust in this space get done and tidy up any of those edges that I'm not happy with or you could just lay them if you don't care about so much let's hit done ok so that's sort of how you can edit the PDF once it's in this format you can then go to the share option and you've got the option to mark up that document then it brings all the features that we looked at in previous videos as far as the drawing and the handwriting goes so now I can highlight certain elements of this text I can select sentences if I wanted to and I can annotate over the top of the document you can also see in the renaming I haven't renamed this document but the scanner has taken text from the front cover and renamed it as well which is quite clever so that's another great feature okay once you're finished marking up or scanning your document you can come to the top right hand corner here and share this PDF so your lots of options around airdrop mail other applications that exist on your iPad or you know Google Drive might be a good spot or down here into the files up which could save it in your iCloud or locally onto your iPad just be aware there and be careful that when you do export these documents that you make sure it has PDFs written in it and so either dot PDF or you see that grey shaded text where it says PDF document that's really important to look out for that when you're exporting a common mistake people make is when they go to the note itself and they see the share option here they click on that and then they see all the same exporting options but what you'll notice here is that export sports that out as a notes file or a notes document not just a PDF so depending on how you want to share that if you want to share the notes this is a good way to do it if you want to share it as a PDF you then need to click on that then hit the share and you'll notice PDF is how its shared after that okay so that's scanning with the Notes app same process for iPhones for iPad and I can't wait to see how people are using these products in their classrooms
Channel: David Williams
Views: 39,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPad, Notes, App, Scan, PDF, Export, Documents, document, iPhone, iOS, Scanner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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