How To Save The World | YouTuber's Life 2 - Part 6 (YouTuber Simulator)

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hello lovely people welcome to the geek cup and i am peng and welcome back to youtubers live too where the nerd wardrobe now has 2 242 subscribers which puts us i think into 81st place in the overall rankings here at youtube city which is not too bad at all that's pretty good going i mean we have had to work quite hard to get our subscribers back on side following our somewhat disastrously tragic livestream event so i think 81st place given the troubles we've had is pretty good that's okay by me plus we do also have our tickets now for the play con event thing so it's all looking very good however as you can see xavier is calling us so hello xavier how are you hey peng i heard they're having a developer day in the player one store today okay would you like us to go to that very chance a famous developer in the industry will be presenting his new video game there and people can try it while live streaming oh dear okay right we'll give it a go xavier we did not have much luck with this last time but we'll give it another try um okay don't expect much though don't miss it you have to know how to live stream and get the game yeah i wasn't very good at live streaming last time but i mean okay right you know what there is no time like the present let's go and do this right now let's just go and get this disaster out of the way because it's not gonna go well is it it's kind of like a sort of button matching kind of exercise game thing and i'm not very good at those so here we go let's pop around the corner let's go and do this right now i assume it's open yeah 8 30 in the morning right yeah it's all open so here we go so right where is this uh where is this person oh it looks like she has something to say to us hello how are you you've got dots above yet sorry for my bad mood i've been playing resident horror all night and i'm falling asleep at the counter well let that be a lesson to you always have a very lovely healthy early bedtime blair um okay right so she does quite like us a lot she likes us oh and now there's another thing above her head uh okay would you like to talk some more there haven't been many people in the store today i've spent all day commenting on picks on insta-life but i'm bored now uh okay you know my friend edgar collects special items in his basement maybe he has something fun ah now yes edgar we like edgar we do like edgar and his basement does sometimes pop up one of the trend things but i'm not entirely sure how we get to the basement is this gonna give us special access and okay a new game for blair also there's not really not been many people in the shop today i think there are quite a few people in the shop okay you want to talk to us as well dixie have we met you before dixie i don't know hey i don't know you are you new in town absolutely hi i'm pen just be friendly oh hey i'm dixie well i just want to know your name i'd like to know who's hanging around my neighborhood bye okay lovely to meet you you have amazing hair as well right here we go here is the developer person and we are going to do a spectacularly bad live stream i imagine can we just uh can we just sort of you know measure your expectations accordingly there can we just sort of temper them a bit okay right hello there stuart lee hello it's julie hi i'm stuart lee the designer of spider bro i'm presenting it two days before it goes on sale okay if you want to try it out you'll have to live stream it on the console do you know how to live stream i mean in in principle yes in actual sort of application no i do not really i'm gonna put i don't think so and then hopefully he can uh he can give us some pointers i don't think so go over to the console and try it out and then i'll explain how you can install this function on your drone okay right so we've unlocked a game stream right so now we need to go over here got lots of energy right okay start streaming here we go everybody buckle up uh right so um yeah it's just i don't know quite we're not gonna get many subscribers we're not gonna get there's not much in the way of new on that bar there reactions are kind of smiley face and there's no time because we're sort of doing this live okay right here we go everybody so we have to meet these things here so we've got various key presses and suppose you are live okay right here we go so we've got a right to press so we have to press right when it meets that top thing so if we go right uh up left down and space that and that open space oh my goodness me right we're doing this we're doing this up in space right down down up down up and that left and that up right okay how do we stop how do we stop the live stream how long do we need to livestream for i don't know we seem to have been live streaming forever right hang on oh it's getting old crooked it's getting a bit quick it's getting a bit quick i'm not very good at this left left left left uh okay you're my favorite streamer did we just max out the stream oh my goodness me we just did something quite amazing there um right okay there's our live stream we can then save okay right so what did we do 2759 viewers yeah that's pretty good going um six in the rankings of of glitch i don't quite know what that's about but okay we did quite well by the look of it we got quite a bit of money that's quite nice we got 20 subscribers out of it and we did some stuff yeah save that video absolutely all of glitch is playing clara soft okay right do we need to worry about that hang on what are they what the current trends what's going on today yeah look basement geektopia that is something that's uh that's something that she just mentioned that looks a bit different that looks ever so slightly different i wonder if that's been updated or if the game's been updated because that does look a bit different now yeah so clarosoft um dumbbells is a thing that's now now popular apparently i mean yeah do we go and buy clara soft that's what they've done there and start playing i mean oh developer day we could take a picture hang on hang on we could take a picture we could do an insta live picture thingamajig because that'll have developer day on it won't it or or not will it not have developer down it i'm stood next to developer uh okay i find these a bit weird sometimes how can we okay um let's can we come out of that i don't want to do it anymore away with you there we go right hang on how much is um how much is clara's size just there it's there uh now it's deity of war hang on a minute no let's go and talk to blair hello blair um how much is clara soft 68 money we got that we got that oh hang on it's on the zed box i don't think we can play that we don't have a zed box yet do we we can't afford to buy one of those oh that's all very sad um can we oh hang on yes we can afford to buy one we've got what have we got honey play studios when you've got one of those we could get ourselves a new games console oh that would be exciting but then we can't do anything with it i don't think we don't have the money to then buy a game for it unfortunately um do you know what let's let's save at the money for now let's save the money for now what we're going to do is we're going to come back here we're going to nip home and edit that video together we did and then we're going to pop over to the gym and see if we can make the gym work because we didn't make the gym work last time very well i didn't really know what we were supposed to do in the gym but lots of people in the comments said then we go to the gym and go to say the treadmill we're supposed to then just sort of hammer the spacebar button to increase our increase our energy or something our maximum energy but here we go right oh that got us some stuff the one with the big red face is finished okay so edit this video this is going to be good oh you've got that vlog to edit as well haven't we i forgot about that um this one is gonna be more popular so okay so if we have that there and then uh oh no that oh we can't do this is all sorts of awful already yeah look we just can't we can't make ends meet with this because they're the same and that's a high up one we might possibly have to just chuck this in the bin that's to be about as good as it's going to be yeah i don't think we can do much with this this is going to be totally you know what let's just publish a nice quick video look that'll do the job yay this is going to be awful um okay let's do that and one thing we are going to do a few people in the comments said why aren't you putting hashtags in the title of the video now i don't think it makes any difference i don't think the title of the video makes any difference to anything at all but we're going to try this out so let's put um live stream uh live stream success um and let's just put i know hashtag um what's that place called player one is it called the shop it might be called play one um live stream and then let's put hashtag uh let's put hashtag nerd wardrobe to make sure yeah people can find us with that now i don't think those hashtags we play one mic because that's where we recorded the thing but live stream and nerd wardrobe i don't think will appear but there we go so let's publish this video and let's see if player 1 live stream and nerd wardrobe appear anywhere in the sort of the stuff for this video so there we go we can find out whether it's good or bad and okay it seemed to do pretty well oh oh my goodness what what madness is this okay and look at that so the video name live stream success hashtag play one hashtag livestream hashtag nerd wardrobe these are the hashtags applied to that video so that's all it is so you can it doesn't matter what the title is you could just put bibbly bobbly boo in the title every single time it would make no difference at all so yeah there's no point putting hashtags in the title it does not seem to pick them up the kind of hashtags are part of you know the whole recording process i think um okay that's a surprise right we are a little bit weary could we also could we edit our vlog could we get that done and just get both of those out at the same time that would be quite handy wouldn't it um again it's gonna be i find it a bit weird that the videos miss out chunks so we're gonna have that there and then we can have um oh no we can't have anything anyway this is all sorts of these are terrible things hang on now get rid of that so have that and then uh no that doesn't work either hang on hang on have that this is this is terrible none of this can work so that there and that there and we can't put that in and we can't put that these are all no no no been that been that yes absolutely we're just gonna i'm tired from not editing a video really come on game we didn't do anything then that's gonna go in the bin away with that that's rubbish right it's five o'clock already and as per usual we are completely and utterly exhausted um and yeah we're sort of moping around lots of people in the comments saying go and buy some food for goodness sake go and eat all you've had to eat is a salad and a i'd know a sushi roll for the past three weeks sorry but i think it's fine i think it's fine hang on did we not just go to player one and live stream hang on now i'm confused i'm very confused i thought we'd already done that um right i don't fully understand why we haven't completed that goal because we clearly demonstrably just did go and do that unless we had a pretend live stream or something oh now we're right hang on what did we just do what did we just do though what was the thing we just did this doesn't make any sense what is going on right let's go over here let's go and grab some food and let's see if we can get back to player one and try and do a live stream before the place shuts well i don't think it should what are you doing up there what are you doing up there that is that is all sorts of trouble waiting to happen right let's go into here let's go into here i do love some lovely food so let's get some noodles or something and try and get our energy back up right hello lots of people want to talk to us hang on we're in a bit of a rush um okay what's going to get us the most stuff back that it's very very expensive but it gets us 50 energy which hopefully will be enough to go and do our live stream stuff all right spy's chicken gone bow and it's healthy as well so hooray will have one of those please do you know what as well let's have can we have a little roll as well just to get it back up there you go look we'll spend all of our money on food don't worry right hang on we need to we need to eat the food because we're moping around in a sort of sad way right okay so eat that so how's that looking for the energy levels okay so up by 50 okay so eat that as well look and then we can go and do some more stuff right there we go we've eaten okay right let's run over to the player one place very quickly see if it's still open and then do another live stream to try and meet that goal okay it's closed brilliant right there we go it's completely shut so we can't complete that goal because in seven hours time uh it's gonna yeah we'll be in bed in seven hours um oh so we just wasted all that money there okay do you know what we haven't wasted all that money now we can go and do a vlog thing let's go and do a vlog somewhere i didn't want to go over to the gym didn't i as well but i think with this new found energy we have here hang on there was a vlog point over here wasn't there there's a thing here are we gonna record that kid upon this thing here that might what we're gonna do can somebody go and help this poor kid who stuck up on this side no we're just gonna stand in front of a restaurant okay no let's not do that because that's a bit of a waste of time isn't it that's not gonna do anything hang on trends dumbbells can we get into the can we get into the gym is that what we can do can we go into the gym very quickly and just take a picture of us with dumbbells i've always wasted a load of money we just wasted a huge big pile of money on a i'm trying to do a live stream that we already did but the game didn't like it i don't know right hang on so if we do that there is that gonna be t-bot can't record in the dark the gym is shirt okay okay so essentially we just wasted a massive pile of money on food that we did not need to actually buy brilliant okay good good i'm glad we didn't need that money to buy you know other important things like games consoles or anything and no no it's all fine you know what let's go and do let's go and do that thing let's just go record just here for no readily apparent reason but we might as well um no because it's [Music] joe what it's fine we're just gonna go home we're gonna go home go to bed and pretend that today didn't happen because it was a great big weird confusing disaster um yeah i don't understand he told us to go and stream and we did and the game isn't happy with that and then we wasted loads of minute let's go to bed but right that whole day off that day was terrible it didn't happen and we're gonna get told off yeah live stream look we did a live stream so why is the game not happy with us with that and look at that we've nearly got into the top 75 that's very good okay so let's see if xavier is happy with us about this because we might have missed out on that opportunity there um okay so trends yeah clara soft anything else going on with this um grand cars race i think we have don't we i think we've got that why don't we do a video for that remember you have to buy the live stream function in ur tech to stream oh do we have to go back and talk to that guy oh did we not just stream then this is very confusing something you would have already solved if you'd gone stream with stupidly yesterday but who am i to judge i did go with stuart lee yesterday t-bot what is this makes no sense what is happening here i don't okay fine whatever i don't really understand any but there you go what a game stream you scored today on glitch so people going hooray you did a really good stream and the game's going you didn't do any streaming okay right maybe you need to go and have a lie down game joke we're gonna do we're just gonna carry on doing the normal stuff that we've been doing uh let's go and do a cars race thing because that seems to be relatively popular so um yeah okay we can't do it can we do a live stream of it no because we haven't bought the thing with bob for it let's just do a regular gameplay video of it you start and you greet the channel there we go that's kind of what we do in real life on the bonus screen um let's let's do a bit of shipping there we go do a bit of shipping we need to get that up the saving data is corrupted um you look it up on a wiki technical comment let out a whoa bro it's going to affect that middle one whatever we do let's let's do that one let's look it up on a wiki right so we've got one star release you sense a paranormal presence okay all right play for giggles because that gets that up and now we need to get those two up if at all possible um yeah let's ask for subscribers it's a terrible thing to do and it's only three it's only three stars not brilliant but you know what it'll do the job right so save that let's go over here let's do some editing let's get completely completely exhausted from editing one single video right so that can be at the start there's three connected things there so let's connect up the two connected things there to then have um oh this is all a bit silly isn't it to have one connected thing there so one there to have one there at least we have a thread going all the way through the middle they are missing quite a few points but okay do you know what that will do a few people said you can take these things out but yeah that went down that went sort of down in quality then so now that's fine we'll have that we'll have that um yeah publish that it's all fine let's let's have it with some clouds um um let's oh with a biggie there we go let's go racing that'll do that'll absolutely do um yeah we don't want a click baity thing i don't want to do a clickbaity thing i don't feel like that's not good that's not how we do things in the nerd wardrobe and oh yeah that seems to be quite well received oh my goodness me it's another exciting background right okay pretty good going well done uh right we can't go to the gym anymore because we're completely utterly exhausted what do we do with this a new game for blair a few people know blair like edgar does he's got new fun game go talk to my geektopia and take it okay sure what let's go and do that let's pop over to geektopia it's always a pleasure to go there it's always a pleasure to talk to edgar i like edgar also known as the 11th doctor i do like edgar so let's make our way over there and have a chat with him about a game for blair there he is hello edgar how are you blair sent you right okay here what i bet this will keep her busy for a while okay so now we've been given whatever that is okie doke right so simple kind of delivery mission thing but that's fine right let's get this back over to blair okay here we go so we've got the thing in our hands hello blair how are you have this gift from edgar there we go right the ouija board i always wonder if it is uji board but it's the you ouija a weed that one that bored cool thanks take the dancing dead game it's really cool i wish i had zombie friends that danced trap okay is dancing trap a thing that people do right so we've completed that which is all very good um hang on hang on just as a quick check what commission things do we have to earn a little bit of money blair needs a youtuber like you blair needs a talented youtuber to record a video about the honey play studios one trend upload a video to youtube with this trend and show blair there's no youtuber more talented than you we could do 590 coins wait what okay hang on hang on we need to do everything we can to make that happen because that that is a lot of money hang on what time is it what time is it it's 145. if we do this we should get a big pile of money from blair okay right hang on a second this is going to be very good um so we need to do is record a video about the honey play studios one trend upload a video to youtube with this trend so it could be a game and we have one of those yes we're taking that please we're gonna have that now we don't have much energy right now but we could have some energy all we need to do is go and buy some more delicious food from our favorite restaurant here we are right let's pick up this thing again because that was quite good so that's nice and healthy and we shall have another one of those rolls because i like that there we go right eat these very quickly right eat that yep yep yep don't do plate or a bowl or anything just shove it into your face and that one as well so eat the little sort of roll very good right okay now i need to run back home and record that video and then edit it and then upload it as quick as we possibly can oh my goodness right okay quick let's get back to our house okay quick check of the trends have we got any trends at all no we just got the trend for the console and that's kind of it oh league of stars video game i don't think we have that okay never mind just record anything at all what have we got watch cats racing deity of war armored nucleus let's do let's do the car racing one again that seemed to go that seemed to go pretty well didn't it so yeah okay record that um gameplay come on let's do this really quick you start recording and we greet the channel of course we do that's what we do a graphics glitch okay look it up on a wiki because that's getting that one quite close to being complete uh you get a super strange drop you look at it and what's that mean what does a drop mean okay we ship because that might get the red one up oh not quite you unlock a new map play for giggles let out a whoa bro ah that could be quite good let out a whoa bro because that means we've got three stars something and it's over this doesn't really matter because i think it's gonna do anything at all ask for subscribers okay oh look at that that nearly went up that was nearly pretty good okay but there we go so it's captured that trend it's captured the honey play studios one trend save that uh right hang on run over to here edit that video because we need a great big pile of money um running out of energy really i'm not running out of energy gary right okay hang on let's go get yet more food right here we are again back for some more food the only thing is i don't quite know how much we need let's get a california roll for 50 of our monies i kind of feel like we're spending all the money on food to record this video to make a load of money so i mean we're not going to make that much overall are we right hang on let's go back over come on that must be enough energy to edit a video you literally sit down in a chair and edit a video it's not it's not that taxing it's not that tiring a thing in terms of you don't need loads and loads of food constantly to do that kind of thing okay right here we go eat this very nice indeed yum yum yum right okay good stuff please tell me that's enough to edit a video if not i'm going to be sad hey right okay here we go right so that's going to be at the start um then we need something to match a top thing there right that can go there that could go there that can go there and that can go there okay that's pretty good right publish that that will do the job just now um let's have that um let's go um uh hooray for more racing winner exclamation mark that'll do the job right publish that it's all fine i don't this is going to be quite as popular as other ones but it will do you know what that's not bad that's not bad at all yay we're all happy with it it's two stars very good and we've completed that thing and now we have almost 800 coins that's very good okay how do we do this then how do we upgrade the drone with streaming uh find the er tech innovation center store talk to the owner and upgrade the drone okay we won't do that right now what we'll do is i think right now let's have a very early bedtime so we're going to do this nice and quick so they go early bed absolutely fine we're not going to go and talk to people don't want to i'm very tired i've recorded all of two videos or something recently so yeah i'm completely exhausted so um i think we're 75th i think we're in the top 75. oh we've got a fancy vip car gain access to althea's vip table okay where's althea i don't know who wealthier is but okay we might go and think about that okay right so continue so next day and we're going to go to the gym i said we would go to the gym and we haven't been to the gym in a while unless are some interesting trends um no spider bro spider bro is out but no okay that's fine so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go hang on this spicy rain one of the trends there seems to be a huge threat in youtube city go to the fishermen to find out more if you don't know where it is look it up on the map a thread what have i got to sort out let the relevant authorities sort out a threat an imminent catastrophe what okay i'm just a streamer in the slippers um okay right i mean maybe we should possibly go and sort that out instead of going to the gym i kind of wanted to go you know what no imminent threat you have to wait hold fire imminent threat um hang on is that going to end at any point it's not timing out i don't think uh no i'm going to go to the gym i'm going to go to the gym i've got full event i'm full of energy got loads of energy so here we go let's go to the gym and let's go and try and do some exercise stuff and then we might go and do some other bits and bobs but right now look here is hang on let's talk to talk to you there talk to claire hello clara how are you um i must remember to pick up the parcel from the post office i'm sorry i was thinking out loud i wasn't talking to you okie doke lovely pleasure talking to you right we're going to go on this we're going to run and apparently people in the comments said we just have to mash the spacebar button that's what we do so let's do this and so just keep mashing the spacebar button okay is is that good is that a good thing um okay beware i'm near the fishermen the tide has risen so high the pier is in danger okay right so i think we did just increase our energy max possibly which is good so now i think yeah let's go to the um to the pier then let's go and see what terrible disaster is about to befall new tube city hang on okay so we're here in the beach beer and yes the weather does not look very good does it it looks very windy and very unsettled oh hang on we can chat to you hello hello zane how are you let's have a chat what i don't know zayn what oh good that was that was thrilling i'm glad we took the time out to stop by and have a chat right so the fisherman was along here wasn't it it was a little shop right at the end of here i'm pretty sure that was it i'm okay that blonde boy might be able to tell you what is happening ask him okay oh cutscene hello blonde boy how are you okay so this is crainer where am i what am i doing here i feel like i have some kind of troll inside my head i can't even remember my name i used to create videos you know okay are you a famous person crainer because i'm very sorry i don't know who you are i've never heard of crainer before okay but here we go so this is presumably another real world youtuber who's made into the game so okay hi crainer let's try and help you out a bit that's all i know and that i was a you a you you a youtuber i think you were yes youtuber you were a youtuber good this gives me an idea if you record a video with him it might help him recover his memory this way he will tell us what happened to the tide this morning okay uh beep beep inside is on fire you have received alarming messages do you want to check them uh do i want to check them i don't know what are the alarming messages uh oh the tide is high the bad day for surfing okay right okay it's all about this thing right so where do i right there we go go and do a video here have we got enough umph to do a video apparently so oh oh hang on having having turned round that's not normal there's a purple thing okay let's talk about the purple thing here we go let's see what we're running out of energy really oh my goodness me how much energy does it take to stand there and talk about something that's happening behind you for five minutes um okay fine there must be a place to eat over here somewhere uh is is this a foodie place uh no that's just a lovely place on the front there there must be a foodie place um okay there was a a place yeah there that's gonna say there was a food place here we go right let's go in get some food not that many people seem too bothered people don't seem that bothered um let's get something healthy how about a rainbow shake yeah okay huge big load of money but it does look nice it looks very colorful and nice i like that uh a turn-up sandwich and a surf side now let's have a rainbow shake they look nice so you get 50 energy back and it's healthy yeah okay let's have one of those and here we go just partake of a shake very nice so have that delicious right back we go to try and do another vlog thingamajig with chappie who i've never really heard of but apparently is important so here we go let's just find our way back to him right here we go hello crainer i think you record right we're back to do some more some more stuff right hello can we do a vlog now okay here we go you start recording and we greet the channel very good right he's turning around he's paying attention you go on and on that sounds about right and then you make a bad joke yeah let's try and get some of those things topped up your phone rings you can't get any piece you have an internal monologue you let out we would never do that or we're in chill mode okay we're in chill mode because that might get some of these quite high oh no we're not going to get any points for this so this is terrible we ask for subscribers we might get two things possibly yeah that was that was quite fabulously awful we haven't got five steps on a vlog yet we're on level one of vlogging oh we haven't done much in the way of vlogging oh i see each level when you go up a level just give you another another round as it were okay do you know what it's fine we'll save that for now this is just moving the plot along oh look crain has realized something now i remember everything oh good that was convenient something savage happened this morning i was recording an epic video and silly the sea turned into a swirling portal gosh it swallowed me up and then snapped me out on the dock of this city okay in the morning i heard that a certain captain vayne the fisherman's owner is repairing an old boat can you convince him to lend it to me captain vane will it be in there honey if i sail out to sea i can jump into the whirlpool this will close the portal i will return to my dimension and the danger for youtube city will be over this this is this has gone very quickly this is escalated very rapidly indeed so you're not from here you're from a different dimension i mean you didn't mention that earlier but okay crainer so you've come through a dimensional portal that's opened up in the sea right you are um yeah let's let's go into here then and chat to this person to stop the to stop the apocalypse happening right and let's just pop around here uh hello captain vane hey squid looking for something uh yes you need to lend the boat to crainer okay do you think i will lend this boat to the first fresh water minnow the best for it no way believe in crainer he is a real pro handling boats do you really think that crane will calm these raging waters well the truth is that i know he has various videos surfing the sea with this fish floppy okay does he really but it's my boat my precious boat ah fine i'll lend it to you but i need your help it's important i need you to get squid ink to lubricate the motor it's so slippery little work to start up again okay where do we get squid ink from do we buy it from you you seem the place to have squid ink it would seem to be a logical thing they've got fishing box and a fishing rod uh okay how do we get squid ink then they're going to help us with this um it's boat time uh i don't know how to get i don't have to get squidding where where do where is squidding i mean from a squid one would assume do we have to go fishing is that what we have to do do we have to do a spot of fishing i assume that's the case is it fishing rod it's 250 money fishing box is 30. but is that what we've got to do catch a squid uh i've really okay we'll do that there we go look we'll just do this right hang on and then i mean do we buy stuff from here no so all these shells are sort of cosmetic okay right let's go back out here then and we'll equip a fishing rod and we'll go fishing maybe i don't know hello captain vane can you tell us what's going on did you get the squid ink no i don't know how to get squid ink i don't know what's going on right hang on hold this okay we're holding a fit no no no game no that's not that's not what i meant with regard to holding a fishing rod i just spent loads of money on this fishing rod and i'm holding it in a box also how does a fishing rod fit in that box somebody explained that to me um right okay let go of that then don't don't hold that anymore okay uh crainer hello can we talk to you for so loud to see okay right fine um right squid ink no idea where to find squid ink um hang on can we find out on the map is there a place that's gonna help us on the map is it in there then there's a little red dot flashing on and off over there it's not going to be in the bar it's not going to be in the kraken it could be in the kraken maybe they're serving squid let's go and look at the port which i think is just in front of us around the corner a bit um yep okay well let's try a look over here somewhere okay so i think the end of the world or certainly the end of youtube city might have to wait a while because i have no idea where to get squid ink from strangely enough i just don't know where to go so we might have to go home because we're going to get very tired soon so we'll go home we'll go to bed and we'll come back and sort this out on another day we'll just come back tomorrow because yeah right now we're very very tired and it's going to get late and we're going to be more tired tomorrow so um okay right hold fire there for a second just just wait there for a second keep the end of the world you're at bay just for another night and then we'll get some squidding from goodness knows where and then yeah we'll come back in the morning so quick check off the daily summary we now have 3579 subscribers so that's looking good that is very much going in the right direction and we are now 67th in the rankings which is very good indeed so okay we'll go on to the next day now i think what we'll do is with our fishing rod and our box of fishing bits we'll just put them around the house somewhere i'm sure it's all fine and then yes then we need to go and to you know save the town and such life by finding squid ink in a mystery way so here we go first things first though we can put this somewhere in the house we can place this in the home so hang on hang on where does it just can we just put it in the corner that would be nice wouldn't it can we place it there okay so we've placed a fishing rod right seems a bit weird but okay and then um and then we'll just place this place this box of fishing things as well but hang on can we can we rotate it round yeah like that we'll just we'll just put it against the wall for now um great okay we miss you when are you coming back to social media sorry i'm very busy saving the whole town um okay right so here we go let's go i think what we'll do is let's go and do a little bit of exercise because we work that out you know the end of the town gear the demise of town can just wait a little while um and then we'll go back and try and find squid ink wherever that might be it's going to be in one of the beachy shop things somewhere i just need to go and actually find which one and here we go hop onto the treadmill right let's run properly and let's just here we go just keep smashing there and keep smashing that right okay so i think i think in the long run we're gonna get an energy boost to that i don't think it's making any difference right now but i think when those blue bars fill up around the side when we're doing our exercising i think when they fill up we might then get a little bit of extra energy which is going to be very helpful in the long run it might mean that we can do you know more than a couple of things in a day maybe so here we go right back down we go let's see if we can search the search the beach area for some squid ink there it is right it was in the kraken i didn't go and check that yesterday but there we go so there is a drink called squid ink that we can take with us i mean yeah squidding served in a chilled glass a drink for true ruffians it doesn't sound like the kind of thing i would like to go and drink but okay there we go so 60 of the money's going that way there we go and now i think we will just sort of run back and get that out of the way straight away let's just go and drop this thing off and get chappie back into his dimension or whatever the heck is going on right hello there captain vane here is some squid ink it's all yours you just you enjoy that there there you go right by kraken speak have you got the ink yet nice job i just handed you the ink i literally just handed it to you although i have realized but i will need another piece a bit of wire to tie a good knot you will need one for mooring the bow to the dock you know if not the tide was carry it away like a rubber duck a hanger from the clothing stores in the city center will do frankie there's probably some rope in the warehouse go and get a hanger while i look for it okay so now you want me to go all the way into the middle of the town to go and grab a hanger crikey's okay i'm supposed to be doing youtube stuff i'm supposed to be trying to get 10 000 subscribers to get to the bronze league so i can get my hands on a nintendo console not running around picking up hangers from places okay fine fine let's just save the town and go and get a hangar or whatever right here we are we've arrived at gianni's fashion place so hello gianni can we have a hanger please hmm do you need something special a tailored suit exclusive designs um i just need a hanger please for crainer he's like who is crainer why would such a famous youtuber need a hanger what could he possibly accomplish with it it's to do with boats or something i'm not 100 sure but it's very boaty you don't fool me you're recording a prank video go and bother somebody else oh for goodness sake they're all going to be shut soon okay okay fine we'll go and find somebody else then uh right okay where can we go next for a clothing shop uh are there any other clothing shops there's that one there in the town center and there's a restaurant maybe it doesn't mean here maybe it means in our bit of town uh okay let's head back over to our bit where we live and see if there's any clothing shops there that will be willing to give us a hanger though i suspect they're all going to be by now i would have thought but okay we'll give it a go oh of course kiwi yes that place on the corner right let's make our way over to there as quick as we can okay here we go hello whatever your name is cassidy can we have a hanger please how may i help you as soon as i saw you i picture the outfit that best suits your personality that is very good very professional splendid stuff can i have a hanger please i just need a hanger for crainer no way it's for trainer i'm a super crane a fan are you recording a new video as soon as the store closes i'll rush over and see if i bump into him how exciting he's going to throw himself into the ocean so you might want to hurry up a little bit here have a hangar okay right thank you very much i'm going to carry this like it's the most treasured thing in all the land okay here we go captain vane here is the hangar that you asked for please don't tell me you want me to go and get anything else or i might have to push you in the sea right there you go well done this is the missing piece to repair the boat of course it is i said i'm on it squared i'm off to finish the boat i just hope that craner sails as well as you promised okay yes there is the weird sort of dimensional bubbly thingamabob okay so we're going to go and have a chat with him hello i heard that you took everything to vayne so he could repair the boat awesome thanks for everything i won't let you down i'll sail like never before i'll admit that i'm a little scared in my videos i've never faced a storm like this i don't know if i'll come out of this in one piece that's why i have something very special to ask of you would you take care of my pet floppy i think you two would get along well okay yes sure there isn't a cooler pet fish in the whole world thanks by the way there's a surprise waiting for you at home you can find it on your dressing room app do i have a dressing room app also how have you got into my house you've been stood here on the dock all the time okay right we've acquired a fish which is unexpected squids the boat is ready i've checked it's all over and it should withstand the choppy waves the rest is in your hands crainer okay so is it gonna clear off wow a dangerous journey awaits me but i will get through the portal i'll try and get your boat there in one piece vayne thanks for trusting me adios amigos i'll message you from the other side later floppy floppy does look adorable look how floppy the fish i like floppy okay this is good um okay so you're gonna wander off i assume you're getting in the boat at some point uh yep oh there we go let's hope crainer beats this stormy sea during my whole life as a sailor i've never seen anything like it i mean i i'm not a sailor i think i've seen seas as equally as wavy as this before like yeah just at the seaside right there we go so he's driving the boat through is he gonna jump out is he gonna jump i thought he said he was gonna jump through the portal he's driven through the puddle by kraken's eyes cranium has done it what a sailor he literally drove in a straight line he didn't do anything dramatic he drove in a straight line oh drove piloted steered whatever you do with the boat made the boat go into line okay fine what a sailor uh this light means you've crossed the portal the ocean has become calm again your help has been crucial what an adventure you deserve a break youtube city is safe again and there we go beautiful do you think crainer will upload a video of what happened will i be in here will i let handsome will i be asked to captain a galleon after this i don't know don't know i have to practice my speech the crew see you soon squid okay cheerio oh it's reloading the whole thing oh there we go it's reloaded at all right so there we go side quest done ah we get some reaction to this okay you let out a boat time thing okay right so crainer must be some sort of very boat-heavy youtuber or something i don't really know uh okay right well it's quite late in the day so let's make it home and let's go to bed okay so we're at home and chappie did say that we had something in our dressing room app or whatever didn't he okay so dressing room okay what have we got in here he did say there will be a surprise in the dressing room app what exactly we what are we talking about here what surprise any clues any hints at all it does not seem so oh look at that we can we can dress like crainer if we would like to i quite like our original appearance although thank you crainer that's very nice is that it just your just your kind of hoodie top thing yeah that's all you left behind okay i mean it's lovely and thank you very much but uh but no i like our appearance right now i think we'll stay like this we look very lovely oh there we go crane has left a message saying thank you and there you go epic journey look after the fish oh hang on yes the fish hang on possibly should uh possibly should get the fish out of the backpack shouldn't i um okay let's place this somewhere can it go can it go on there surely it can go on there no it can't go on that thing uh okay right the fish is just gonna have to sort of go in there for now and that's gonna be fine okay there you go right we have a fish on the floor by a table at some point and now it's very very late so let's go to bed and there we go look there's there's floppy the fish just sort of swimming about the place you haven't posted any videos today no absolutely i was distracted by doing a gajillion other things like multiple fetch quests um i mean yeah okay so i do find it a bit weird that nobody sort of you have to put a video out to gain subscribers it's like there is a bad catalog people will find the old videos will they not but okay so it doesn't seem to work like that so we're 67th which is pretty good going i'm quite happy with that our house value is almost at the next level i don't know what we get for that i might just buy something and chuck it into the house just to get it over that limit and again 3579 subscribers with that goal of 10 000 that we need in probably not that many days now so i think next time what we're going to do is we're just going to concentrate on just churning out videos we'll churn out videos we might buy the new console and just make lots and lots of gaming content to try and get those subscriber numbers up because we don't want to miss out on getting our hands on the lovely exciting new mantendo console at the conference thing so that's what we will do next time out all the other quests and stuff they're just gonna have to wait and be patient whilst we go and just make lots and lots of gaming videos but you know kind of in my head is what this game is sort of all about really so there we go that's what we will do next time out we will finish up now for the moment however hopefully you are still enjoying this if you are please do leave a like that would be most marvelous indeed and also if you're not already then please do subscribe to keep up to date with how we get on here next time out in youtubers life too but for now thank you very much for joining me in the geek cupboard and i will see you next time the city of cupboard it can be full of geeks very loyal geeks to me it's this sort of stripey hill that's interesting oh stripy mountain sorry i downgraded you to a hill just really irritate the norwegians everyone had gold people were lying on beds of gold they were eating gold they were trying to wash their hair with gold there was gold literally everywhere in our empire
Channel: The Geek Cupboard
Views: 2,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek cupboard, the geek cupboard, british lets play, youtubers life 2, youtubers life, youtubers life 2 game, youtubers life 2 gameplay, youtubers life 2 lets play, youtubers life 2 playthrough, youtubers life 2 steam, youtubers life 2 pc, youtubers life 2 full, youtuber game, game where you become a youtuber, newtube city, youtuber's life 2, youtuber's life 2 game, youtuber's life 2 gameplay
Id: fW_xgSHE3VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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