How to Save a TON in Postage on EDDM Mailings | Two-minute Tuesday Tutorial

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uh happy tuesday it is our our tuesday two minute tutorials and it's where i try to teach you something pretty useful in in roughly two minutes today i'm going to show you how to save a ton of money seriously a ton of money on eddm [Music] mailings you are doing eddm mailings right if you're a business owner you should be doing edm mailings where you send a postcard a big postcard to whole neighborhoods you don't have to have a list or anything you don't have to compile this you just you send it to neighborhoods that you like it's all carrier route and it's really cheap and postage if you're a professional marketer you should be showing your clients and business owners around town how to get their offers and coupons and sales and promotions or whatever they got going on to the the local neighborhoods that would like to know about them it's nice when you run a sale and instantly all the neighborhoods you want know about it instantly like that because it's hard to do those things digitally and it gets really expensive with the seo and stuff and the tv commercials stuff why not just send a big postcard right to people's homes so they can clip the coupon out or know about the big sale you're running if you've been doing eddm at any time you're gonna love this i don't know why i haven't talked about more of this before i think because i've been trying to not complicate these things but sometimes a little bit of complexity can save you quite a bit of money if you're going to send more than 9 000 postcards in a year you will save money and every postcard you signed after that not 9 000 mailings just 9 000 posts if you're doing a 10 000 piece campaign you will need to use this information if you're gonna do 10 000 pieces 10 times a year you're going to save so much money because you can save almost three cents in postage by just getting a mailing permit mailing permits can sometimes seem a little bit scary but they're not if this is something that interests you if you'd like to save 2.7 cents currently per piece every time you do a mailing so if you're doing 10 000 pieces if you'd like to spend 270 less in postage every time let me know in the comments and i'll make a whole guide i'll make a guy may even make it for free i'll make a guide a pdf guide or a walkthrough if enough people are interested and i'll and i'll give it to you on how to do this but the basics are that you get you go to your local post office and you tell them you want uh the application to get a mailing permit it's a certain form number i don't know it offhand they know it every post office i i think every post office if not the one right near you one very close will ha will allow you to get a permit in their office it's it's currently 245 a year you pay 245 then you have it for a whole year and you pay another 245 to renew it and that allows you to process marketing they call it marketing mail it it lets you put your little postage thing on there that says your your permit number on it with that imprint you can now process your edm mailings at at currently 16.4 cents in postage this changes every year it generally goes up sometimes just a tenth of a percent it doesn't move much but it's currently into in 2021 16.4 cents where as if you're doing normally ddm it's 19.1 so it's three cents it's almost three cents cheaper it's 2.7 cents cheaper with that permit you can send any amount you want you can send out 50 000 of these you're not limited to the 5 000 per day rule that you are with normal eddm now there is a certain process that you have to do for them to stamp and approve the mailings and stuff but it's super easy well worth it every single mailing you do you'll save money you'll pay for the permit in within your first mailing most likely and if that interests you i will make a free tutorial that you can pick up just let me know in the comments below and hit that subscribe button i will see you tomorrow
Channel: High Response Marketing
Views: 593
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: every door direct mail tutorial, eddm mailing tutorial, eddm permit mailing, postcard permit mailing, every door direct mail postage, eddm mailing postcard tips
Id: YqguXqHsQ5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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