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what's going on everybody we're gonna teach you how to saddle up Western and English first part is the saddle bed you want to make sure that you get it even with their spine and then you also want to make sure that you have it high enough on them so that when the girl comes down it's riding in line right behind the shoulder [Music] next you got the saddle you want to make sure that you throw it all the way up over them make sure you can clear that stirrup [Music] you want to get it centered up usually you can look at the back of the saddle line it up with a saddle pad and then line it up with their spine I'd give it a lift right here in the front on this particular horse I usually just walk everything around I usually don't like to throw it over even on a on a really broad for sometimes it can startle em just want to make sure that everything kind of ready to go for you to cinch it up on the other side make sure you stir up the other way right next you can take here go right up underneath your horse pull it up just so I usually like to run it through two times the first time and then once they kind of breathe for a second I'll go ahead and do it a third time you just want to get it snug so that if all blue duct runs off it's not going to twist on it pull it around I go through this top ring that kind of holds it up over his shoulders and then the second one go through your cinch and as you can see the cinch is in a perfect line right down behind the shoulder it's up here for now and then you're back I'm being a little careless but if you got one that's a little bit you may want to take the time to be a little bit so that's how you do it [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Barrett Houser
Views: 95,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barn life, barn tour, barn vlog, colt breaking, cowboy, dale brisby, equine, fail, fallon taylor, horse, horse fails, horse life, horse riding, horse training, horse video, horseback riding, horses, how to, reed flake, riding, rodeo, rodeo time, rodeo video, roping, roping steers, team roper, team roping, team roping videos, texas ranches, trevor brazile, vlog, how to saddle a horse, saddling a horse western, saddling a horse western style, saddling a horse english
Id: EC1vG6tlA6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 16sec (196 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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