How to Put a Bridle On a Horse (English)

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hey guys today I wanted to show you how to put an English bridle on a horse and before we get started make sure you like this video and subscribe to our channel for more weekly horse videos [Music] the first thing you're going to want to do before you even put the bottle on the horse is just to make sure that all the straps are nice and straight and not nothing's twisted so the first thing is your bit you want to make sure that the curve you see there's a slight curve here it's facing towards the ground or to the outside and then that way it sits in the horse's mouth correctly and then I'm going to want to make sure that the nose band is all straight I like to pull it out before I put it on the horse just so it doesn't get in the way I'm gonna make sure that my cheek straps are all straight nothing's twisted my brow bands all good alright let's go put it on a horse the first thing I'm gonna do now that I have Tucker is to put the reins of the Ryle around his neck and this is just so if he starts to walk off I have a way to control him because I'm gonna take his hold her off so I always put the reins over their head before I take the bridle off and this is just so either way I have something I can hold on to so once I have the reins over his head I'll take his brought her halter off and it's important not to just drop the halter on the ground just in case they were to step into it they don't you don't want him to freak out and you don't want to like put it on your arm and have straps hanging down cuz you could get stucked and tangled and dragged off so for now we'll just put it in this arm okay now that I have Tucker's halter off there's a few different ways you can put on the bridle it really just depends on having your horses some horses like to throw their heads up when you put on the bridle so there's a specific way you can deal with those horses but if your horse is pretty good something you can do is just take your right hand arm and you're going to just put it under the throat right here and so your bridle can go in this hand with your left hand you can hold your bit and you can just put it on like that if you have a horse that likes to throw their head up when you put the bridle on one way that you can try to put the bridle on is by sticking your right hand in between their ears and you can use this hand to kind of apply pressure on top of their head and ask them to keep it lowered I'll put the top of your right on your right hand take the bit with the left hand and I'm applying pressure so it's keeping his head down there you go so when you go to put the bridle on your horse one thing you're gonna have to do is to get the bit into their mouth and this can be hard if you don't actually know how to do this so you may just think when you go to put your brighter line you're just going to push the middle piece against their teeth and they'll open up that's not right that actually is really uncomfortable for the horses imagine if you hadn't metal pressed against your teeth so what you're gonna do is you're actually gonna stick your finger into the horse's mouth and we're going your thumb to ask them to open it so the horse has teeth here and here so right here there's no teeth and this is where your thumb is gonna go all you're gonna do is take your thumb and see how it opens right away so I'm gonna do that with the bit in my hand I have my left hand on the bit I'm just gonna take my thumb stick it in there wiggle it red when you opens right up so once you have the bit in your horse's mouth the next thing you're gonna want to do is pull the bridle over the horse's ears so what I like to do is I like to take the ears and kind of push them forward so that they don't Bend weird and put that band over their ears and that way you know they're not in pain and bent back and all that stuff and then you don't pull therefore lock out that's just kind of for comfort and also just so it's not tucked up like that so once you have your bridle on your horse the next thing you're gonna want to do is tighten and check all your straps so start with the cheek strap the cheek strap is important because it kind of determines how tight the bits gonna be in the horse's mouth so if the cheek strap is too short the bits going to be drawn up too far and can cause discomfort and just apply pressure where it doesn't really need to be applied if it's too long the bit will hang too low in their mouth and they can put their tongue over the so you just wanted to be just right and a good indicator of a just right placement is for there to be one wrinkle at the edge of the horse's mouth okay the next thing you're gonna want to check is the nose band so the nose band goes around the horse's nose a good rule of thumb is that the nose band shouldn't be any further than an inch from the ring of the bit and you want your nose band to be loose enough so that you can feel like a finger through it okay into the throat latch here this is the throat latch it's just gonna go under the horse's throat and this needs to be long enough so that you can fit four fingers between the horse's jaw and your latch there okay so the brow band what you want to do you want to place it just slightly under the horses ears you don't want it so far up that it's going to pinch their ears and you don't want it so far down that it's kind of sitting uncomfortably on their head so you want it slightly under their ears and you want to be able to fit a hand through it like that alright and so once you've checked all those things then you know it's time to ride okay so maybe you have a horse that doesn't like to get as bright and put on and it sticks its head up way up in the air when you go to put it on one thing you can do is teach your horse to soften which is basically you're teaching them to drop their head whenever pressure is applied so how I like to do this I start with a halter I'll put one hand here and I'll put one hand at their pole and all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna slightly apply pressure towards the ground asking my horse asking my horse to move their head towards the ground and Tucker is really good at that's her practice there a lot and those green grass down there so I apply pressure up here and also to the bottom and he drops his head so once your horse is good with that something can do is then I go to the next step basically of getting them really sensitive and responsible responsive to this pressure so I'll start by putting a lead rope just around their neck now and I'll just apply downward pressure to the lead rope and got a stretch so I'll clear my pressure and he just drops his head and tries to eat by my pressure drops his head so once you're at that point then you can go and put your bridle on you can put your reins or your lead rope up here so that way you have this to apply pressure and also like I mentioned earlier about putting your right hand over their ears you can apply pressure that way I hope you found this video helpful don't forget to subscribe to our channel and like this video for more weekly horse videos [Music]
Channel: Equine Helper
Views: 82,320
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Keywords: How to Put a Bridle On a Horse English
Id: Gxe7A8cG4YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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