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hello everybody and welcome back to the channel my name is Ben parks at 225 marathon and today it's my mission to help improve your Cadence to help you become faster more efficient and overall less injury prone right let's get stuck into this let's get this video done [Music] check out my website for the latest and greatest training plans thousands of five star reviews from all sorts of Runners around the world that have hit amazing times and also the best running hats in the business and the best gear to help you out with your running feel free to use code YouTube for 10 off your order right back to the video it's great to have you back for another video guys and as always feel free to move your mouse around down below to look at the various sections we'll stick this time stamps up on the screen here so today we're obviously going to be chatting about Cadence and ways we can improve it and the good news with all of this is if you do have a particularly low cane it's maybe around 150 160. there's lots of tips and tricks you can put in place to raise that up become a faster runner and most importantly cover the ground more efficiently [Music] so let's start out chatting about what is Cadence and how we go about measuring it well Cadence quite simply is the number of steps we take per minute as we are going about our run in terms of the best ways to measure it well most modern GPS watches now we'll measure this for you as you go they have the accelerometers built inside them to know every single stride you're taking and when you finish your run it will give you that data if you do have a slightly older watch that doesn't have this you can get the chest strap to the Garmin HRM run the Wahoo techra as well have this built in to monitor how much your body is going up and down and it knows your stride rate so you can get one of those pair it up and again you'll get that data at the end of your run alternatively if you're not a tech person like we are here on the channel you can quite simply monitor this yourself count as you go along most people will count how much they're right or their left foot whichever you favor hits the ground during a 30 second period and then times that number you get by four and that will give you your Cadence so why is Cadence so important well Runners that do have a low cabinets are at risk and they're more than likely to be over striding Landing with each stride with that foot too far out in front of them they're going to be landing on their heel causing a bit of a breaking force with a bit too much load coming up through their body so if you're someone around about that 150 160 Cadence Mark increasing your Cadence up around that 170 180 190 Mark is more than likely to lead to your foot Landing much more underneath your center of mass with a tripod Landing helping your body to absorb that impact much better there's been various studies done we'll link to one down below to show that this reduced Strain coming up through our body will reduce that injury risk if you're interested in learning more go and check out that article so you may have heard this magic number of about 180 steps a minute coined by Jack Daniels and at the studies that he had done into running for most people or for all people in fact they're going to have a range now for me me when I go out on my easy runs it's around about that 180 steps a minute if I'm doing my marathon pace work in a marathon goes up to about 185 if I'm running like a 5k flat out it's gonna be about 190 192 something like that so all I say is everyone's going to have a range now if you're around 150 160 that really is a little bit too low for most people you want to be getting in this nice 170 to 190 Mark that's a sort of sweet spot that everyone should be aiming for so this is the part of the video you all want to know all about how we're going to go about increasing our Cadence getting up into that nice 170 to 190 range well the first thing I'll say is go and get yourself a metronome now most Garmin watches I'm not sure about other brands we'll put that up on the screen have a metronome app built into it you can get it to tick along at that Mark that you're aiming for in time with your running you can also get apps for your phone you can just listen on your headphones as you go along as well again running perfectly at the right Cadence that you're saving it for you can also get some music tracks on Spotify there's some playlists that are set to exactly 180 beats a minute and you can just run it nicely at that beat it's really important to note here don't just jump from 160 and then try and be running at 180. you're going to be using some slightly different muscles Landing in a different way you don't want to overload your body so just jump up by about five what should we say if you're running about 160 do 165 for maybe two or three weeks and then up to 170 for two or three weeks after that would also say dedicate just set periods of your run to this if you're going out for a 30 minute run 40 minute run it's going to get very boring just listening to your watch clicking away or things in your headphones you want to be out enjoying a run at the end of the day so maybe just do a little five minute block and then you can check in every now and then to see how you're going well a lot of people want to focus on in this stage is reducing your stride length slightly rather than trying to run way way faster so you want to just really focus on that foot Landing nicely under your center of mass as you go along that's the best thing to visualize having your head as you're moving across the ground another couple of things you can do is things like stride it's really good to add in at the end of your run again running at that super fast all-out rate about 95 effort for just about 10 15 up to 20 seconds turning your legs over really nice like that is going to naturally increase your Cadence and then on top of that you can also do some downhill reps if you've just got a very slight decline somewhere near where you live it can be good not to run all out down that but just run down at a nice steady rate again your Cadence will be going up naturally it's just about retraining your brain retraining your body but that's how we now like to land and then finally as I said earlier on adding this data field to your watch if you have it we'll show you some footage of me using it on the screen now can be really good again just to monitor as you're going along that live feedback so you know what it feels like as you go and in summary this is going to take a few months to do you can't just go out and suddenly be running a much higher conus if you went from up 20 beats a minute it is just going to cause you a lot of issues as we said earlier do it gradually as I did when I first started running I went to everywhere at 160 up to that nice 180 mark and it took me a couple of months to do but it can be done stick to it and you'll be covering the ground a lot better so after a few weeks of working on your cane it's hopefully bringing those numbers up nicely you should feel a lot more confident out there covering the ground a little bit better and hopefully a little less injury prone as always let us know how you're getting on but once you're really happy with those Cayman numbers it's then time to start working on your stride length again bringing it back up for some of us just working on increasing that making a little bit longer Cadence multiplied by our stride length the amount of distance we're covering with every stride gives us our speed and the more we can increase them both will mean we're covering a lot more ground running a little bit faster and chasing down those PR so that will be the subject of our next video increasing stride length I'm already working on that now when this video hits a thousand likes then we'll put it out there so smash that like button down below we'll be great to get that out there as soon as possible we'll link to it down below and at the end of this video once it's out there as well for now why not sit back go so much one of my latest race videos that will be coming up soon thanks very much guys we see you in the next one
Channel: Ben Parkes
Views: 406,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eacl52qzr4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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