How Much Can You Improve Your 5K Time in 30 Days?

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we've gathered 20 Runners and one of them will walk away with a thousand pounds how well we've teamed up with the running coaching app Runner to answer the question how much faster can you get in 30 days and the best part is these Runners have no idea yet we've got 20 Runners who have no idea what they're doing all we've asked them to do is run a flat out 5K they're going to start off now beautiful weather for it three two one guys you got it remember first lap should be your slowest stable stable because we have no idea who is winning like it's all based on their facial expressions they are doing so so well the weather is against them it's just started raining again so what I'm doing is counting all of their laps for them which I thought was a really nice thing to do turns out it's actually really stressful the conditions today was absolutely brutal my body's a little bit worn down from marathon training so all of these factors kind of played into it and I wasn't actually expecting to run a 5k today so [Applause] [Music] I'm so sorry the weather is so bad [Music] yeah 1920. before covert and all the lockdowns I was really regular Runner my usual 5Ks would be around 27 and a half minutes my routine got disrupted and I like lost all the habits and I'm just trying to go back to it and I think I finally just rewrote 30 minutes not rather than trapped since school dreaded it then come to running late first time on the track go peebies 33 23. [Applause] with the 5K done there were five Runners who stood out to us as having potential to get much quicker across 5K they were Steve ties Dylan David and Charlotte now we're giving you 30 days to do better with the help of Runner we are going to give you 30 days worth of coaching to help you improve on your 5K time then we're going to invite you all back and the person who improves the most based off their time that they've run today will win 1 000 pounds okay well I think today I ran just under 29 minutes I can definitely do better than that I would like to do a 27 for the training I'm very excited to use the output as I want to know how can I improve I just did a temper run a bit frustrating again because I know I can run faster I guess the weight of training is getting to me at this point because I've had the intensity quite a bit I'd like I've always wanted to do the 30 minute 5K I think um that would be awesome if I could get there that'd be pretty amazing so I've just finished the first week of the runner training plan and I'm feeling pretty good about the plan at the moment the sessions have all been enjoyables so far so I'm looking forward as to what's to come next uh hopefully by the end of the challenge I'll be able to knock about 30 seconds or so off of my previous time I mean my sister's been raging about it um she keeps telling me to get on it so I'm very excited to have the opportunity to use it 1830 would be good it's 1830 would be nice but it would see so I'm about to start my second run of week two tempo run I've run last week the most about 16k a week I'd like to go back to my old standard of 27 30 maybe Beyond who knows I hardly ever do interval sessions so I'm hoping that that's the key bit that's really missing from my current workouts my second run of the week plan for today is AK run it's my long run of the week [Music] you're really enjoying the fact that the sessions are all planned for me so I haven't had to think about what I'm gonna do each time I want to go out for a run and it's also been really motivating to be able to take off those sessions um after doing them on the app [Music] week two complete three distant steps up out of my comfort zone but I'm loving it so I'm now in the third week of training I've been really busy so I haven't run as much as I would have wanted to or was on my training plan but I have been able to move the runs around on the training plan to better fit my schedule so I've still been able to get a few in um so hopefully I'll still be able to see some improvement I'm here at my local park right and in Richmond coincidentally it is part of my plan on a Saturday to do a 5k did some drills this week felt really tough uh I'm confident I'll be better than 28 minutes so I usually do see if I don't get it now quite happy with how I could keep the pace going at Paces I'd never run before so yeah enjoying it so today is four sets of 800 repeats with 90 second rest supposed to be my long run of the week um I believe it's like 6K I need to play a little bit with the app because it gives me some drills on Friday but we all know what's happening on a Friday let's see how I'm going to rearrange that to be able to be ready the challenge obviously within a week left before the challenge and today's long run is the world this weekend so everyone is actually just going to be in eight kilometers easy recovery runs 300 meter run 100 meter off continuous session for 25 minutes really really hard but looks real good hopefully I've done enough to see some improvement in time as I've missed a few of the sessions uh over the four weeks I'm looking forward to being able to continue using the app and hopefully see some further improvements in my 5K time even if I don't get them in our final challenge this week 30 days ago we asked five Runners to start using the runner app to see how much they could improve over 5K to win a thousand pounds Whoever has the biggest percentage Improvement wins let's find out who does what's your prediction right now oh no idea I mean it depends on my hit but I would like a sub 18. I'd like around 30. I don't think we'll get there maybe somewhere in between 30 and 32. Ben was subbing you in no no um somewhere in the 23s somewhere around 27. I'm going to shave a couple of minutes to 28. who's confident that they can win they're all too nice they're all too nice okay starting in three two one go go go best of luck so what's the prediction then do you think um I've gone with David yeah he seemed to have the biggest ambitious goal I have been surprised with what I've been able to do I think my progression was faster with this than it would have otherwise been what's most surprised me is the pacing I'm really bad at pissing I just want to go fast I think go back to my old speeds as part of it um but Runners really kept me going at uh slower Paces just to make sure that I do get the distances and I don't tie myself out too much I reckon Dylan could could pull it out the back really I think he's so competitive that I reckon but his strategy is terrible five kids actually never been my goal I've never ran a time trial 5K so like I've run the first K pretty way too fast no doubt and then try and hang on for dear life um towards the end of it trying to keep the adrenaline going for anyone watching this your strategy over 5K should not be go out hard and then cling on it becomes the most marginal gains better you become I think he's got it got it up against himself from that perspective running is my passion I can say that before I started using Runner I had a different idea what it was going to be and I'm really surprised how he actually worked for me I just but who I am and what I want to do ending up just tells me what the plan is and gives me all the dates that I need to work out when the days I need to rest for me it's great because it just tells me what to do and I just do it like a obedient child my tactic for today I think is to not start out too fast and maybe try and go for negative splits yeah it's been really nice to have something to tell me what to do when I've got so much else going on great job well done really nice still able to smile it might be a grimace so what do you think for the average Runner who's looking to improve their 5K time how much improvement could you see over a 30-day period let's say around the 30 minute Mark if they really commit themselves to training they can take Jim over a minute down in in 30 days if they do everything right if 30 days is enough to see some benefit yeah then that will give you enough of an oomph to then keep that going uh so before this I've never really run much further than 5K it's really made me realize that I've got a bit more in the tank a bit more to give and I can probably go a bit faster getting under six and a half minutes has been something I've been able to achieve and I've never thought I'd be able to do that I do low 18s low 18s that puts them in very good step probably yeah probably 18 20. that shows what a bit of a training plan can do for you he's in his last 200 meters 1814 1814. [Laughter] well done Dylan that's incredible mate how you doing so what did you get last time 1919 what did you get this time 1813 wow that is it that is a minute over a minute this is this is what a minute PB looks like it's type 2 fun that's one done how are the other four gonna do think of the thousand pounds it's definitely sped up she sped up she's speeding up it's that last 200 meters coach Charlotte dig deep looking fantastic [Music] 23.35 Strong finish where did it start to really really hurt um like that too one more to go you can do it you can do it get that speed up get that speed up so David at 29 59 last time he's at 2812 now he's probably going to improve by about a minute 10 seconds of my guess so good 28.36 very impressive he did he did it minute 23. all the way over come on 29 24. [Music] how was that really hard sometimes with running there are days where it comes so naturally in days where it feels awful was that an awful today was an awful okay right last song to come in Steve is coming in last time Steve Ran 33-23 So this is a huge birthday TV ready come on he's happy he's happy he's like the best birthday run you've ever done for a 47 year old exactly it shows no matter what birthday you're celebrating there is still room for improvement next year we'll do the same thing but with marathons yeah might be busy so we're going to start off by doing this in reverse order sorry just take you away a little bit longer to find out so you've all done brilliantly I'm going to start off with taste you had a hard run but you still ran within 30 seconds of what you ran last time which for a bad day is incredible Charlotte you ran 20 seconds quicker than last time there's only one percent between the top three of you in third place with 4.8 and an 83 second Improvement is David and then there were two now this one got really close so close that we had to work it out multiple times I say we Ben math is not my strong boy you both improved by over 60 seconds dealing you improved by 65 seconds Steve you improved by 105 seconds but we all know that it's not just the second Improvement that makes the difference so in second place with a 5.53 Improvement was Steve which means that Dylan you are walking away with a 5.94 Improvement you ran 1814 in your first place the thousand pounds is yours that's it if you want to have the same feeling of getting a new PB or just being a little bit more dedicated with your running or having the guesswork taken out of what to do with training every single day then head to the link in the description where we've got a special code which allows you access to the runner app give it a go and let us know how you get on in the comments and if you want to watch another great running Channel video to get you motivated then click right here
Channel: The Running Channel
Views: 498,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to run, running, running tips, training for beginners, how to start running, running training, training advice, 5k run, couch to 5k, fitness, running challenge, personal best, best running watch, parkrun, how to run faster, best running videos, 5km training, running advice, track running, how to get faster, head to head race, running race, how to run further, the running channel, runner, runna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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