How to run Java in Visual Studio Code on Windows 10/11 [ 2024 Update ] JDK installation

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hello everyone I welcome you to my Channel today  in this video I'm going to show you how to use   Visual Studio code for Java programming so if you  want to be a Java developer then Visual Studio is   a very good you know platform where you can you  know code you can debug you can create any Java   projects so in this video I'm going to show  you in detail how to use Visual Studio code   for Java so for that first you need to go to your  favorite browser and need to just simply search   visual Studio code for Java and hit enter and  this will show you this Java in Visual Studio   code so if you just simply open that you'll get a  complete you know tutorial and complete guidance   on how to use Java so this is you know uh they  have a very good documentation so this is all   about that so I in this video I'm going to you  know talk about it so you can watch this video   itself and if you need more information you can  always refer to this article so from here what   I'm going to do is I'm going to you know click on  this install the coding pack for Java so it going   to start downloading our file so this file will  get downloaded so once it get download what we   are going to do is we are going to just simply  click on this XE over here so if you are using   Windows 11 you might see this type of popup that  the app that you are trying to install isn't uh a   Microsoft verified app which is totally fine just  you know simply click on install anywhere okay and   you can minimize your browser and here you can see  this installed coding pack for Java installation   visard is rightly open so this license agreement  is already checked all you need to do is you need   to just simp click on next over here and it going  to start you know configuring the component so   it will need a couple of software one is Java  development kit so it going to install jdk okay   and here the text editor that we are going to use  is Visual Studio code Okay so everything is fine   click on install and it going to start installing  our jdk so the thing is you need to have active   internet connection as you can see it is fing all  the files from internet and it going to install it   locally on your system so to have active internet  connection right throughout this installation   can see our jdk is downloaded and it is you know  preparing to install and you can see that our jdk   is installed properly but here here it is telling  that it's failed to download Visual Studio code   so this is you know a common bug you can say I  have also observed this so what you can do is you   can install manually so that button is also they  have provided so just simply click on this button   and it going to redirect to the visual studio  official site so here you can see it is rightly   redirected so from here you need to click on this  download button and it going to download our ID so   our Java is installed Java jdk only the ID part  is is they are the software is actually failing   for some reason which is fine we can install it  manually also no big deal so here you can see   we have successfully downloaded our Visual Studio  code so you need to just simply click on that exe   and again this popup came so you need to just simp  click on install anyway and you can minimize our   browser just simply accept this license agreement  click on next click on next click on next and know   check this check box click on next and click on  install and it going to install it okay and this   you can close now okay so let this get finished  I'll be again back to this video so welcome back   and now then clearly see that our Visual Studio is  right to install desktop shortcut is also created   so you can just simply you know enable this uh  launch Visual Studio code click on finish and it   going to open our visual studio and you can see  that our Visual Studio is rightly opened over   here so now that you know that our both Java jtk  is installed along with Visual Studio code it's   time to quote first okay so for that what you need  to do is you need to click on this Explorer and   click on open folder and let's create a folder  in our document directory I'll name this folder   as javore practice and I'm going to select this  folder and you'll be able to see that our folder   is directly opened over here yes I trust trust  the authors right so our folder is rightly open   let's create a new file so click on this and just  simply give a new file name that like hello. Java   and hit enter and you'll be able to see that it is  rightly open and here also you can see a popup is   coming that whether do uh you like to install this  extension pack for Java so it is highly recommend   to install this so that is what I'm going to also  show you can go to this extension and you need to   just simply search over here Java so once you  search that you'll be able to see this you know   extension pack for Java so it is highly recommend  to install this I'll click on this install button   and it going to install all these plugins so it  includes debugger for Java test runner for Java   so it's going to you know create a beautiful run  button right over here right then project manager   for Java then Ma for Java along with that it also  going to install this language support for Java   by red hat right so let's wait for a couple of  minute so we'll come back once again so now you   can see that all our plugins are already install  you can see everything is installed now so you   can just simply close this and you can go back  to our Java project that we have created the   Java practice folder and uh hello Java file that  we have created so here you can just simply type   class and immediately you can see one template  over here coming right so all you need to do   is you need to just simply hit enter once you hit  enter you can see automatically that template came   like public plus hello now the next thing that we  need to do is we need to create a public static   void man so again as soon as you type you can see  the template coming so you need to you know go to   click on that uh press that down key and again  hit enter immediately you can see you know it is   rightly created our main method so now we'll just  simply type system.out.print again we'll use int   intellisense and we'll just simply print over here  hello world right and as I have told uh once you   have all plugin installed you'll you'll be able  to see this run button so you need to click on   this run button and need going to start compiling  our Java so this if this popup come you need to   just simply click on allow this is just a Windows  security thing you need to give allow right and   here you can see the output coming hello world so  in this way you can easily use Visual Studio code   for you know writing your Java code snippet so  I have shown you about the extensions and also I   have shown you how you can easily run it by just  simply clicking off a button right so in my next   video I'm going to talk about how you can easily  debug any Java program so sometimes what happens   is a program could be quite huge like it could  have been like thousands of lines of code so it   is very difficult to you know maintain that sort  of code or to debug or to find any errors or let's   say you want to introduce any new functionality  over there so that time it is very important to   debug the code right so if you use Visual Studio  code this Visual Studio code will give you that   uh that functionality to debug you can see this  uh uh link is also coming over here right so in   my next video I'm going to talk about how we can  div you know Java program so for that you need   to subscribe your channel you need to hit like  button if you are liking this video then you need   to comment in our comment SS that really helps me  to motivate and make more such videos also started   geeky syntax channel so if you're interested you  can always subscribe this channel so here I I   post you know coding related videos so coding  and programming so if you're interested I'll   highly recommend you to subscribe this channel  I have just newly started once I get significant   amount of subscriber I'll going to regularly post  coding related videos over here so please do you   know subscribe this channel as well if you're  interested and I have also started a vlogging   channel so recently I was in Kashmir so I just  posted one beautiful video about Dal so again if   you are interested you can also you know subscribe  our geek is blogging channel right so yeah thank   you very much for watching this video please  do like share and subscribe that will really   help me to make more such videos so thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 7,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visual studio code, vs code, visual studio code tutorial, visual studio code extensions, visual studio, vscode, visual studio code java, run java vscode windows 10, how to run java in visual studio code on windows 10, how to run java in vscode, run java on windows 10, visual studio code java windows 10, how to run java in visual studio code, java in vscode, vs code java, java in visual studio code, vscode java, visual studio java, java vscode, run java in visual studio code
Id: 8NMAM9_33AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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