Install and Use Visual Studio Code on Windows 10 (VS Code)

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hey guys in this video I'm going to show you how you can download and install Visual Studio code on your Windows 10 operating system so let's get started so to start with just open your favorite browser and search for Visual Studio code and the first link which will appear here will be from code dot visual studio comm so we are going to click on this link and once this website is open straight away you will be able to see this green download button for Windows so we are going to just click on this green button which is going to download this executable file and this executable file is around 50 megabytes so I'm going to wait for the download to complete so now this executable file is downloaded so I'm going to just click on this file and minimize the browser and first of all I'm going to click on this Run button and then I'm going to just agree with the license terms and conditions and click on Next button and this will be the location where Visual Studio code will be installed on your operating system so if you don't have the good reason to change it just click on the next button now on the next window if you don't want to create the Start menu folder then you can just check this check box but I'm going to just leave it unchecked and then click on next and here are some options which you can choose so if you want to create the desktop I can just click this option and then there are some other options also which I'm going to just check all the options and then I'm going to click on the next button and then click on the install button now Visual Studio code will take few seconds to install so I will wait for the installation to complete and now as you can see the Visual Studio code setup has been finished and if you want to launch Visual Studio code after its installed you can just leave this check box checked and then click on finish which is going to launch Visual Studio code and also you can see this Visual Studio I can on the desktop also so you can just click on this icon any and then open your Visual Studio code so you can see Visual Studio code is now open now as you can see here on the left hand side of this editor you have some icons so this I can the first icon is called Explorer and when you click on the Explorer it's going to open this kind of menu here where you can open your folders or files or anything so here visual studio code works with the folders you don't have projects but the folders because it's normally editor so if you want to open any folder you can just click on open the folder and then open the folder which you want to open so let's say I want to create a new folder here and let's say this folder will be named as work and then I'm going to just open this work folder using Visual Studio code and you can see it's easily opened using the visual studio code if you want to create a new file you can just click on this option or on the file option and then click on the new file option now if you want to search into your files then you can use this search button also so let me create a test file so test dot let's say we want to create a Python script so I'm going to just create a test dot py file and straightaway when you open any file which is related to some programming language and visual studio code is going to detect it you can see a python extension is recommended for this type so if you want to install the python extension then you can just click on the python extension and it's going to provide you the support for the python extension so I was talking about the sort so if you want to search in the file so for example I'm going to just write print HelloWorld then just press ctrl s to save your content so you can press ctrl F to find your stuff inside the current file so for example I just want to find out the print statements so just type print and you can see it's highlighted or if you want to search in the whole folder then you can click on this option and it's going to search for your keyword in the whole folder in which you are working in now the third option here is for the version control so if you want to use any version control for example get visual studio code has a very good integration with git so this button is for that now the next button is for debugging so let's say you want to debug your Python script you can click on this option and debug it and the next button here is for the extensions so here when you click on the extensions you can search for many extensions which are given by the visual studio community so you can see popular extensions are Python extension C++ yes lint so there are many extensions here also you can search your extensions from here so let's say you want to just search the extensions for Python so you can just search for Python and it's going to recommend you these extensions which you can use to develop your Python script if you want to search for Java just search for Java it's going to give you all the extensions related to Java so this is how you can use Visual Studio code now let me tell you one last thing before I end this video so for example you want to open your Visual Studio code using the command line so you can just right click on your windows icon and I'm going to open the command line and if you want to open your Visual Studio code using the command line you can just write code here and then Center and it's going to open visual studio code using the command line now if you want to open your Visual Studio code let's say this is our project right so I'm going to right click and I can see it in the Explorer which is the Windows Explorer which is at this place so I can just close it once again and then CD into this folder so CD and the path in which I want to go and once you are in that path from where you want to open your Visual Studio code you can also write code and then this dot which means to open your Visual Studio code in this directory in the current directory so once you provide this command this is also going to open the same folder which is the work folder in the Visual Studio code right so these are some small simple tricks and tips by which you can you know use Visual Studio code efficiently now the last tip I want to give here is using the terminal inside your Visual Studio code so you don't even need this Windows terminal from here you can just press control shift P so just press control shift P and then just right toggle integrated terminals and the first option here will be this option which says toggle integrated terminal so this is going to open the terminal in the current folder inside your Visual Studio code so let me maximize this here and you can see the terminal is open inside your Visual Studio code so for example I want to execute my Python script so I'm going to just say Python and then that test dot Python script and then press Enter which is going to execute the script and show me the result which is HelloWorld so how easy it is right so this is how you can use the terminal inside Visual Studio code so that's it for this video I hope you have enjoyed this video and I'm to see you in the next video
Channel: ProgrammingKnowledge
Views: 1,697,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vs code, visual studio code, Windows, install, Code, Windows 10, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Code on Windows 10, How to install Visual Studio Code, vscode, install Visual Studio Code, How to, Windows 8, Mac, Linux, VS Code
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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