How To Run A 5k In Under 25 Minutes

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breaking 25 minutes for a 5k is a great milestone it's challenging but doable for most so if you're hoping for a pv in your local park run or upcoming 5k event we're here with some tips on how you can go sub 25 for 5k [Music] now 5k race or event is a great distance to target really it's short enough that you could do one every week should you wish i mean maybe you already do with your local park run but also long enough that it's going to take some effort to complete and by time you've completed a few of these you're likely going to want to start hitting some sort of target and a nice round number such as 30 minutes 25 minutes or 20 minutes for 5k seems quite appealing yeah but for this video we'll assume that you could already run 30 minutes for 5k and that 20 minutes for 5k is a little out of reach 25 minutes is a nice round number and a great goal so how do you get there yeah well let's take a look at what 25 minutes for 5k looks like so that equates to 12 kilometers an hour or five minutes per kilometer or eight minutes per mile well actually 803 per mile but obviously we want to play it safe and go sub 25 right yeah it's a significant milestone though because somewhere between six minutes okay which is a 30 minute 5k and five minutes okay which is a 25 minute 5k most people would argue that you're changing from jogging to running we actually made a whole video about jogging versus running and you can decide where the difference is or where the threshold is but i don't think anyone would assume that under 25 minutes for 5k is jogging yeah and that is going to take some good training planning and obviously good execution and that's what makes it such a good challenge so let's discuss what it's going to take breaking 25 minutes is going to take some training if you've just been doing your weekly park run and hoping that your times are going to keep dropping i've got some bad news for you you're going to need to do some additional training unless you're young or very talented you're just not going to get to 25 minutes on a weekly park run we suggest three runs a week you can still do your weekly park run but then add two or three more runs during the week to get that fitness if you do two more runs that gives you a recovery day between each run if you have only been running 5k on the weekends don't suddenly do 5k every other day start these other runs at two or three kilometers and then you can build them up slowly until you're running a fair distance in each run now forgive us for making assumptions but we're going to hazard a guess that until now you have simply been running heading out the door and going for a run and there's nothing wrong with that but if you want to go faster you need to practice running faster now that doesn't mean you now start heading out doing every single run at a faster pace or the entire run at a faster pace what you actually want to be doing is short sections of that run at a faster pace with short recoveries between what we call intervals or interval training and that is a far more manageable way of getting your body used to running faster right you don't want your form to fall apart towards the end of your 5k you want to be able to run well all the way until the finish line and to do this you need to build the strength to cover the whole distance you can build this strength by doing strength work this can either be hill running or over distance work hill running as the name suggests is running up hills you can do this naturally by simply choosing a hilly route or you can run hill repeats that is fine in a hill and running up it and down it multiple times to build that strength when you're doing hill running you will be running quite slow it will feel really slow when you're running up hills but don't worry you will be building the strength you need to run fast on the flats over distance also as the name suggests is running further than the distance you will run on race day so running 8 or even 10ks as a long run will build that strength and endurance that you need to run that 5ks fast and hold your form all the way to the end [Music] now once you've built up your fitness and you're feeling ready to give that sub 25 minute 5k a crack there's a few things that you want to consider for the day and notice how i say the day because whilst you may be able to do a 5k every single weekend or part run every weekend it doesn't necessarily mean you should be trying to best yourself every weekend in fact we would say try and use a few weeks to prepare and then pick out a particular date where you really try and smash it and get that pb yeah and you want to pick a flat root for this pb because it may be tempting to choose a hilly root so that you can recover a little bit on the downhills but the truth is when running you actually lose more on the uphills than you gain on the downhills so a flat route is the fastest warm up with a short jog and then a few strides at all near race pace about 10 minutes before your event starts yeah possibly one of the most important things when going after a pb is our pacing we want to start at or as close to our target goal pace so for a sub 25 minute 5k we want to be targeting 455 to 457 per kilometer and we want to start at that pace and stay at that pace throughout one of the traps that many of us fall into myself included is starting out a bit fast because it feels good right and we think oh we're gonna get a bit of a buffer in the bag for the second half of the event in reality what often ends up happening is we end up tiring far more on that second half because we're so exhausted and end up losing far more time so far better tact is to go for an evenly paced race that's right how you pace yourself is up to you these days it's quite easy to use a gps watch that's going to give you live and accurate pacing but remember even with the gps watch there will be some fluctuations in your pace as you go in you can also use a heart rate monitor to set an upper limit make sure you don't start out too fast just setting up the limits and if your watch starts beeping at you you can ease right up also don't worry about other runners around you even if they've promised that they're also going for a sub 25 rather run your own race do it at your own pace and let other runners pull ahead or drop the drop behind depending on their race and you stick to your own race plan yeah we also have hydration and nutrition to consider as well now of course for a 5k and well we're going after a sub 25 minute 5k pretty speedy we're probably not going to need to consider nutrition and hydration too much unless of course it's a really warm day may want to consider taking on fluid on course we want to consider more actually our nutrition and hydration before the race so make sure we're not having too big a meal directly before the event and maybe having a slightly smaller breakfast on the day of the event in terms of hydration we actually want to be making sure that we're staying on top of hydration the days leading up to the event and then on the morning or the day of just topping up those levels rather than gugging down a massive bottle of water on the start line luck for your first attempt at going under 25 minutes for 5k we hope it goes well and you hit that barrier and hopefully soon you'll be clicking on our video on how to go sub 20 for 5k before i imagine that well do make sure you let us know how you get on in the comment section down below and don't forget to give this video a like and subscribe to the channel for that sub 20 minute 5k video
Channel: Global Triathlon Network
Views: 286,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5k, 5000, km, kilometers, meters, fast, faster, mins, structured, structure, training, jogging, running, sub 25 5k, GTN, Global Triathlon Network, triathlon, Triathlon (Sport), tri, ironman, Sports, swimbikerun, triathlon training, triathlon skills, iron man, tri bike, triathlete, swimming, cycling, skills, coaching, mark, threlfall, james, cunnamaᏞ, 4645, Ꮴ, Ꮽ, Ᏸ, ᠫ, К, ፕ17
Id: fYOKwPl269g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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