HOW TO RUN A FASTER 5K | With Jakob Ingebrigtsen

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hello my name is Jacobson professional Nike Runner and today we're here with core direct helping you run a faster 5K [Music] first up here's three training tips for you first consistency second is to have a program where it's planned from Monday to Sunday and third don't go too hard some important tips for today's day is to get enough sleep the last five days before your race that's important the second thing is uh eating you need to eat like something easy for your body to handle and the last thing is to conserve a lot of energy so you can have maximum output on your race warming up for a race is very important of course you need the body to be warm and ready to handle the fast space or just the the endurance for for a good race an important thing is don't go too hard you need it to be long enough for your body to get fully warm liver is running a little bit of stretching some exercises and some strides and it's also a good idea to get your heart rate raised for x amount of time so you're ready for your whole body is ready for the race my best advice for people standing on a start line ready for a race is calm yourself nerves is a very important factor you need to be nervous you need to be concentrated and focused um but it's also it can be a good thing to to know what to expect if you want to be a fast race or to set a PB it needed to be solar planned but it's also good to be open-minded going into a race that a lot of things can happen and it can be unpredictable after The Gunshot most important thing is to stay calm a lot of people is going to rush out and spend way too much energy try to conserve some get to your pace as quickly as possible stay calm for majority of the race so you can have a good last lap or a good finish [Music] I think the first three case of a 5k needs to be at a decent pace most important thing at this point is don't go too hard but again if you lose like 30 seconds or even 15 seconds the first three case it's difficult to to take that again in the last couple laps at the same time a negative split is a very good thing you need to have some energy for for your last case the last 1500 and you can you can all of a sudden take quite a big amount of seconds of uh of the average pace going into the finish of the race it's it depends a little bit what what type of race it is of course if it's a championship or just a local race where you want to win of course you need to conserve energy position yourself good stay behind maybe behind the others or just decide what the outcome of the race is but if you need a fast race then you don't have to think that much you just want to keep up the pace and spend your energy wisely so you can get 100 of the perfect time while racing it's important not to to stress you don't need to tend to be the tense in your your body and like stress you need to be relaxed but of course going into the the last lap or last 100s it's just getting as fast as you can to the finish line and that's can be difficult but practice is a good thing for me sometimes when I see the Finish Line I feel like of course you're building lactate acid and feels like you're slowing down but that's what comes with practice you need to keep your strike going keep the high Pace but if you use your energy wisely then it's going to be good but last hundreds it's it's all out [Music] when you finish your race get over the finish line of course you've done a massive PB and a great race but try not to delay on the ground it's it's not that exhausting but it's it tells something going into like the the next couple of races a little bit about the mentality try to stay on your feet after like a couple seconds it's gonna get better and of course you need to be ready for whatever if you're gonna be better than everybody else you need to act like you're better than everybody and then you don't need to lay on the ground uh breathing [Music] [Applause] so much for watching hope you got some good tips on running a faster 5K so like And subscribe and hopefully see you on the track [Music] thank you
Channel: Pro:Direct Running
Views: 315,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nDsFox7g0fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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