How to Rubber-Stamp a Cookie (The Basics)

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[Music] hi welcome to rubber-stamping I call rubber-stamping my ultimate cheater technique because it requires no artistic ability whatsoever just a rubber stamp and unint ink pad and some food coloring it's much like rubber stamping on paper except for these different tools so you want to make sure that you're using an edible and by that I mean food coloring I use the same food coloring that I use for all of my cookie decorating which is a liquid gel food coloring with a dropper top to get the food coloring actually on the cookie you can use many different mechanisms I prefer a foam pad but you want to make sure you buy it on inked meaning that has never seen anything but food coloring we've got a foam pad alternative you've got a felt pad alternative which pretty much looks the same especially on camera except it's much more stiff than the foam pad which means it's much less absorbent so I find that in using a felt pad I have two reinker a single stamp wears with a foam pad I can get a lot of uses out of it so while the felt pad will work it's typically not my choice and if you have neither pad or can't find them because you do have to find them online you can simply lot the food coloring on to the back of a stamp with a lot of paper towels but for today I'm going to be working with a foam pad you also have a bunch of different stamp options available to you ranging from what I call a beginner stamp such as this Thank You stamp which you see here on this cookie and it's a beginner stamp because there's relatively it's relatively small number one the lines are pretty discreet there's not a lot of ink coverage that's required on the stamp so that's a beginner stamp if you've been stamping for a while then you might progress to something that I'd call an advanced stamp such as this rose stamp and you'll see that it's much bigger than the thank-you stamp but also a lot more ink coverage and intricate detail so this is going to be harder to get an even imprint of so you might want to wait to try a stamp of this magnitude until you've tried a beginner stamp we're going to start with the beginner stamp and I'll show you how to work with this advanced stamp later a little to acknowledgement of these different types of stamps because this one looks really bulky this is actually a self-adhesive stamp that mounts to an acrylic block typically comes in a pad like this you cut it out then you peel off the backing and stick it onto the acrylic mount you can also use regular wood mounted stamps but I tend to prefer the acrylic mount stamps for a couple of reasons one you can take the stamp off it's much easier to clean both pieces when you're done at the end of the day because you do want to make sure you've used stamps that have not touched anything but food coloring and are properly sanitized before you work with them and the other advantage is it's got a grid on it and you can see through it so when you're ready to stamp the cookie it's much more easy to Center the stamp on the cookie having this grid and the ability to know where you're where you're located okay so as for stamping let me give you a basic indication of the process here's a nun ink pad looks clear and clean I've already inked this pad previously which is why it's brown but it was brown food coloring so I'm just going to use this pad again and it was used I don't know how long ago maybe a day or so ago so it might be a little bit dried out so I am going to re-ink it and if you were to just apply the food coloring to the stamp as it is you're going to get an over application of ink because there's a they're big blobs of food coloring on the pad and we don't want that so before I start I always blot off the excess coloring so its moist but it there no big pools of food coloring anywhere and I'm going to toss that that towel to the side and we'll start with a beginner stamp I just want to demonstrate that you can't stamp on a naked cookie whereas you can stencil on a cookie that's already it hasn't been iced not so with rubber stamping you can get a vague imprint but it's not crisp and sharp so you always need a top coated cookie to do this technique and most definitely a top coat that's thoroughly dried because you are applying pressure with a stamp if this is just if it's at all remotely wet underneath and you were to press on it you would break through the the icing so by thoroughly dry I usually let it dry overnight room temperature uncovered and that ensures that the icings dry all the way through because you will be applying a fair amount of pressure to the cookie as far as stamping goes the process though from here out is pretty much identical to stamping on paper you might want to try your stamp first on paper I do recommend that because some stamps take to food coloring a little less well than others I happen to know this one works well but certain types of stamps particularly those that are clear and self-adhesive tend to repel the food coloring and if they don't take to regular paper they're not going to take to the icing on your cookies so you might want to test it first I'm testing this stamp actually on a bit of wafer paper which we'll talk about in the next video it's an edible paper and it seems to work just perfectly so I'm ready to do it directly on the cookie so I'm inking the stamp again and I tend to do this between every application just to make sure it's it's uniformly inked and I'm also checking the bottom to make sure it glistens everywhere it's supposed to that indicates that there's ink everywhere it needs to be and then I want to get over the cookie you know I try to Center my body over in my eyes over it so I can make sure that it's centered on the cookie and just place the stamp down and apply pressure to all areas of the imprint or the pattern and more so particularly in the middle of the cookie and that's because the icing always dries with a little divot in the center and you want to make sure the middle of the cookie makes contact with that low point in the cookie and I'm pressing pretty darn hard I've only cracked a couple of cookies this way and in all of my experience of doing it and then just lift the stamp straight up that one with a little off centered but that had a lot to do with the fact that I was working with a wood mount stamp and it's a little hard to see through it but it's otherwise a perfect stamp now I've used a liquid gel food coloring which is concentrated and a little bit tacky so you don't want to be running your hands over it or and you would want to be running your hands over food anyway but take care not to swipe the surface because it will take a little while for that coloring to dry typically if you have an over ink to the stamp I find these dry and about a half an hour to an to an hour but that doesn't preclude you from adding other icing details on top even sooner and I might dress that out a little bit later now I'm going to move on and try to show you on this advance stamp and again it's basically the same technique but I must definitely want to test this one on paper just to get a hang for it before before I apply it to the actual cookie and I'm going to move some of these other cookies out of the way so basically I'm going to see how this rose does and again this is a self-adhesive type stamp you know take me a little longer to actually ink it because I've got to get coverage across the whole cookie I didn't read because it's still pretty darn moist and I might do that every oh I don't know five or seven stamps it just depends and how big the stamps are if you're uncertain at all about a stamp you can also stamp on a wafer paper and apply the wafer paper directly to the iced cookie and we'll talk about that the next video so if you've got a really complicated stamp and you're just not getting a uniform imprint on your cookie wafer paper is another way to shortcut it looks beautiful on paper so I'm going to go ahead and try it directly on the cookie and with a bigger stamp it's just there's just a greater risk of there not being an even imprint because if there's any bumpiness or waviness in the topcoat of your cookie it just makes less even contact there with the stamp but usually I compensate by just pushing a little bit harder particularly as I said in the middle so I'm going to use this grid to help me Center this to some extent so I've got the center line of the grid actually through the center of the cookie and now I'm just making sure I press every area that I might have to particularly more in the middle and then I don't know if I mentioned this on the earlier stamp but you don't want to move the stamp rocket side by side or you'll get a blurry stamp and now I just want to lift up directly now you'll notice and I'm glad I made this mistake I didn't push hard enough in this area so I missed I didn't get an imprint right there in the rose and that's that's not a big deal you could leave it that way but if you want to fill it in there is a way to do that you can take a food-safe marking pen and like literally sort of draw in I'm going to put my glasses on for this because otherwise it's not going to look you can literally draw in with a matching color some of it some of the missing pattern and if you find this isn't fine enough for these details which this this marker may not be you can take a very fine paintbrush this is a spotter a 5-0 spotter very very fine point and kind of literally paint paint in what you missed or you know approximate what you missed it doesn't have to be perfect I'm just blotting it on to the already inked ink pad and I think that's enough it looks like it's filled out and I don't need to do any more with that so that's rubber stamping at this point you can apply details either piped details or other sorts of details I'm going to show you some pipe details that you might consider simply I'm going to do this beaded border much like I did on some of my cookies in the last video and for that I need an icing of beadwork consistency which is roughly two to three teaspoons of water per cup of icing glue and I've already got that in my parchment cone it's it's piping nice round dots as I would like not leaving Peaks because it's sufficiently loose I'm just going to put that all the way around the perimeter I am going to come back and put a few details on top of the cookie but I am going to let that food coloring dry just a little bit before I do because I can see it still glistening and there is some probability of it bleeding into any loose colors that I would put on top if you're piping any any thick colors on top less likelihood of bleeding I'm just going to go around and finish this off with dots basically replicating the cookie that I have next to me except it's got two colors of dots going all the way around okay I'm coming around I'm almost around for the last few dots and once this food calling is dry to the touch you can apply a relatively loose or thick icing on top Ted have ad accents if you want I'm just going to put a few little pink flourishes here and there to insinuate that these are rosebuds and these are parts of the petal and I'm using again a nice thing of beadwork consistency so it's a little more flowy you could also use an icing of outlining consistency if you wanted a little bit more delicacy to your pipe lines these are a little bit less delicate they still look okay so this is one way to add detail on top I'm just going to finish this out and I would probably do similar sorts of accents in green on the leaf just to fill this out so you can pipe directly on top if you don't want to do that if you don't like the relief on top of the stamp another alternative is to dust on top with left or a petal dusts and you'll see that lends a really subtle hue of color that's more integrated into the rest of the stamp it lies flush with the rest of the cookie will talk about dusting in another video when you next see me we'll be talking about wafer paper until then live sweetly [Music] you [Music]
Channel: JuliaMUsher
Views: 132,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to rubber-stamp on cookies, how to stamp on cookies, stamping, tutorial, Ultimate Cookies, Julia M Usher, cookie, decorated cookie, cookie decorating, rubber-stamping on cookies, stamping with food coloring, Rubber Stamp, How to, how to make, decorating techniques, Recipes for a Sweet Life, Cookie Swap, baking, decorating, desserts, sweets
Id: F45Y655O0is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 02 2014
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