How to Make 3-D Baby Rattle Cookies (with a Surprise Gender Reveal!)

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hello Julius your recipes for a sweet life I often do adult themed cookies not adult themed in that sense but ones intended more for grown-ups today I'm going to do something intended for baby and we're gonna do 3d baby rattle cookies and they're particularly cool because they're filled with little candies so that when you crack them open the color of the candy they're pink or blue will be a gender-reveal so great for a baby shower where you want to surprise the host hostess as to what the gender of the baby will be this project is a 6 to 5 cookie project what you'll need are 2 small hemisphere shaped cookies I've got a whole video on how to shape and dip these cookies I'm going to talk a little bit about shaping here but the dipping I'm going to refer you off to that video now as an aside the handle of the rattle can be mounted in different ways it can be mounted through the bottom as in the case of this rattle where there's a top facing decoration the handles mounted between the two hemispheres or it's a side facing design so the handle actually mounts through a hole in the bottom of the bottom hemisphere so depending on whether you going to design from have a rattle that looks more like this with the design from the side or one with a more of a top facing ornament on top you may or may not want to cut the hole in the bottom of the second hemisphere and you would do that before baking cut a small hole with a quarter inch pastry tip then bake it and then pop it off the mold you'll need two hemisphere pieces either with whole or without on one of them and then two teardrop shaped pieces these are already decorated these are gonna be a little bauble at the end of the handle and two optional one or two optional molded bow cookies these are embossed cookie dough that's been tinta there's no icing on them they're baked in silicone molds this is the actual mold I use to create them I have a whole other video that's going to talk about how to do that if I say they're optional because the other way to jazz these up is with wafer paper bows and I'm not gonna I'm not sure which one I'm going to use yeah we'll see when we come to putting them together I've got rattles in two different sizes just as an FYI I shaped them over silicone hemisphere molds these come in big sheets and I cut them down so they're manageable I handle one at a time typically this size is about let's see I think it's about two inches across two and a half two and a quarter inches across and that created the really big big rattle I thought that was a little too big it's actually this small one that was used to create the dome of this size hard to believe but by the time you dip it it actually looks a lot bigger so this one's more like an inch in three-quarters all the exact dimensions in the video description so check that on out and to create that shape for baking I simply rolled up my dough flat I'm working with my gingerbread recipe though sugar cookie dough recipe could work as well into a sheet and I cut a larger round than I would need so I used about a two inch cutter to drape over the hemisphere and then trimmed up the edge this then goes on a cookie sheet in the oven bakes normal 375 about ten minutes pops off cools and you're ready to dip it according to my dipping video let's talk now about decorating these pieces before we do that we want to make sure they fit nice and flush together often when these are dipped they do not they'll have a ragged edge so we want to get that nice and flat I've already done that with these you can see there's a really nice tight fit I'll actually be fitting this one together with the top I've already decorated and the fits almost perfect I like to minimize the seam as much as possible to do that to get the bottoms nice and flat I either take and you've seen this in other videos my flat grater and grate over that with a small piece this size grater actually works pretty well little circular motions over it until they are nice and flush if you're not going to be eating them piece of sanding paper serves the same purpose so you want to get those all nicely filed down before you start decorating and you can only file them once this icing is completely dry so once you dip it that should dry overnight I am going to create a front facing design meaning that when I lay this on its side this little Ducks gonna be facing up so that the the red will be designed to view more from this angle that said I want my hole on the bottom so I'm not using this type which would be more of a side facing design see what I mean that's the difference there and the other important thing to note about how I prepared this bottom dome is that I did carve out a small little slot that will allow the stem to pass through the handle to pass through I did that with my paring knife just by gently carving out like so you can also use a file around type file for that process just by running it through there these are nothing more than wooden coffee stirrers which is it have got a decorative straw mounted on top I'll show you how I did that if your and they work well for the side the side application the one I'm going to do you can also use a lollipop stick covered with this draw and they tend to work a little bit better they tend to fit this quarter inch hole a little bit better than the flat wood sticks so you've got a couple of different options as to what you choose there so let's get to decorating I'm just going to basically replicate pattern here which involves two different types of applicator cue saw a lot of applique work in my mosaic box videos that I did recently and here I'm going to it's pretty much a continuation of the same thing you could decorate these rounds in any which way you could pipe on them directly you could paint on them but I'm kind of on this mosaic kick so we're just going to continue with that this involves a fondant applique which was stamped that's how I got the duck pattern on there and then these little blue pieces are royal icing transfers that I stuck down let's start with getting the big pieces down I always start with the big pieces and that would be the fondant applique I do that this in great detail also in my mosaic video so I'm going to go a little bit more quickly here I've stamped on fondant I've got two that I've stamped already I'm just going to show you how I do it one more time I'm using nothing more than normal liquid gel food colouring this is what I color my world icing with you can use either a felt or foam pad I tend to prefer a foam pad but I just have a felt pad here my blue color it will work it just tends to dry out more quickly than the foam pads ink my stamp and then press it into rolled fondant I've rolled this fondant out to number three setting on my pasta machine which is about an eighth of an inch thick whoops it's stuck a little bit to the surface and picked up the fondant we don't like that so let's try that again give it a little more ink on and it may have been not quite or may it press too hard that might be another reason for it there we go that's a nicer imprint so simply ink the stamp press it into the fondant it gives a little embossed effect too because the fondant somewhat soft when I do this I want the fondant soft and pliable at this stage because it needs to shape to fit the contour of that dome and I'm just going to cut around it with my cutter that I used to cut that shape it's about it's an inch and a half across maybe a little bit less and again I'll have the exact measurements in the video description or on my website we're gonna Center that we're gonna stick that down you don't need to throw this out you could ball this up need the blue coloring through and end up with a light blue fondant which you can use for another use so mind you don't waste that okay to get fondant appliques on as I work with corn syrup because it's less likely to show up as a lumpy bump underneath this thin applique so for fondant Finn fondant appliques sheets of fondant applied to cookie surfaces I always paint on a little corn syrup for glue you know my bottoms here that's where the hole is so I want to make sure my duck is facing you know it's upright relative to the bottom so when you hold this up the duck is facing up I'm just gonna look over the top make sure he's centered nicely and then gently pat down the sides I'm trying I'm avoiding you see the fun that's still pliable if I let it dry too much for longer it would crack and be hard to get around that nicely next step while the fondant is still moist is to apply the blue royal icing transfers and for those I do like to work with my thick royal icing glue because the thicker the icing is the faster it will set and the more securely these heavier bulkier pieces will lie these are nothing more than simple round baby-blue transfers I want to pour them out so I can see their sizes a little more clearly and we're gonna put those around the outer edge here choosing ones that are roughly the same size they have a whole nother video that talks about how I sized these and pipe them so do check that on out I like to apply these while the fondant is still wet because then I have her moist it's not wet its damp because then if I want to press them in to the fondant a little bit to even out something that might not be so evenly spaced if there's a little actually if there's like a little piece of fondant sticking out I can press the bead into whatever so slightly and then just make it look a little more neat so just a DAB before our icing is really all that's needed because you don't want it as you press it in to squish on out if it does make sure you have your handy trusting needle around to pick out any icing that squishes forward to clean any up now here's the other beauty you know I'd like to do these all at once and and not do some and come back and then finish them off because by that time these will all have set in place and if you find when you come to the end the last bead doesn't fit perfectly what should this one happens to do if these are still if the icing still somewhat blue you can move these around a little bit you know you have some latitude to move them around a little bit until you get the exact fit that you want okay the next step and I'm keeping this pretty simple is just to add the yellow royal icing dots to clean up this inner edge of the fondant applique and also to add a little texture in detail underneath the blue transfers and here I'm using my royal icing of beadwork consistencies relatively loose forms a nice round bead on its own without leaving a peak if it leaves a peak it's too thick you can just add them a little water to thin it out level all the royal icing consistency adjustments this one looks a little small I'm gonna just add a touch to it small relative to the others you go all the way around and then do the the ring underneath these dots and then we'll set it aside to dry want it to dry completely so that these so these beads don't smush when I do the assembly work and you can do that overnight or you can speed dry it in a dehydrator I might stick mine on my dehydrator to accelerate the drying process food dehydrator set it about a 95 200 degrees and those should dry in a matter of minutes as opposed to overnight now for these beads on the side I do think I'm gonna elevate this just because I can get a better sense of the position if I'm more having more of a sideways vu on it I can just placing one every other blue transfer no hard and fast way to design these you'll see the rattles and I've already done the three in front of me are all different designs but they basically all involves stamped fondant appliques and royal icing transfers and if you didn't want to do that you could paint them pipe directly on them like I'm doing now and put no transfers on them but the beauty of these transfers is I can pipe really big rounds and shapes on the side with relative ease and I have the ability to move them around because they're dry whereas if I make a mistake piping as I'm doing now it's much harder to correct it it's more possible I think to make mistakes on these rounded shapes than it is on a flat cookie okay my other 1/2 is sitting off in the dehydrator drying so I'm going to work with the one that I did earlier as I mount because it's nice to have one of the halves near you at least as you're making the stick that's going to mount inside so the only non edible part of this project is obviously this craft stick because I'm doing the side mounting one I'm going to use the flat stick as opposed to the lollipop stick it's just gonna fit a little bit better and I've got one already made so basically this is gonna run up through the middle I like to cut the I like to leave enough stick exposed that it runs almost to the top of the dome and just if it if it can if it has something to hit at the top it just is a little more stable once it's in there so that's about I'd say a couple of inches that I need to leave exposed inch and 3/4 and then I based on past experience I like to leave about two inches for the handle so and then a little extra this is the straw cut in half around which I'm going to secure this little ornament at the end and I'll tell you in a minute why I do that cut that in half so I need basically two inches I didn't need about the same length cut off this straw I'm gonna cut up the side here I'm cutting this down here because I find that when I put the bauble on around the half width of the straw it just lies the two pieces lie much more flush together so if you view it from the side it's just a much tighter seam than if I were to try to wrap those two oval pieces around the full width of the straw look a little bulky so cut that down I'm just going to flatten it a little bit and then the length of the stick I need only goes to here so let's also cut that and break it took a little trial and error to figure out the exact length that I wanted and so I'll run this the stick all the way up through the handle so the handles really secure but the bobble will just be glued around this single with the straw now I want to glue that in there so it doesn't move around and to do that I take my thick white icing again let's make sure it's coming out of here and I pump it into the straw from both sides I like to do this in advance and give it a little bit of drying time which is why pre-made some of these I'll work with those but I just want to show you how you put this together so I'm going to pump a lot of icing in both sides and then just work the stick on through until it just comes out at the bottom here clean up the edge and then set that aside to dry and we'd be ready to mount the two pieces of the rattle together but we're gonna work with the one I've already done you can see it's dried and so I can no longer move the straw off and that's kind of handy okay so now we're ready to fill I hope I've given my globe enough drying time here's the top piece we just did in fact I might put that up because he may not be completely dry so I do like to work on bubble wrap for this part of the process and on a piece of cardboard bubble wrap so don't Mar any of the decorations that are gonna be flipped facedown and on cardboard so that there's some support for this stem and I can move this around if it needs to dry so about that gender-reveal we want to fill it with candies and I think this is gonna be a boy baby so we're gonna put a few blue M&Ms in here before we put it all together I don't put too many in because I don't want this to like wet just the hope that to be top-heavy and fall completely apart so just a few is plenty and now we'll take our white glue again and I am going to apply it kind of liberally to this flat side here typically I will mark the top and the bottom I'm going to mark the bottom here I just want to make sure the bottom is where the feet at the bottom of the duct is that he looks upright from that view as well and then I want to make sure I've got a little bit of glue underneath this this stick as well as on the top and then hopefully this piece will fit right over it if we did the previous calculations correctly and one thing I'm going to do is just prop it up with a little bit of paper towel while it dries so that's not there is not weight bearing on the end of that stick because that tends to push the stick up in a weird direction so I'll take a little bit of paper towel and just prop it up I just want to put a simple row of dots along the edge you could also trim them out and in various ways now the senior is pretty tight and so my dots will probably lie pretty nice and flat around most of that area but where there are any big gaps I do like to fill a little bit with a color that matches the color that I put on top because that'll enable the dots to just lie that much flatter in that area was a little bit open I'm just putting a little icing in trying to keep it off that's top there it's not quite the right shade and where I have any other big gaps I have a lot on this side see I'm gonna fill that whole area so I'm pumping it in but then I'm also just spreading it flat with my fingertip now I'm going to go ahead and put the dots on and for that I think I'm going to turn to blue just so it contrasts the pink I've got blue icing a beadwork consistency and I might make these dots a little bit bigger than the yellow ones cuz I've got this decent seemed to fill out and for this again it's helpful to be elevated this could even be higher because I'm having to crouch here to get into these tough spots just using this to I don't need much of a scene but just enough to conceal where the two come together you could also put a strip of fondant there or pipe some kind of more continuous border but dots are super easy to get up on the side of these curved pieces you know as I go around the only tricky thing is you know he's kind of leaning up that way which allows me access to pipe I need to kind of tilt it the other way without smooshing the dots that I just piped so he's super careful that it doesn't roll this is one of these this is a step you could do in stages let the one side dry a little bit first before you did the whole thing if you're worried about it tipping so this will also look good not only from the front but from the sides because we've got this nice little seam on it okay now I am done with that and I'm ready to mount the bauble on the bottom and put a finishing bow right there okay so I've actually put this down more under because I'm gonna be it's now more helpful for me to be viewing this from above you see I changed positions of what I'm working on quite a lot to give myself the best vantage point now I'm ready to I would give this complete drawing time actually before I mount these things on the ends or I would have mounted these on the ends before sticking this into the dome either way but I'm moving forward because it's video time and I'm gonna go ahead and mount these two bobbles here and hope I don't mess up the stem too much it's not completely dry so one will go facedown and actually before I do that I should choose the one that's slightly bigger to be the one that sits face up and I think it's the one there so I'm gonna put this one face down underneath and sandwich it around the end of that straw and then propping it up with a little paper towel here so that doesn't completely fall off that's why that's here otherwise it would fall to the ground stick the bigger one on top press and gently it together there's a little bit more of a gap between these two than I might like I might just slide them down a little bit more towards the end where there's more paper I think they're up on some of the wooden part okay that's a little better again looking at it from over ahead making sure it's straight also making sure that that looks good from there and then the last touch is putting on a little bow and you have the option of doing a cookie bow with an embossed cookie or doing one made out of wafer paper I have a whole another video on how I made wafer paper flowers and bows so if you're interested in how I made these go check that out I think I kind of prefer these wafer paper ones because they're a little more dainty so to secure them just gonna glue the ends down with a little bit of that same thick icing glue one on each side and when it dries I can flip it over and put a bow on the other side too but for now we're just going to mount on top just making sure everything's straight and aligned because once it's all set aside to dry there's really no I'm doing it now I don't like all those ends showing so I'm gonna stick a big yellow bead another royal icing transfer that's a kind of a big one but it might be too big let's see right in the center to kind of hide those ends that might be too big so we're gonna go with this one that I had over here okay so that finishes it off quite nicely once you've got all the elements put together I'd let it dry completely before attempting to lift it up or attempting to turn it over to put ribbon on the backside but once it's dried several hours overnight then you can lift it up by this stem where the wood part is I'd never lift up by the bottom part because those are still fragile shake it and here the candy inside this makes a great single signature piece at a place setting as a welcome if you will to those coming from the baby shower or you can put them all in mass in one big collection in a plate or in a bucket even standing up great as a centerpiece at the baby shower so lots of different ways to use these and certainly fun and clever with the added surprise of having candy inside until next video live sweetly
Channel: JuliaMUsher
Views: 322,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gender reveal, 3-D baby rattle cookies, baby shower cookies, baby cookies, how to make baby rattle cookies, contoured cookies, How to, how to make, tutorial, cookie, decorated cookie, cookie decorating, decorating techniques, Julia M Usher, Recipes for a Sweet Life, Ultimate Cookies, Cookie Swap, baking, decorating, desserts, sweets, baby rattle cookies, gender reveal cookies, how to make gender reveal cookies
Id: fENjjj6W9to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 28 2015
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