How To Royal Icing-Royal Icing Consistency for Flooding- How to Mix Royal Icing for Sugar Cookies

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hi i'm sarah roberts from sarah grace cookie company and i'm going to show you how to mix your royal icing so that you can get the perfect consistency for decorating sugar cookies now icing can be a little bit tricky when you're trying to get the right consistency and the best way that i've found to do this and kind of have a foolproof method of doing this is to use a ice cream scoop for measuring out how much icing you'll need and and a set of teaspoons for measuring out how much water you'll need so i found that you can ice about three three inch cookies with one scoop of royal icing straight out of the mixer after you've mixed it to your flood consistency now flooding is when you are icing your cookie and spreading the icing out over the top of the cookie you've probably seen that in the cookie decorating videos that you watch online that's when they just put the base layer on and it kind of spreads out thinly and i'm going to show you how to make each consistency of icing starting with the thickest consensus consistency excuse me so if you want to download my icing recipe that's on my website i'll link that in the description below the icing recipe originally came from casey's cakery on instagram she uses meringue powder and water to kind of give some strength to it so that you get this nice fluffy consistency this is what the icing looks like straight out of the mixer it's really fluffy and you can see it's got these big strong stiff peaks so i take about a scoop i'm going to kind of even that out because it's a little more than a scoop i take a large ice cream scoop full of royal icing and pop it into a bowl now this consistency straight out of the mixer as soon as you get finished making the royal icing this is perfect for making flowers this is a stiff piping consistency so it makes good flowers leaves and if you're doing thin lines or thin writing on cookies you might want to use a thicker consistency like this now if you want to make like a toothpaste consistency which is what i use often for my script writing on cookies when you're using a projector and you want to get some of those fine lines but also some parts where it's a little bit thicker in the wording and you still need to be able to blend the icing together a little bit you want to take your straight out of the mixer scoop of icing and about a quarter of a teaspoon of water two years straight out of the mixer scoop and that will give you a toothpaste consistency i like using a flat spatula like this one because that prevents you from getting as many air bubbles in your icing when you use a spoon that has the curvature in it sometimes that can cause you to have air bubbles so i'm going to mix this up and that little bit of water really does make a pretty quick difference and you can see now that that stiff peak has turned into a soft peak so that's become a kind of toothpaste consistency icing and this is perfect for that script writing that i was telling you about it's got just a little bit more give to it it's not quite as stiff as when it first comes out of the mixer so next i'm going to show you how to get a flood consistency icing now i use a 20 second flood icing some people prefer to use the piping consistency to do the edges and then they use a 10 to 15 second to fill in the body of the cookie but i find that i only have to have one consistency which is the 22nd when i use all one type of icing i pop with the 20 second and it gives me a knife damn around the outside of the cookie and i fill it in with the 22nd as well and that saves me some time i don't have to mix quite as much icing and my cookies always have that nice puffy look once you blend it out just a little bit with your scribe tool it's going to be just as smooth as the 10 or 15 second icing i find that i don't really use 10 to 15 second icing very often um it's been since i first started doing cookies that i've even made that consistency so i like to add about a teaspoon to a straight out of the mixer scoop of icing so since i've already added a quarter teaspoon i'm just gonna do three quarters more to make one teaspoon and i like to mix that up and see how it looks now this is foolproof most of the time but depending on where you live and the humidity in your area it may be just a little bit different on a dim and get given day today in southern middle tennessee it is hot and humid it's been raining and i live in the south so it's always hot and humid y'all couldn't tell by my accent could you but this is the icing after i've mixed it and i see that it is just a little bit thin now when i say 20 second consistency i mean that i should be able to plop a little bit of that icing into the bowl like so and it should melt back in and kind of flow back together in 20 seconds but this is going just a little bit more quickly than that i'm going to show you if you pull it up and you count one two three four five six seven eight nine ten you can see that that's kind of blended back together that's a ten second ouching and that is a little bit too thin for what i like so i'm going to take just a little bit more out of my bowl maybe a half a scoop and blend that together [Music] hopefully that won't be too thick okay i believe we're at a 20 second consistency so you'll take your spoon drop your icing into your bowl give it a little wiggle and count one two three four five oops i lost my place okay so we'll make a stripe in our icing and we'll count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. so this is just a little bit thicker and this is perfect for popping edges and popping the middle you can do it all in one with this one consistency instead of having to have two popping bags for every color that you do now most people add their color before they make their consistency and if i were coloring this that's what i would do too i was just making white icing here but if you add your gel food coloring before you mix up your icing you usually end up with a better result as far as consistency so i hope this helps with getting your consistency right um there are lots of videos on youtube that have some additional tips on consistency and what you need to know about roller icing but i hope this gives you a good i bag up my icing i like to use a large mouth mason jar it's handy and i just pop my tipless popping bag into the jar and pour in my icing when i first started i tried to be fancy like those people i saw on youtube and just put it into the bag while i held it in my hand and i ended up covered in icing my kitchen was covered in ice and it was a mess i also have this little automatic bag sealer you can use a chip clip you can use a rubber band you can even just twist your bag together some people twist their bag together and they also tie a knot in their bag but i use this little automatic bag sealer you can buy it on amazon it's like 15 and you just pop your bag in there ready to go now with tipless piping bags you want to find the same don't know if you can see that or not but you want to find the seam across the center of the bag pull toward the bottom and then cut directly across there i barely cut any off the tip of this bag i just cut a very small opening at the top and i'm going to show you on this plate kind of how this 20 second consistency icing works it drips just a bit but not a whole lot it's kind of like the drip cakes that you see on instagram you can drop a little bit and it will flow but it'll also keep its shape when you pipe it so it's similar to a piping consistency but it does run together like a flood so if you pipe it in a circle altogether it will run together you can give it just a little shake or you can even it out with your scribe tool thank you for watching thank you for joining me today i hope this was helpful to you if you'd like to learn more about cookie decorating please subscribe to my youtube channel and hit the notification bell so that you get notified each time i post a new video like this video if it was helpful to you and tell me in the comments what your first royal icing project is going to be or what it was the first time that you made royal icing cookies thank you so much i appreciate you have a great day bye
Channel: Sarah Grace Cookie Co.
Views: 8,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: royal icing, royal icing consistency for cookies, royal icing consistency for piping, royal icing consistency for flooding, royal icing consistency video, royal icing consistency for outlining, royal icing consistency for lettering, royal icing consistency for stenciling, royal icing consistency for transfers, royal icing consistency chart, royal icing consistency for piping letters, royal icing consistency for piping cookies, royal icing cookie decorating for beginners
Id: ZROQxgrNYr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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