How to Dip Cookies with Royal Icing- How to Ice Sugar Cookies Easy

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when i'm flooding a lot of cookies with the same color in this case when i want to do a painted set i hate to mess with pulling out bags and flooding them each individually especially when i just need that white base coat like this so today i'm going to show you how i get that white royal lasting base coat so that i can paint over top simply by dipping those cookies and saving myself a little bit of time which is what we all need right heads up this video is from a while back so i look a little different y'all i'm sarah grace i'm a small town mama who started a cookie decorating business that allowed me the flexibility to work from home and spend more time with my kids i created this youtube channel as well as the sg cookie academy to teach you the cookie decorating you need in order to do the same you can find info in the description on how to start decorating cookies like a pro as soon as this weekend thanks so much for watching okay so i'm starting by making a batch of royal icing in the mixer this is just a large batch and you can watch my royal icing 101 video i'll link it in the cards up here that way you can see how i make my royal icing and all that information after scraping down the bowl i'm just adding a bit more water i typically add about a half a cup to a full batch of royal icing to get it to flood consistency when i'm making a huge batch of flood for instance when i'm dipping cookies or when i'm making it ahead for an in-person cookie class i go just a little bit thinner than flood you'll be able to see here in just a second what that looks like but for dipping it seems like just a little bit thinner than that 20 seconds maybe around a 10 to 15 second icing is perfect for dipping and if you have no idea what i'm talking about when it comes to 10 15 20 second icing i totally understand that was where i was when i started to i have a video about that as well you can click the card up above here and it will take you to my how to know your icing is the right consistency video hey y'all today i'm going to be showing you how i dip my cookies instead of flooding them on some cookies i still flood because i want to get certain details and make them look a certain way but on a lot of cookies that i'm just going to be hand painting i instead of taking the time to dab and flood them i just dip them that way it's done and it doesn't take nearly as much time i've got a flood consistency royal ice in here it's just a little bit thin because i find that that makes the dip go a little smoother as you can see there are just a few air bubbles in here so i like to tap it out a couple of times to make all the air bubbles rise to the top and then kind of try and swish a flat spatula around in there and that gets rid of a few of our air bubbles now as you get closer to the bottom of the pot of your icing i caught i'll say a pot because i use this giant mixer bowl for mine when i'm doing a lot of cookies at one time as you get closer to the bottom you're gonna find that there aren't as many air bubbles to worry about so that's not a huge deal and you can always take those out with your scrap tool when you get to that part so what i'm doing is just getting set up here i've got all my cookies i've got my icing and i have a baking tray that stacks that way i can set the cookies up on here and if there's any royal icing that is going to run off the edge i try to avoid having that happen but if i do i put a piece of parchment paper under my cookie back and just add that under there so that it can flow off if it's kind of keep from getting a mess under there okay let's get started okay so these cookies are for a wedding set that i'm doing if you watched my um the kids are at grandma's all day bake with me video um i just posted that one then you have seen me baking these cookies i had some heart-shaped ones and a few of these little plait type cookies those are going to be painted with a really pretty sunflower theme for a wedding coming up and i'm going to be doing hand painting on both of these types of cookies so they really don't need to be popped and flooded i can get the same effect with dipping so i'm just going to take it face down into the icing and i'm holding kind of at the back edge of the cookie trying to keep my fingers out of the icing if at all possible i've got that fingers so they kind of slip down in there anyway but just as straight as you can kind of wiggle it around in there and then pull it up at an angle so that your icing is flowing off of the end of the cookie i like to tip it the other direction as well i have done my icing thicker than this before and just wasn't happy with the result it didn't smooth out the way i wanted it to so i've started using just a little bit thinner and you do use quite a bit of icing if you need to scrape it off on the side of the bowl that's no problem and i'll just kind of and i just like to shake it a little bit to get it evened out and you can see here there are quite a few air bubbles at this point but i'm just gonna let it sit for four or five seconds while i dip the next cookie so that those air bubbles have time to develop any more air that they're going to and then with my scrub tool i'll go back and pop those air bubbles i'm just going straight into the icing again and coming up sometimes you'll get a little bit of air between the cookie and the icing here's what that looks like when you get that i just take it right back in the bowl don't stress about it repeat the same process turning turning twisting and if you want to make it a little quicker you can just kind of graze the edge don't scrape just graze the top of that icing with the edge of the bowl and wiggle it out again with a little wiggle this is still way way easier than popping and flooding to me even with all the wiggling you have to do so i'm going to bring my cookies over here that i've already done so that you can see those and if you can see i'm just going to take my scribe tool and go through and pop those bubbles like this i just swish it kind of across the cookie and it hasn't been sitting long enough that it has any crust of any kind it still flows back together really well looks really pretty it has enough icing to give it that really pretty porcelain enamel look then i go back and do this one it's had enough time that any air bubbles we're gonna have have popped up ready to take your baking to the next level check out the sg cookie academy members get access to over 10 online cookie decorating classes with new classes added every month as well as monthly live coaching in our member-only facebook group there's info in the first link in the description you
Channel: Sarah Grace Cookie Co.
Views: 34,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: royal icing, sugar cookies, cookie decorating
Id: JhE0fHr711U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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