How to Rip TV Season Discs (DVD & BluRay) & Organize them in Plex!

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back towards the start of April my fiancee and I were watching through the season finale of season six of house on Netflix and the show got removed from Netflix in the middle of us watching an episode we were unable to finish the series at least at that night thankfully in my mess of pile of physical media I had the blu-ray copy of season six on hand so the next day we were able to finish our episode and I had the blu-ray set of season 7 as well ready to go I do not have season 8 which was the final season on blu-ray and we're almost to that point now so that'll be a little interesting but we were in the middle of watching a show and it gets removed from Netflix on top of already being more prone to prefer physical media over the digital straining substitutes this was kind of the final straw and that I'm really going to kick butt and digitize in my physical media collecting and collection and adding it to my plex server so that I can keep up you know with the shows that we were watching and be able to stream it locally instead of relying on streaming services with which are constantly changing licensing could you imagine going to Blockbuster back in the day asking for a movie and them being like sorry we can't carry that one this month head over to Hollywood Video across the street and they might be able to carry it this month or head over to Walmart and just buy it if they have it in stock for this month we might have a next month you'll never know what same language Game Stop could you imagine walking into Game Stop and asking for a Halo game in the mail like oh we're not allowed to carry that this week head over to Walmart or go onto Amazon and order like that's insane and that insecurity that lack of ownership when I prefer to rewatch media that I have and when I prefer to be in control of how I watch that media just drives me a little insane so in this video I'm going to show you how to organize how to rip the best possible quality TV episodes from a television season disc in two separate episodes because that's something people struggle with is getting the episodes as separate files instead of one entire you know the entire disc is one video file and how to organize that within your plex media server this is a sponsor sponsored video for Plex I do have affiliate Plex links in the description down below if you'd like to sign up there's a link for if you sign up a free account if you buy a plex pass for yourself or if you gift a plex pass to someone else we have affiliate links for all of that and I will be doing a plex pass and giveaway on my channel very shortly let's flip over to the desktop and jump into the tutorial the program that we're going to be using for this which is the best one that I have found to actually rip just the raw copy of each individual episode on a seasoned TV disc is make nkv i've made a couple videos about it before but this is how we're going to pull the individual episodes to then send over to plex to stream to our system now the program itself is free during this beta period it's been invaded for a long time it'll probably be in beta for a long time and the program is free just every 60 days or so you have to redownload and reinstall it to keep the license active unfortunately it appears I can't find an actual answer about this but it appears ripping blu-ray TV episodes is limited to a paid feature now or either reinstalls aren't clearing out the license properly so I will show you how to do that with a paid license in the second half of the video but first we're going to open up a DVD I have a DVD of house because like I said that's like stop carrying so the DVD is in my drive once it loads up here click the DVD icon and let it access the drive read the titles from it and so on and again it will automatically divide up the episodes so you don't have to worry about that this doesn't compress the video file however so the final video files will be a little large but they'll be in the raw quality copy that the DVD was burned with if you wish to compress it to a lower quality later you can use that you can do that in a program like handbrake but that slows down the ripping process whereas this will be the fastest ripping process basically so you do have two options here you can either choose the 20 chapters option which has all of the five episodes in here in one video file with these subtitles and the audio tracks or you can rip the individual episodes which are these four chapter episodic entries here which are about 1.4 gigabytes each so it even tells you the file size so you get to choose because this lists all the video formats on the disk so this so short one is just like a teaser trailer or something like that you can uncheck that you're not going to want it then you get to choose you want all the episodes at once or do you want the episode separately if you're adding it to something like Plex where you want to be able to pull up the individual episodes separately you want to rip those separately you don't want them all at once if you're building some sort of collection and you want one disc at a time you can do that but if you want to stream it kind of like it is on Netflix you're going to want to do the individual episode listings here and then if you click the little drop-down arrow you can get rid of the subtitles if you want or get rid of specific subtitles or whatever they are not hard-coded on they are separate subtitle files just like if you were loading the disc you get to choose to play that within Plex so I just leave them all in come over here and choose an output folder that it's going to rip the files to my my default is fine but you can choose a different ripping location it automatically went to my videos folder actually that's not even the right play folder so I will change that anyway F videos house s 3d one or season three disc one that's just how I'm going to keep track of it and I'll show you how to organize it within Plex later click OK and then click make MKV and it's going to save these titles as MKV video files and let it do its thing it's going to take a little bit but it's going to be way faster than trying to do it through a program that actually like compresses the video files so I'll meet you back here after it's done compressed air ripping not compressing revving now if you do want to be able to rip blu-ray episodes or just stop dealing with the re installation process you can come over there come over here to help and purchase and then buy it through here so if we say buy now I believe it is about $30 $50 ok so it's a $50 license but it's a lifetime license and for an a program that I have used this heavily that is not too bad of a price in my opinion and it's nowhere near as you know adware spammy as a lot of the other DVD rippers out there like most DVD rippers out there will constantly spam you in about new versions and things like that but make him KB it's really not like that all right here is the first episode of the house disk that I tried to rip you can come over here and see that it is 720 by 480 resolution that is the standard DVD resolution at about 4 megabits per second it automatically just names it title blank Blake MKV and that is where we will want to make some changes in a minute but if we go ahead and open it up with a media player like media player classic it has chapter markers so you can see you know which chapter you're in and actually skip between them like a normal DVD what happened when we instead of the conduction pin she flinched that works and then if you right-click again in a program like NBC classic or VLC if you right-click go to audio track you can see the 5.1 surround audio track is there and subtitles we have English Spanish or no subtitles now obviously title 0 0 isn't a good enough title four-plex to be able to pick it up so you will want to name it something along the lines of house so3 0 1 which the formatting is show name season episode or season number episode number and this kind of format is fine or you can do house season 3 episode 1 something along those lines so that Plex can scan it and identify it as the correct position and then we'll use photo structuring to fix that as well so I'm going to right click and cut and move this over to my TV shows folder that Plex automatically scans and you can see here I have a collection of TV shows but I do not have a folder for house so I'm going to make a folder called house comma MD that is the official show name and then I'm going to make a folder inside of the show folder with the season number so season 3 you don't need to do 0 3 and you don't need to make separate folders for each episode unless you have multiple files like a subtitle file and so on for each episode if you just have a single video file then you can put all of the episodes of a particular season in the same season folder and this makes the overall organization a little bit easier and so on and so after this finishes copying will pull up Plex and actually we can go ahead and pull up flex here but go out to Plex and go to TV shows it will scan in just a moment once this finishes copying and we can load up the new episode and if you want to push that along a little bit we can go update library and as you can see here when you don't accidentally trigger an entire library update instead of the TV update which is what I did on the background on accident' house shows up you got house 2004 correct and season 3 1 episode season 3 episode 1 automatically pulls the title if we hit play going to take a minute to load it in and we have the original or a TP rip quality we got original and then we have some transcoding options so if we wanted to go for a 2 megabit per second transcode we can do that skip forward a little bit a way to resolve our differences all right back to original mechanism to that it's called original DVD quality now if you want better quality you should use a blu-ray which is weird what we're going to switch to in a minute I've got the payment information set up and make MKV and we're going to show you a blu-ray rip but it's mostly the same process it's just 1080p instead of 480p alright now we've got the house season 6 blu-ray put in this is the last episode of the season and it is loading up the disk here's gaming the device as you open up the blu-ray same way as the DVD allow it to load up the titles and playlist information but you will have a little bit more video files on the disk since if the blu-ray and can hold more it's going to have a lot more previews you saw there you might have seen in the log here it does skip a lot of the like super short just trailers that you don't want we have a lot of options to choose from now the small files are going to be things that you do not want but to be or chapter episodes are what you do want so you can pretty much see that the episodes are for chapters about 10 gigabytes say 245 megabyte file is not something you want it's just going to be you know like a commercial or something if it doesn't show any chapters it's probably not an episode if you have an official released disk and so I unchecked everything but the four episodes on the disk which are also identified by having four chapters and they're usually the first files on the disk going to tell it to export to this same folder F videos house season six I wouldn't rip directly to your plex folder I would rip somewhere else and then copy over to plex that way it doesn't try to update in the middle of the file being made it can just cause the little hiccups on your computer and hit make him kb same process as the DVD but then you're going to end up with a much nicer quality file which I'll show you in just a minute once it's done ripping all of the episodes all right make MKV has finished ripping the four episodes from the disk so I'm going to go ahead and close it and here we have them here and you can see they are now since it's the blu-ray copy 1920 by 1080 about nine gigabytes according to Windows each about ten gigabytes if you don't use Windows as confusing file size indicators to play it back a little bit here my mom's off the hook it's just genetics we have a 1080p blu-ray video file and again if we go to subtitle track we have a forced subtitles track Spanish and English and we've got basic surround sound audio and e1 video track so again we will want to rename these so houses season six has 21 episodes this is the final disc so this will be house - s 0 6 e 1 8 and then the same thing house - s 0 61 9 and then 20 and 21 for the next step then I will just move these files to my house TV show folder but I'll make a season 6 folder drop the episodes in and it has just finished copying the files and I notice that as it was adding them to the folder Plex was automatically picking it up and you can see here it already says season 6 for episodes 18 19 20 and 21 and it actually works out so then we can go ahead and play one play it it will take a moment to load it up and wham-bam original 1080p quality from the MKV rip or we can do we have a lot more transcoding options since there's a lot more resolution and bitrate to work with in the first place [Music] there you go and that's the gist of it ripping from blu-ray and DVD TV show individual episodes to a plex media server and naming them in a way that Plex will detect it and load it load the proper metadata for it and stuff within your plex media server I do have affiliate links for plex in the description down below if you'd like to sign up for a free account by a Plex pass or gift someone else a Plex pass I hope you enjoyed this little kind of sporadic Plex tutorial as I was doing this more in a response to things that happened within my life instead of planning this out so much far you know so far ahead of time like I normally do but hope you enjoyed hope you found it helpful I have gotten a lot of questions about how to rip TV episodes you know from a seasoned disc without having them all in one file and I just found that kind of strange because I use making Cavey unit works fine for me so hope you enjoyed smash the like button if you did get subscribed for more awesome tech videos again use the Plex feel affiliate links in the description down below if you don't mind and I will see you in the next video
Channel: EposVox
Views: 496,812
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Keywords: how to rip tv seasons, how to rip tv season discs, how to rip blurays free, how to rip bluray, how to rip dvd free, how to rip tv season on dvd, how to rip tv season on bluray, plex file organization, how to organize files in plex, plex tutorila, plex, plex media server, rip, bluray, makemkv, makemkv tutorial, makemkv registration key, makemkv blu ray, makemkv key, media server, mkv, plex (software), plex software, torrents, download, how to, makemkv review, makemkv free, #Plex@!
Id: 2ode9wBADrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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