How to split single-file DVD Rips of TV Seasons - FAST, EASY, & FREE!

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tired of ripping your TV season discs for your plex media library only to find that every disc only has one or two video files on them for all of the episodes for the disc which Plex won't really read I have a fix it's fast it's easy it's free that sounds like a commercial it's well it's technically a sponsored plex video but this tool is not what I'm doing a commercial for I have a really cool solution I've been helping someone in our discord server over at a post voxcom slash discord rip his old DVD discs of TV seasons and was running into an issue where he was trying to use a video editor to split up the files into individual episodes costing a lot of the quality and taking up a lot of time I have an easy fix and it's really cool and I'm gonna show you in today's video okay as always this is a monthly educational video series sponsored by Plex where I show you a bunch of different things for managing your plex media library as mentioned we're gonna be tackling what I have here which I've ripped the first disk of my Dragon Ball GT collection and for the entire disk there are multiple episodes crammed into two different files that are over two hours long each and Plex will not read this as individual episodes that will think that this is just a two out two and a half hour long actually almost three hour long episode one and this is a two hour long episode too so they need split up now these are ripped with make MKV which puts in all the audio tracks you select all the video tracks you select and even marks the actual DVD chapter markers which means if you play it in a media player like VLC or media player classic which I have here you can actually see when different chapters start which usually are at the halfway point transitions of the episodes like here and then the split of each episode so for example at 2250 actually it's over here at at about 20 408 it moves on to the second episode so there is a little bit of tedium where you have to find which episode is which but there is this free tool called MKV tool Nix which is a tool used to manage these mkv files because MKV isn't like an mp4 or avi or anything it's not an editing file it's an archive container where you can put virtually any codec comedy her files in there and then you can mess with it and as long as you're going from MK V to M kV it's pretty much just a file copy so go to the download link in the description below this is of course safe and whatever MK V tool NYX dot download and then you can click on your operating system for me it's Windows I went ahead you can go to fossa hub I went ahead and got the portable in download instead of the Installer because I don't like installing a bunch of junk on my system and then I extracted it using 7-zip and I have it here so you're gonna want to launch MKV tool NYX GUI dot exe and now we have the main interface for the software so first you need to import your input files you can see the input files are blinked so we have we're gonna start with just this first file here which is titled 0 0 MKV I'm gonna drag it into the software it knows where it's at and knows what it is and it even knows the container and the final size which is seven point three issue gigabytes we're gonna click on it now you can actually choose when this is happening what all you actually want copied into your new split so for example if you rip it with all of the language tracks and you no longer want like the Japanese audio or the surround sound audio or the subtitles you can actually uncheck those so when it splits the files it doesn't copy those to the new file and then down here you set where the split up files will go by default it will place the new splits with a parentheses one or two or three or whatever in the same location as your source file but you can tell it to go somewhere else I'm going to leave all of the source tracks there because I like keeping them all and the file and Plex will let you select between the different audio tracks now if you select the different tracks so you can actually edit what the track names are and what the language flags are for them so for example if it doesn't detect the correct language you can actually adjust this so that it shows up correctly in Plex because this is just metadata this is what is going to show up in Plex when you have the different audio tracks so this one's going to be Japanese this one's going to be English so you kind of kind of name them as you wish and change the language to make it easier for you to manage in Plex if desired I'm I'm gonna leave most of this by default and we're gonna go ahead and go to the output tab under split mode we want to go to after specific timestamps that's how we're gonna split the file you don't want to leave it on do not split because we are splitting it I mean you can use this tool for a lot of different management of your mkv files for this specific purpose we're splitting files and at specific time codes and then you put the time codes in here separated by commas as in the example down there one hour is zero one zero zero zero zero with colons comma zero one 3000 as minutes and you want to keep it kind of in that format that's the easiest to work with now it's really cool with media player classic and VLC might have this feature as well if I go to navigate and then chapters it actually has time codes for the different chapters so you can save yourself the time I'm trying to navigate on the seat bar so for example I know that episodes two episode two starts on Chapter six if I click chapter 6 we get the intro for episode two so I know I need to split it starting at 20 408 I'm gonna go ahead and timestamps put 0 0 : 24 : o 8 and then a comma because we're gonna want the next one if I tell it right then it'll it will make two files it will make from the start of the video up to 24 minutes and 0 and 8 seconds and then all of the rest of the video will be one file or we input the different timestamps so that's chapter 6 that's one episode if we go to chapter 8 that looks like it's the end of the episode so if we go to chapter 11 that's the start of episode 3 it looks like so then that is 48 16 , okay then we will go to the next chapter after sixteen one hour twelve minutes 24 seconds so I'm going to do this for all of the rest of the episodes it looks like every five chapters is a new episode on this all right and I've gotten to the start of the last episode in the series so if I go to this last chapter that's just the end of the disk entirely so we have all of the time codes input here and it's a little tedious but I don't honest I've never found any other way to do it automatically since DVDs don't DVDs like this don't actually flag when the different episodes are made so I'll close the file we've now got this set up you can go ahead and change the file output name or what have you I'm gonna leave it at it as is for now and then you hit start multiplexing you can actually cue all this up so if you have a lot of episodes you can just add it to a queue do every single you know if you've ripped like the entire season you can add each file one at a time add them to the queue and then tell it to go all at once but we're gonna go ahead and hit start and multiplexing you can see it has the job queue down here give it a couple minutes to do its thing it doesn't require a whole lot of processing power and you can see is making the new episodes here yeah we're not it's not even showing up as a blip of like overall processor usage for me because it's literally just doing a file copy out of the main file into the individual files of the new one and we're done zr warning zero errors that took like two minutes and now we have all of these individual files split up per episode instead of being all in one giant file so all of the episodes and it still maintains the original chapters for each episode as well they're all there and so now you can label this Dragon Ball GT actually now you can use what I showed before file bot which is apparently up on I believe SourceForge or github still available for free by the way a lot of people have mentioned that in my last video about file a lot but now I can drag all of these episodes into file bots make sure it's in the right order and then we will look up the show Dragon Ball GT is the show I'm gonna hit select episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 that should be correct and then we tell it to rename and Wham now we have Plex friendly files 7 episodes here from that single episode rip which i think is pretty cool hope this video was helpful for you if it was hit the like button subscribe for more awesome tech education go check out my plex affiliate links in the description down below where you can get flex for yourself either for free or by effect Plex pass or give a Plex pass to a friend or family member links of to that will be in the description below I maples box as always and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: EposVox
Views: 50,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Plex@!, rip dvd tv season, tv season one file mkv, how to split tv season mkv, how to split mkv files, mkvtoolnix tutorial, mkvtoolnix gui, mkvtoolnix download, mkvtoolnix, makemkv only one file, makemkv tutorial, makemkv tv episodes, makemkv plex, plex tv season one file per disc, how to split mkv files into 2 parts mac, makemkv handbrake tutorial, plex tutorial, plex guide, plex set up, plex tutorial for beginners, plex tutorial youtube, plex setup users
Id: SKO4vS1DpYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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