AUTOMATED 4K Dolby ATMOS UHD Streaming | How To Rip 4K Blu-rays Ripping Guide!

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel I'm Logan and we have plenty of videos here on our Channel talking about how you can take your 4K Blu-ray collection and convert those movies into files which you can then stream over your network using a computer or a NZ in fact at this point I've said it so many times I'm probably starting to sound like a broken record but this video is going to be just a little different because today I'm going to show you how you can take pretty much any Nas like any of the ones we have here along with a Blu-ray Drive and a little bit of free software and build what I think is the ultimate solution to 4K Blu-ray ripping just pop in a blu-ray wait about an hour and your dis will automatically rip and eject so you can start another one all without ever having to select tracks or mess with make MKV for each movie you rip you could sort of consider this a followup to the previous videos that we've done on the subject since the parts that you're going to need are very similar for this guide I'm going to expect that you have some kind of a Naz with hard drives in it and you're probably going to want want at least 8 GB of RAM for the most optimal experience we really feel like sonology nazes are the way to go here since DSM makes this process trivial but the guide should apply to the vast majority of nazes on the market like this taramas unit or even this random Naas I got off eBay of course you're also going to need some kind of a Blu-ray Drive that connects over USB to rip the movies in our most recent guide we used this LG drive here which you can get on Amazon and just flash the firmware to enable support from make mkv's Libre drive mode which is actually the software that allows the drive to rip 4K discs at full speed if you don't have a drive yet I would recommend watching that video to get yourself familiar with the process first we also have this Slimline Pioneer Drive that we use to rip 4K movies but newer versions of this drive have an updated firmware which seems to have broken its disc gripping capabilities so you'll probably want to steer clear of these drives for now ours has an older firmware though so it would also be totally appropriate for this guide so if you want to follow along get your optical drive flash its firmware if necessary using an up-to-date guide and plug it into a usb3 port on your NZ I'll be using our sonology ds-1 1621 plus and the Slimline Pioneer Drive but again the steps are going to be the same for whatever Blu-ray Drive and very similar across different nazes so with that said I'm going to head on over to my computer and show you how to get this all put together okay so at this point we have our Drive hooked up to arseny NZ and I'm going to be setting up a virtual machine here in DSM to host all the software that we're going to need to get this project going so if you don't have it already I would recommend installing the virtual machine manager which is available from the sonology package Center you can just search virtual machine and you'll be able to install it right here if it's not already installed uh as you can see here I have one virtual machine for home assistant on the nas but we're going to go ahead and create a new one so before we do that we're going to get an image for our virtual machine to boot from I'm going to be using Ubuntu server Linux so if you go to and go to the download thing here get Ubuntu server and we're just going to get the regular long-term service release Ubuntu Server 22.4 LTS go ahead and wait for that to start and once you have that file downloaded on your computer all you have to do is take the ISO file and move it to a share that's already hosted on your sonology NZ for example I have a file share right here and I can just drag and drop it into my syy Nows and you can see right here we now have our copy of Ubuntu head on back over to DSM and we can actually start creating the virtual machine that will be using in the virtual machines tab click the create button It'll ask you what operating system you want to run I'm going to be using Linux so right there hit next uh just leave it on whatever storage I'm just putting it on the main raid of our as here for name I'm just going to call it automatic ripping we'll give it one CPU uh two CPUs 2 CPU cores uh 1 gab of memory should be perfectly fine um for video card use the regular VGA option right here and leave everything else default in the storage tab you're going to want to type in not a crazy number I'll use 40 gigb the movies aren't going to be saved on the virtual machine's hard disk so 40 GB should be plenty for the network I'm going to leave it not connected for now we'll connect it after we have the operating system installed so we can get updates for the ISO file for bootup I'm going to browse and go to our file share where we copied the Ubuntu ISO file and select it right there for auto start I'm going to hit yes because I want it to start whenever I turn on The anology Naz for firmware go ahead and use UEFI and for the virtual USB controller go ahead and set that to us USB 3.0 and now the USB device option is going to become available and we can select our Blu-ray Drive in this case I'm using the Pioneer Drive as I mentioned hit next hit next and with that all done you can see the options that we've set here I'm going to power on the virtual machine after creation and hit done and once it's up here you can hit the connect button and that will let us actually get a view of what the virtual machine is doing at this point we're going to be installing Ubuntu Server so you can use your keyboard and press enter to go into that menu wait a little while and this will load all of the stuff that auntu needs to prepare the installer and continue and once that's all done we're going to go ahead and select our language I'm just doing this in English hit done and at this point it's going to ask you if you want to install third party drivers or anything I would just leave this screen default since we don't have an internet connection yet go ahead and continue with without network done done continue without updating and at this point it's going to ask you to format the hard drive and this is all just the virtual dis so just hit the down arrow key until done is highlighted and press enter hit done when you get this confirmation dialogue go down to continue and press enter nothing is going to be lost on your nest because this is all within the virtual machine now you can set up a quick profile I'm just going to do a really basic setup my name is user my server's name Ripper the username is user and do a secure little pin or password if you so desire once that's done go down and press enter on the done button you can skip this as well just press enter you can also skip this as well just go down and press enter at this point you're going to be able to see a log of the whole installation process so wait here for a little while and hopefully the installation will complete successfully and you'll get the option to reboot and with that everything is installed so hit the down arrow key a couple times until you get the prompt to reboot now and press enter and what we're actually going to do when we see this error is go back to the sonology DSM home screen and we're going to go ahead and shut down the virtual machine from here using the dropdown hit Force shutdown and that's because we're going to change a couple more options in the virtual machine just to get it connected to our Network so go ahead and click on the virtual machine go to action here and edit and we have a couple things go to the network Tab and change network now from not connected to default VM Network you can also go to others and click on ISO file for bootup right here where we installed our ubun 2 ISO and just click on that and set it to unmounted with that hit okay and Power on the machine okay and we have a login screen so go ahead and sign in with the username and password that you set in the installation and if all goes well we should be left with a regular prompt and if you see a bunch of random stuff like this come on the screen don't worry about it this is normal it's just cuz this is the first time we've booted the VM now the first thing that we need to do from here is update our machine since we didn't have internet while we were installing and we didn't install any updates to do that type in the command pseudo space apt space update space hyp Y and press enter it's going to ask you for your password so type that in here and now it's going to go ahead and grab all the updates that it needs to get our system secure next thing that we're going to do is install a couple of packages that we need to get started to do that type in pseudo space AP space install space CS hyphen utils space LSS CSI space hyphen y and press enter and once you have a prompt again those two packages have been installed and what we did was install a piece of software that's going to tell us where exactly our Blu-ray Drive is mapped within the virtual machine so to check that type in LSS CSI space hyphen G and press enter you can see here I have four different options show up and the last one is our Pioneer Blu-ray Drive you can see the model number be rxs o7u and you can see that's mounted at both Dev sr2 and Dev SG3 go ahead and write those two values down that's going to be what we need to actually get the make MKV to detect our drive the next thing we're going to do is make a folder so that we can actually Mount our Nas and its storage into the virtual machine so we can save movies to it when we're trying to rip them to do that go ahead and type in pseudo space mkd iir space slmn slnas for Naz and now we're going to save a credentials file so we can actually connect to our shared folder that's on the nas you should have a login that you use to access DSM and you can just use that here or make a specific account for this virtual machine that can access the share that you want if you want to be really secure for all we're doing here we can just type in the command Nano space. SMB uncore c r DS and press enter that's going to give you a text editor and you just need to type in username and whatever the username for your account is in the sonology and the password for that account as well once that's done press contrl and O to save the file press enter then press crl X to exit and now we're actually going to do the magic command that makes it so that the nas will find our share to do that type in pseudo space Nano space SLC SL fstab and press enter this is going to give you a text file and you can use the down arrow key to scroll all the way down and start typing in this line the IP address that I'm using here is the IP address of the nas in our network but yours is probably going to be different if you need to find that head on over to DSM and you should be able to see your IP address right here the word files here should be whatever the name of your shared folder is that you're going to be saving your movies to once that's done press crl o and press enter to save the file and then press crl X to exit you can now test this by typing the command pseudo space Mount space hyphen a and see if if you get any feedback if you don't then it should be good and to make sure that you actually have the shared folder you can type LS space MNT slnas and you should hopefully be able to see your files that are in that shared folder once that's done we're going to go ahead and go through the process of installing Docker and to do that just type in this command followed by sh space gety doer. sh and once that's done you should be left with another prompt which means we're good to go the next thing we'll do is make sure that Docker loads whenever we start the virtual machine and that's also really easy it's just one command pseudo space system CTL space enable Space Docker press enter and it'll run that and just to be safe we'll also go ahead and start it really quick pseudo system CTL start Docker now we're actually going to make make the script that will execute make MKV to do that type in Nano space makemkv Dosh I'm going to leave all of the text that you need to put into this file in the description but I'm also going to type it here line by line okay so as you can see here this is all the contents of the script that's actually going to bring up the make MKV container a couple things to note here are the devices these are going to be the things that you wrote down earlier from the lscs i-g command earlier and also make sure that you get this Mount Nas part because this is actually the share that is going to be going to your Nas if you've been following the guide and using all the same inputs like the same username and everything all of this should be identical just make sure that the device entries also match once that's done press contrl and O and press enter to save the file and then CR X to make this file file executable we need to run the command pseudo space chmod space plus X space. slak mv. sh and to run it just type in pseudo space. slm makemkv Dosh it's going to say that it can't find makemkv and it'll start pulling all the resources that it needs and then run the container and once that's done the container should be running so to access it over the network we need to find the IP address of our virtual machine that's pretty easy type in the command IP space a DDR and press enter there's a lot of stuff here but the only one that we're interested in is the one that actually has an IP address which matches the other IP addresses on our Network so for example the entry for ens3 in this list here starts with 1 192.168 which is the same as the other addresses in my network so I can read it 1 1921 1680 205 once we have that we can open a new tab in our browser and go to 192.168.0 205 colon 5800 and press enter if all goes well you should see make MKV and you can even see here that it's picked up our Pioneer Blu-ray Drive so we're good to go the last thing that we want to do is quickly create a service so that make MKV will always start whenever the virtual machine starts and that'll mean that even if your Nas restarts it'll just start the virtual machine and start make MKV without any user intervention to do that go back to our virtual machine type in the command pseudo space Nano space SLC SL systemd SLS system slocker hyphen makemkv dos service it's a pretty basic little information file once you have all the information press contrl and O and enter to save the file and crl X to close it the very last thing we need to do is type in the command pseudo space system CTL space enable space doer hyphen make mv. service with that all of the services and software that we need for the setup are now deployed on the NZ so you could safely restart this virtual machine and it should come back and reconnect to your NZ and start up make MKV as usual I'm going to go back to make MKV here and I'm going to walk over to the NZ and insert a Blu-Ray so we'll see if it automatically starts ripping our disc and you can see that make MKV has picked up the disc and you can see a little window here that we're actually ripping our 47 Ronin UHD Blu-ray completely automatically I did not have to do anything to get it to start this process it just detected that there was a disc it's going to start scanning and ripping the cont contents to our Naas and that's pretty much it at this point you should be able to rip any kind of disc and it'll automatically drop itself on to your NZ and once that rip is done the drive is going to eject the disc for you so you can just run another one at this point you can also run a jelly fin server off the folder you're saving to and now you can back up and stream all of your movies without ever having to touch a piece of software just put a dis in so I think that's going to wrap it up for this one I hope you found this video helpful and let us know if you're considering tackling a project like this if so keep us posted on your experience let us know if you have any questions or comments down in the comment section below don't forget to like subscribe and ring the bell so you don't miss any of our future content and as always have an awesome day
Channel: TwoGuyzTech
Views: 65,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ax5ep25L-Us
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Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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