How to RIG Finger Mullet AKA Fish CANDY!

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[Music] so there's a multitude of different ways to rig your mullet guys but my favorite way is actually right through the top lip I'll show you demonstrate that today it's fairly easy just kind of like the greenback's and such or ladyfish see if I can catch one of these frisky little things all right so I got my mullet here then I got a 100 hook put that right they got a small mouth so you don't want to get use too large of a hook and it should look just like that now there's a bunch of different effective rigs that you can use when using mullet but the one that I would highly suggest and recommend typically is going to be either the float rig or the poppin court or free lining and today we used both of those the popping cork method has actually been the one that has been the most successful and I think that's just because what happens is that really keeps the fish in the strike zone longer and kind of wears them down so they're not swimming all over the place so when I want them to sit in a certain area where there may be other predator fish the court allows me to do that and get a good visual and it's just tiring for them to pull that around all over the place so let's see if we can demonstrate maybe catch a fish right now thought I was recording we got a few out here use this today monster he's a little small for the bait we're using that's okay we'll take him circle hook did its job right there in the corner of the mouth that helps with the mortality rate absolutely pretty fish let's do a little release on it hey one down we just got out here so all right so I told Chris to go ahead and try to dead stick this mullet this is a great way to do this and it works super effectively especially in hot hot water just cut off his head cut off his tail yep actually you should go through that by the mangroves and what you want to do is just hook this body piece right onto the hook I don't want to be that crisp right through that stomach cavity and out hides the hook exposes the barb and voila beautiful nice work buddy I think we're gonna do a release official little snoop oh he got off oh definitely not a big fish that's a red fish little juvenile guys hey it's good to see these little guys running around here beautiful spots look at those beautiful spots let's let him go let him grow three I even let you cast on my spot alright guys so he slammed this mullet he wanted him some mullet alright old on the finger mother so she's ready to go ready yeah hey guys so today we were using 7-foot medium action rods also 2500 to 3000 series Stratus with 15 pound test 832 suffix the leader of choice at least the most productive was the 30 pound test and 100 hooks 100 200 votes depending on the size bait you really don't want to go too large I know some people get a little carried away well we were using small finger mullet and medium sized medium to large-sized shrunk so a smaller the hook the better the larger game fish are smart they get thrown to a whole lot so you really want to try to downside and do what you can get away with but don't go too crazy because these fish are strong and if they get you in cover or if this snook get that hook in their gullet know they're gonna cut you off almost every time if you have to light a leader so that's what we are using today a lot of fun you saw Chris all my fish I guess it's alright because he needed to catch something guys posters balls down in the comment section if I can get 150 likes and 150 comments I'll give away a free gift comment below I hope you guys are enjoying the content if you are show me some love and until next time I'll see you on the water
Channel: Joshua Taylor
Views: 37,194
Rating: 4.9030838 out of 5
Keywords: How to RIG Finger Mullet AKA Fish CANDY!, hook finger mullet, finger mullet, rigging bait, how to, how to use finger mullet for bit, snook, redfish, fishing, salty scales, how to rig live bait, rigging live bait, live, 1/0 circle hook, best rigs for fishing, fish candy, joshua taylor, greenbacks, fishing how to video, ifish, best fishing, mullet run, mullet bait fishing, catching snook, catching redfish, tampa bay, good times, landshark
Id: PUzeP0kWbDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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