How to MAKE + USE a FISH TRAP!!!

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all right today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to make a simple fish trap out of just a plastic bin and we're gonna test it out see if we can catch anything so stay tuned for that all right so basically what we're doing right now we're gonna drill holes in the bottom so that when you pick the bin up water's gonna come out of it and they're gonna be smaller holes so that the fish like don't fall out either so we're gonna do I'm just gonna put a few holes about that big probably like ten feet rows we're probably gonna drill about 50 holes so it's gonna take a while so we'll be right back with us in it all right so we just drilled the holes as you can see that's like 50 um so basically we are going to drill a couple holes in a circle so that the fish are able to go in and yeah that's it all right so we drove all these holes basically I'm just gonna drill like around it and we're gonna have this little cut up a little bit after we put our fish up in so right over here by this pipe we go in there right now they're all over there so that's all we're gonna do New York [Music] okay so we did that we're gonna when I set up my GoPro right over here and we'll get some you got some that's a lot of minnows yes I see one little picture not to it this tube will - sure we didn't get much just throw it in one more time just to see if we can catch anything else imma go a little bit deeper we go five six seven yeah draw blue yo so I take that big no one of them's I big very yeah that be I saw one get away well that's a lot better than before forgive a small one you can't even see him look at this fish look at that that's a bluegill that's like the tiniest will girl you'll ever see right there probably we got other decent-sized blue gills and we're gonna try to use them as bait so that's the end of the video um hope you guys enjoyed it make sure to like it subscribe comment on what you want to see next and that's gonna be
Channel: ReelSouthFloridaFishing
Views: 3,939
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fishing video, bass fishing, bass fishing video, fish trap, diy, homemade, diy fish trap, plastic bin fish trap, underwater footage, live bait, bluegill, largemouth bass, bass, peacock bass, florida, florida fishing, big bass, big largemouth bass, big peacock bass, south florida, fishing in florida, fishing in south florida, south florida fishing, how to, how to catch live bait, best bait, best bait for all bass, best bait for bass, catching big bass, do it yourself
Id: 2ruCvHcaLIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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