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This video was fantastic. I am really enjoying the new Felix. He's grown up and his sense of humor has evolved from random screams to actual comedy and I think the channel is better for it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/d0x360 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2017 🗫︎ replies
Hey how's it going bros my name is PewDiePie and today I'm joined *applause sound effect* with the very special guest clap it up everyone foooor Edga- Where the fuck did he go? Hey, how's it going bros my name is Pewdiepie and welcome to the very special guest Edgar gOD DAMNIT! what the fuck- (To be continued earrape) *speaks in swedish* okay come on lie, lie,lie Good Edgar! Well done! You're so good Edgar! Edgar: Shut the fuck up Felix. Now let's begin today's video! There is a reason I have Edgar as a respected guest here today because today's theme is... Respect. Thank you Markiplier. Respect. Not just any form of respect but respect wahmen. It's become a meme on the internet to respect women. Usually it looks like this: we have a subject. We have an item or an action, and then we have a wahman and it's usually pretty ho-rrible to see respecting wahmen is no joke. (Laughing) it is no joke to joke about! That cat needs those pills. And so does women need respect. Edgar is still a teenager. I need to teach him how to properly respect women and not like all these stupid memes! Are you- are you paying attention Edgar?! Hell yes! Cool! Well let's do. This let's begin with WikiHow! How to treat a woman. Being number one being a good communicator. Well if you have to whisper then I doubt you're a good communicator. What the fuck are you saying? I bet he's saying something sexist. Be a good listener. Ask her how she's feeling. Fight fair. But most of all show respect. This is me when I respect wahmen. If you ever see me do this that means I am currently respecting women. I don't know about you guys but i got a lot of respect for women. One day Edgar, my son you will be able to respect women just as well as I do. Are you listening? (Scream) Alright he's paying close attention. (Laughs) I love this thing... Behave like a gentleman. Treat her fairly. Don't open doors, this just shows you think she's weak. (claps and laughs) RESPECT WOMEN! You don't open the doors for the wahmen! that just makes her think she's weak. You gotta let her open her own doors so she knows she is strong enough to open that door herself. If there's a man- you open that door for him. If there's a wahmen you- she best open her own fucking doors. There's NO WAY you can be polite and open the doors. LET HER OPEN HER OWN GODDAMN DOOR! But what if I just want to be polite? That doesn't matter! Now. Edgar is three years old, isn't that right Edgar? Edgar: oh yeah. which basically means he's 13 in dog years. Edgar: What?! Pewds: yes that is exactly how that works shut the fuck up. So we're going to watch a video that helped me as a young 13 year old boy, really shape my way of looking at wahmen, and respECTING wOmen I didn't go from this to this in just a day! Respecting women takes time, patience skill, motivation. Here we go, here we go. *yt video plays* dear thirteen-year-old boys yes don't ask a girl it's her time of the month Pewds: that's right Edgar! I can have you- you best not aaaask! Edgar: but I can't speak :( Pewds: good keep it that way. IDIOOOOOT *video continues playing* dear thirteen year old boys. don't try and slide into a girl's dms. Edgar: But what if she is super hot??? I- I don't know actually about that one... that I mean OF COURSE not what do you- you got no respect for women! don't-- don't you dare ever EVER slide in to a girls DMS because if you do-- that means you don't respect wahmen. If you ever slide in my DMS you best be sure-- you have RESPECT for me. Because if you don't have respect for me... you don't have respect for wahmen. *video continues playing* Dear 13 year old boys. Stop wearing so much Nike sports athletic gear. Pewds: EDGAR! WHAT ARE YOU DOOING! ARE YOU WEARING NIKE?! Never wear Nike Sportswear. That's right. That's right, think about that one yeah that's right-- yeah you- shame o-, Shame, shame Edgar. (laughs) whispers: so cute :3 *video continues playing* Dear thirteen-year-old boys. Don't act like a big huge jerk when a girl says she doesn't want to go out with you. OOOOOOOOOh!! Did you hear that?! I like her face when she does that one because it's like-- *impersonating the girl in the video* Dear thirteen year old boys don't act like a big jerk when a girl doesen't want to go out with you. *laughs* It's a good finish. It's a good finish. *video continues playing again* Dear thirteen year old boys. It's okay to have acne. I have acne. A lot of my friends have acne. That's right! And if you don't have acne, you are disrespecting wahmen and you need to rethink what you're doing with your facial construction... liking musical theater is completely okay that doesn't make you gay. Wait wait what say what *video continues playing* liking musical theater is completely okay that doesn't make you gay. (Poods guffaws) Yeaya it does! Musical theater? That's more gay than liking anime and manga dude. If you like anime and manga...what a fucking nerd. It's super gay dude. You like theater? What are you...what are you you know like... Musical theater...that's super gay; isn't that right Edgar? Edgar: But I love musical theater. Pewds: SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU'RE NOT MY SON! I'm kidding I love you (pewds gives an air kiss) I love you. *video continues playing* Dear 13 year old boys don't "poof" your hair up to Jesus. Pewds: What the fuck does that mean? Nehahaha No, you can't make me choose between wahmen and Jesus it's Jesus every time. If I want to "quef" my hair up to Jesus I can do it and so can you Edgar, listen here boy don't listen to this wahman. If you want to "quef" your hair up to Jasus. You best do that. That's right, I'll "quef" my hair ALL I WANT to Jasus. I'm "queffing" to Jasus right now. guys...and I'm respecting wahmen. *video continues playing* Dear 13 year old boys it's okay to not have muscles it's okay to not have abs it's okay to not love yourself. Pewds: Are you saying it's okay not to have these BIG bad boys...are you saying it it's okay not to have this super (definitely real) abs and it's okay not to love yourself? *pewds singing Ave Maria* all right I think we learned a lot here today about respecting women isn't that right Edgar? thank you...thank you Edgar. Respecting's not a joke okay and I want you everyone to everyone to follow my lead and give me your best respecting wahmen posts right now as you're watching. And also I-- this is really important to me because it's like I know this is all a joke with the hair and all but this is very important to me It's something I wanted to do for a very long time I I just never really got the time to do it properly. I really want to change the brofist I find it to be offensive...insensitive and a microaggression. The brofist is so heavily male-structured and pandering to men when we really need to just focus more on respecting wahmen so I want to change the brofist to something else I've given this a lot of thought it's an iconic moment in this channel history but we're changing the brofist into something gender-neutral something that anyone no matter who you are can get on board with I want to call it, "The Sis Fist". "Sis Fist". Respect Women Fist. That's it. Respect wahmen. Respecting wahmen, one punch at a time. That was a bad joke I'm sorry. Don't..don't hit women but don't hit guys too. *blaring horn* There's one more video uh- UGH!- by 3DMOVIES4U- errr a legend absolute legend this guy taught me everything I know about wahmen. He taught me how to respect wahmen. as you can tell he's an old man so he knows what he's talking about. That's how it works. *3DMOVIES4U video plays* And when I date a woman- Pewds: mm-hmm. *video continues* I don't go over and open up the door for a woman. Pewds: As he should ,see...this man knows you don't open up the door for wahmen because they need to feel strong. *video continues* I treat her like crap and they love it they respect ya for it. Pewds: Are you telling me...wahmen...can respect men? No that's impossible! How could this be?! I've been fed a lie! All this time. 3DMOVIES4U, what else knowledge do you have for us? *video continues* You know I've been through the opening the car door and saying I love you honey- is there anything I can do for you honey yes honey you're right honey that's bullshit *laughs* Pewds: WHAT?! *video continues* Treat her like dirt! Pewds: Whoa! *video continues* Argue with her tell her she's dumb. Pewds: Ugh, what? *video continues* You know treat her like crap they love it! Pewds: *laughs* treat her like they love it I love this... I love this man. The fuck is this...just punch your lady they love it. *video continues* Rharharha women want tough guys- they don't want little fairy wimps that open the car door for 'em and treat 'em with respect and pull out the chair at the restaurant. They wanna...they they want to be treated like a buddy. Pewds: I need to write that down. *video continues* They can sit the restaurant themselves...they don't need you to pull out their chair for 'em. Pewds: Does anyone have a paper?! *video continues* They want to be a buddy! I need to fuck my buddy okay I got it. *video continues* Hey tough guy so treat him like crap; give 'em what they want baby...rharharah...don't you get it? Pewds: I guess not. *video continues* Look I've been around the block a few times. I've had, I don't know...Pewds: Probably 6,000 vaginas. 48 women in my life. Pewds: 48?! 48 nig...shit...nig...I said nig... 48?! 18?! 18?! 48?! This man is living sex machine. 48 women eh? You know I... I I might have done this wahmen thing wrong. maybe this 3DMOVIES4U man is right after all. *video continues* I've never had a 10 but I have lots of 9s...lot of 'em. Lot's of 'em. Pewds: With a mustache like that BOI how come you never had a 10? I don't get it. I don't get it at all man. Dude you fucking tight as shit man, you deserve a 9 (means 10). *video continues* And other women that you marry if you marry a really good-looking sexy woman she might cheat on you. Pewds: MARZIA! Maaah! I think we learned a lot about respecting wahmen here today boys and and AND GIRLS AND GIRLS especially especially this video... Do I have any girls watching this video? If you are then let me tell you; Edgar, you you finish this video you say something good. Let me put on some nice music... *Clannad After Story Opening plays* Hi, my name is Fehlix this is my dog Edgar. We respect wahmen. Do you respect wahmen... as well? Then please leave a like in this video that would really... Every like equals one respect of the wahmen. And if this video doesn't get 10,000 likes, Edgar will never appear on this channel again- because I will export him to a third world country where he will learn how to respect wahmen properly. Thank you all for respecting wahmen...and as always "Sis Fist". Have fun! Come on tough guy (Ha!) Hmmm...okay not bad. You think you can take me out huh?! (Inaudible) (Poods) See ya guys. Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 9,935,246
Rating: 4.9295397 out of 5
Keywords: respect, women, react, meme
Id: NsevBxOWFXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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