How to request E-signature or sign a PDF using Adobe Acrobat

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hey guys and welcome to my newborn tutorials in today's tutorial I'm going to show you how to request an e-signature for a PDF document from anyone and also how you can also assign a document sent to you via Adobe e-signature request okay so like I said the first part has to do with you being the one requesting for the e-signature if you have a PDF document I wish to request an electronic or what we call a signature from somebody then I'll show you how to do that with Adobe effect robots Okay secondly if you wish to sign a document that has been sent to you via Adobe a signature request this video also help you so it's very very simple we have this PDF right here and I will simply right click on it open it with what Adobe okay now once I open it with Adobe preferably always reduce this to 100 because this makes your piece your PDF sizable and for you to be able to perform any actions now after this if you want to send an e-signature request simply come and click on tools and then you come down here and you will see something like a request e signatures then click on that or you can click on open okay now when you click on that this dialog box opens and over here you can just read through to understand what it's all about so they are saying what over here you can add the recipient's email now there's in get e-signatures faster than email okay now um recipients sign in minutes no printing no scanning is required recipients receive an email link to sign online for free without having to download other vehicle but okay lastly documents are signed fast and securely so in today's world most people are resorting to e-signatures because it's much more secure than printing a document and it's you know so all you have to do is to put the recipient's emails here you can add as many recipients as you like if all these people are going to sign the document or fail and sign a document that you guys will put your name their emails okay so let me give you an example in case the first person is Miracle tutorial so simply enter menu phone to tutorials [Music] okay in case you want to add other recipients just place the cursor inside this place and then you can start to type the second recipients for instance the second recipient is hand down you know that's just type his email but for this tutorial I will limit you to just one recipient because I will this video after this part I'll also show you the second part which you will have to do with which will have to do if how many people will assign the document once he receive it so I don't want to put two recipients but I'll make it work the video too long so just limit it to one recipient and then over here we have one that is the same for even if you have multiple recipients over here you have the title by default it took the PDF name which is a cover letter underscore menu you can edit it so you can say for instance key signature request request for cover letter and if you want to make it to be more professional then you can say dear meaning you know you could hit enter please review and sign these documents many thanks or just a best sound of the for the sounds when you are done after which you click on what specify where to sign this might take some few seconds just wait a bit perfect now over here if you should come over here to recipients just come and click on sometimes when you come to you see that we've passed the first stage we just do it adding let's say signatures now we've come to the second place which has to do with specifying where to field now sometimes when you come to this stage you may notice that advanced editing option here will be off so once it's off this is how your document will look like what that means is that you don't have you are not going to add any Fields or you didn't specify where the person is going to sign and the failure will have to do it by him okay so which is not very good because if the person doesn't know how to use Adobe properly he will be struggling secondly the fellow might place his or his signature anywhere which you don't want so it's always better you you specify where the filler would feel inside so to do this make sure you turn on advanced uh editing on okay turn it on Advanced editing on and when you click on recipients here you'll see all the recipients so at the moment we just have one recipient which is minimum tutorials right this is sandominable which is actually myself and then blue here is for anyone okay so but these are not necessary but we just have one recipient with the color green here now let's click on this to close it come to the signature Fields okay so signature fails you see that you have signature if you want just initial stand whatever come to the signature info fields this is where I'll come first because I want the person's name to be written who is signing before the signature so come in left click on this option here left click and hold drag it into the documents once I will drag it here because I want menu equal to write his full name here I also want him to put his title if is he the Chief Financial Officer who knows so you'll be able to click on title if you want you might not you might decide not to put these options for me I want them so I'll put them put it here okay perfect and then after which um I can now let him sign so come to Signature fields pick my signature here left click and we'll drag it here in order to wherever I want him to sign so I want him to sign over here after which do I want him to put his the date of signature and then if it then I'll come sorry if so then I can simply click on signature Fields here and then pick the dates or his email but I don't need all those details for me it's just okay because the signature itself comes with the date of signature so I don't need those extra details now once I'm done I just make sure you come and click on double click on any of these or fields that you've kept here double click on it and the youth realized that the assigned person will appear here this is very important because when you have multiple signings you have to do this if not everything will just be mixed up so it makes sure that every optional you place here double click on it click on this menu and make sure you selected the right signing for that option that you that field that you've inserted so this option is for menucon tutorial it is the only signing anyway I'll come and double click on this one too and make sure it's minimum tutorials perfect so but notice that when I click on this okay this is what this is his phone is what his full name right so and then over down here we have what field type is name this for his full name and blah blah blah so just click on OK title through like I said is the title make sure it's the right email come to Signature you make sure it's the right email this is helpful because if you had to add multiple Fields then you can make sure that this person will sign here and that person also be the right person sign where you're supposed to sign now once you have done this verification simply come over here and you have the option in case you want to keep this what you are doing as a template for your future signature request then you make sure you click on save as template if not just go ahead and hit on send and then you send and track the progress of your what your signature now notice that after I did that they are saying what e-signature request for cover letter management are successfully been sent kudos to us and now let me now show you how many people will have to sign when he receive this cover letter he will just open his browser so the disadvantage of e-signatures is that it often requires internet okay but it's very good and much secured now so this person received so let's let me let's assume I want to I will log into my email okay so let's assume this is what so just click on please drop down menu and I'll pick this is minimum tutorials here okay so many cool tutorials will log into his email address so he just simply has to log into his email address FX now once menu Chrome logs into his email address he will see you see the email here showing up um e-signature requested for sorry signature requested on e-signature request for cover letter it should have been it's nature requested on cover letter but as made a title of blah blah blah no problem if I should open it and now you have the message here that are rightly wrote which is what I know dear meaning please review and sign best summary see how nice it is now this person will just click on um after receiving the document we just click on review and sign and bomb do click on down here on continue and after which they are saying what okay after which he just reads the document with the document with the document and over here you'll see all the fields that I added so here is for his or title okay first of all click on start so if you click on start start here over here click on start okay I haven't done any of them so you notice that when I click on start it just keep jumping from one to the other okay now so first of all you have to and he has to enter his title so many more come and enter his title here which is what added his name his name will be added later so he will enter his title as the Chief Financial Officer CFO now here's where he's supposed to sign right so he clicks on sign and then he has different options in Adobe you could either type just your his name and it will be a signature if he wants it's called let's say a menu Chrome so if he wants his signature to just be like this cool if he wants to draw then he can also draw he can just delete this and then draw if he has an image he can import it already if he wants to draw then you can click on draw then he can draw his image right here using his trackpad or his Mouse see how I'm actually drawing this in nature with the trackpad of my laptop is very very possible really easy you see it and then after which he will have to enter his name here so he'll just enter his full name okay and then he simply clicks on apply if it feels like this energy is okay in case he wants to clear the signature he can clear here and then repeat the process so I just click on apply and then you will notice that his name is over here and then his signature is right here and he's the Chief Financial Officer perfect and a mini phone just goes ahead and click on what sign click to sign and they're saying what you are all set [Music] perfectually download a copy of his document here and he has his document here that he can download for himself and you the sender of the the whatever of the the request you also going to receive a copy so let me show you how so you see that this is how the document will look like well signed very beautifully okay as you can see now let's see how many sorry sound on who is the one who sent the documents so if I should open my mailbox the sender in my case I'm using my Outlook account so it's not like my Outlook account is what I use to set up my Adobe so it's not my my Gmail account so once I open my Outlook account or if if it's your Gmail account that you use to set up your Adobe once you open it just log into your account your personal yeah either send this account and then you'll see this document here that e-signature for cover letter many cool tutorial blah blah blah signed off document has been site and field and you yourself the sender can just download your documentary which won't open you can open it actually and this is your document okay so this is the document you are the one who sent the document so it comes with what a what we call a certification so you have this the signature the document is here you have the signature here perfectly placed and then underneath you have attached to this PDF what is signature request for blah blah blah you see for cover letter you have the date of the signature this is the simulation certificate without the signature certificate just this within the signature certification is actually what authenticates destination so you need to download this PDF just the way it is foreign
Channel: Minukuu Tutorials
Views: 22,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: request e-signatures, electronic signatures, request electronic signatures, sign electronic signature request, electronic signature request in adobe, Adobe, Adobe Acrobat, How to request electronic signature in Adobe acrobat, initials, signature, adobe signature, add signers in adobe, specify where to fill and sign in adobe, how to e-sign a document, E-signature, e-sign, signature certificate adobe, How to request E-signature or sign a PDF using Adobe Acrobat, sign PDF using Adobe, CoC
Id: O2pZRXxEvas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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