How To Replace One Piece Of Vinyl Siding (Mid-Wall)

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welcome to house improvements calm I'm Shannon and I want to show you in a video today how you could remove a piece of vinyl siding in the middle of a wall so let's let's just say that you had some damage on a piece of siding from some hail or maybe the barbecue melted it or something like that and we want to remove this this piece right here that's in the middle of the wall I'm going to show you how to do that one of the first things you're going to need is you're going to need this tool at least it'll make it a lot easier if you have this tool and it can be bought at most of the different siding supply places or the big-box stores they'll generally have this in their siding area or their tool section so what it is is with this little hook on the end you can actually force that up in the the joint of the siding to get that bottom of the siding lip unhooked from the row blow it so the process is we're removing this piece right here but we first need to unhook this piece so we can get at the nailing flange of this one okay so I've got to take my tool and you can do it in the middle of a piece of siding or if you went if I went way down to the side I can get to a joint and get it started in a little easier but I'm just gonna do it this way just because this is the hardest way to do it just to show you so I'm just kind of manipulating the siding up with my thumb a little bit and I'm jamming this up in there until it gets hooked on the bottom edge of the side and then I just want to kind of gently pry it loose until it like I can get my finger in here now now I can work my way along and undo this upper row asylum [Applause] okay now down at this end you can see we're inside of a piece of j-channel on the edge so I'm just I'm not going to play with that too much because you take the chance of either damaging the G channel or the siding so I'm gonna wait until I've got the nails out of this piece because I might not have to manipulate that too much depending how it's nailed so with that loose now you can see it's exposed our existing nails in that row exciting that we're wanting to actually remove okay so now it's just a simple process of either unhooking the siding off the nails if that's the case or simply playing the nails over you're gonna find that if the sidings been on for a while there's gonna be a fair bit of dirt and stuff up in there so don't be surprised that's vinyl siding is not really waterproof or dust proof or anything like that so it tends to gather a little bit of dust and dirt I can inside of it so I've got two more nails left here you can see they're actually coming out quite easy now I've got this last one here like I said I'm trying not to down into this piece above too much so there I got all those nails out pretty easily it might be a little harder sometimes than that so this is the piece we're wanting out I'm back here at a joint actually let's touch on something so let's say let's say you've got some damage right here wherever in this piece and it you know you really only need to change this much siding and maybe that's all you have for leftovers from the original job is shorter pieces so you don't want to take a whole long chunk off so what you can do is remove the piece that you need off that has the damage take it off cut out the damage you know cut it to a three feet or whatever you've got for a piece for the patch and then you can put it back together using a part of the old one and and your new one just remember you've got to cut the new one long enough so that you get your proper lapping you can see here the proper lapping on all the joints so you can just simply cut out a piece and cut your new piece of that exact same length it's gonna have to be longer because it needs to lap on to the piece down there and lap onto this piece so but anyways so now that we've got the nails all out I can just get hold of this and snap it that comes right over okay so this side is actually coming off anyways but I'm just going to show you now putting it back on so let's just say we went and cut our piece that we want to put back on I can walk up to the wall snap it in like normal get it all lined up obviously cut it long enough so it laps on to the piece beside it properly and you get your proper spacing down in the J channel or whatever whatever is going on at that end I've got this one straggler nail here that I never pulled out the first time okay so we've got it snapped in on the bottom we're just gonna simply go back and rename it on I'm I'm just holding this piece up going up out of the layer maybe you've got some help with you they can hold out of the way remember you don't want a nail spinal siding tight you want to leave about a dime thickness of space between the backside of the nail head and the nailing flange of the siding space your nails about every 12 to 16 inches if you can try to nail in the center of that nailing slot and see their slotted not still allow the siding to be able to move as it expands and contracts with the temperature changes I'll just finish nailing this off okay so we've got it back in something that'll help you kind of determine your height is you'll be should be able to see the old nail holes where the old siding was nailed so that'll tell you if you've got it stretched up to the same position that the old one was so so now we've got that one nailed in and we need to get this one hooked back into it again so I'm going to go down to this end because I can see that this has gotten kind of twisted up in the J channel again I'm just gonna manipulate it back into the J channel where it's supposed to be I'm gonna use my tool again to get hooked on this bottom lip and kind of get it started so I'm kind of forcing down with my hand and pulling down on the tool kinda get that lip started in there typically I would go from that end to this end because it's more comfortable for me but I'll just continue on this way since I started it here I'm just kind of forcing it back in there twisting that bottom lip for a little hook back in we got it so far I'm gonna come from this and now when you get to a joint you have to fiddle a little bit to get it started again get your tool out that's all locked in so it's really not that difficult and like I said this tool I I don't exactly know how much it cost will include a link to this tool in our description in the video but you should be able order one and it's well worth it even if you only got one piece to do I know these aren't that expensive but yeah so it's really as simple as that so that's an end to a nice short video for you just showing you how to change that piece of siding and we appreciate if you give us the thumbs up if you liked what we did and you can leave a comment below or go to the forum if you have a question post your question up there you can check us out on patreon Facebook and what else Twitter thanks a lot for watching
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 810,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinyl, siding, repair, how to, fix, hole, broken, how, diy, home, house, hail, damage, damaged, remove, replace, install
Id: lzhSsmWnHfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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