How to replace an impeller on a Mercury inboard

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hey what's up guys welcome back to Jane a small engine and today we're gonna replace a impeller on a mercury inboard engine alright so we're gonna start by taking off these bolts on the sides these are gonna be sixteen millimeters all right so before we remove the last boat I'm gonna use a 1/2 inch and I'm gonna take off the boat in the back [Music] Oh all right so since we're also gonna replace the oil on the transmission we're gonna remove the lower the screw on the bottom that's the drain plug and we also have one over here on the top that's the vent you open that so you can get air and all the oil can rip down [Music] alright now that all the fluid is out we're gonna take off the last Pole alright so just remember leave one bolt just do it thread it in just a little bit so the transmission won't fall whenever you're ready so these are only four you can use a 5/16 or an 8 millimeter [Music] [Music] all right now it's just time to put everything back together so our log for the Impaler there's a slot right here the end paler I always like lubricating defense with some petroleum petroleum oil grease just a little bit just to help lubricate whenever you're installing it and this little slot goes right there on that on that lock over there you can put this in pillar whatever side just make sure that lines up there just a little bit of a little bit of grease right here we're also gonna put a new gasket yeah and we're gonna rotate the shaft clockwise remember you always want to rotate it clockwise and push it down there now just get our Bolton when you're gonna see your transmission back in place this little tube this is a weird sense of water into the engine and you can install it it's gonna go inside that pipe let me show you all right once it's it's all the way in there it has some some old rings in here so it makes it tight [Music] [Music] all right so here we're gonna use our 9/16 now for a directional fin we're gonna use a half inch drive on this one there and our very last boat is over here in the back this is all this is also half inch drive there and our speedometer line that one just goes clicked in that's it you're done right to refill your transmission with oil you're gonna use a 88-90 gear oil you're gonna use a pump you're gonna connect it on the bottom screw and you're gonna fill it up all the way until the oil starts leaking out of this the oil vent what starts leaking you can disconnect it put the plug back in and plug it up up here under it all right so right there it's already starting to leak out if I pump it one more - so now we're gonna get the plug and we're gonna plug this one first [Music] no matter this reservoir still goes to the transmission this you also fill it up with gear oil this is a to balance it out just in case the transmission fluid will flow there it is right now we're just gonna start it on the transmission we use about a quart quart and a half of gear oil just a quick recap on the tools you'll need 16 millimeter for the transmission you got a 9/16 going up a half-inch going down on the back we have a 1/2 inch drive that's a boat and of course the line the rubber hose is uh it's just a clip you just clip it off and just put it to the side there's no boat or pins to the gear shaft and on the impeller housing those are for boats which are 5/16 or 8 millimeter and you know that's to get to the impeller so let's just get some water and turn it on [Music] all right so just a little bit more info this particular boat has been parked for at least a year so all this black water coming out that's just the carbon buildup on the exhaust just being flushed away with the water on this boat this is a four cylinder so you would only have an exhaust port on one side right here and if your boat was a six or an eight cylinder of course you have an additional manifold so you would have an exhaust on both sides this one only has a port right there but that's non-functional only one side all right so heads it for today thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up if you have any questions or comments let me know and subscribe I'll see you on my next video peace out
Channel: GT's Performance
Views: 450,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mercury, MerCruiser, Aplha One, Waterpump, Change, Water Pump, Viva, VIP, Boat, Suzuki, Johnson, Evinrude, Volvo
Id: IX9A-_zNobQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2017
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