How to repair a large rusted out area on your vehicle

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hi everyone how to fix a large rust hole on your vehicle now I've removed all the rust around the hole and I've taken it down to bare metal around the area and then I applied a rough smart with a brush brushed it onto the rusted area and that will help stop the rust from ever coming back now what I'm gonna do is mix up some short strand fiberglass now I've already cut my fiber cloth it's fiberglass cloth to the size of the hole now it's good to have two scrapers when you're working with this stuff to see one to remove the material from the can and one to mix so now I'm gonna mix up just enough material to tack the cloth that should be enough partner now you don't have much time and I'm just gonna apply the Short Strand fiberglass cloth place it over the area I'm just gonna press it in try to make the form of the metal the way the metal was take press it in all I'm doing now is just tacking the cloth on now just let it sit for about a minute or so now I can check and see please peel your wax paper off now what I'm gonna do is cut off some of this excess cloth now you'll want to scrape your mixing board take your knife and scraper applying the second coat now my mixing board to the area and I'm just gonna apply material over top of all the cloth fiberglass someone then you can also feather all the edges in makes it easier to smooth it out later okay you can let this set up now for a minute or so scrape off your mixing board now you can start checking to see already it is a little soft you don't want to remove the paper too soon or you'll lift the material off the vehicle but you don't want to let it sit too long because it'll start to bond into the fiberglass I've removed the wax paper this is what it looks like hi everyone I'm gonna grind down the fiberglass now and feather in all the edges [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I've ground off most of the high spots and what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna take a small grinder or rotary tool I have and I'm gonna start grinding in here I have my rotary tool here and I put on a little sanding wheel and now I can start sanding in here grind it all down and I can fix up some of the areas in here as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now it should be ready for filling with body filler so in the next video I'm going to show how to apply the filler and how to sand it thanks for watching
Channel: kurtscottage
Views: 3,216,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How-to, rust, repair, Cars, Automobile
Id: g_FDYbWs5eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2011
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