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welcome back to garage Choice the channel that's dedicated to teaching you everything you need to know about paint and body repair and today we're working on this Dodge pickup beautiful looking truck it's got a nasty dent in this door we're going to repair this today there's also a little bit of a crease right here where the store handle is it's got a crown right here we're going to pull this in repair it so let's get in the garage and make some noise [Applause] first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to grind this down to Bare Metal so we can get our spot welder on it this tool welds the tip into the low area of the dent and then you can slide hammer or pull it out with this tool very handy tool I can see this body Line's been affected it's pushed in a little bit here this Dent travels all the way up into here once we pull out this low area and get this High spot tap down a lot of that energy is going to release out of this dent and hopefully we won't have to put a ton of filler in this so let's go ahead grind this section right here right here we'll pull these out and see how well this comes out so what we did is we ground this down to bare metal used our belt sander here this is an astro belt sander with some 36 grit on it and now we're just going to pull out this crease and see how well this Dent comes out hoping to get all this low area to pop out right here okay we're gonna have to go up a little bit higher but I'm going to pull down here and I'm going to tap down this crown with the hammer so I'm pulling hopefully this will release some of that tension that's in that dent that energy oh yeah starting to feel a lot better foreign [Applause] still a shallow spot right here a flat spot [Music] so I'm going to continue going up here and knocking down this crown okay so this now feels pretty good I think you can see how that Dent's been removed even that little shallow area is pretty much gone now it's a little bit high right here so we're going to tap that down a little bit and I can see there's a little bit of a Dinger right there and that body line might be in just a touch but it came out really nice I'm very happy with it even these little dings right here we can just fill if we wanted to we do have to pull out this little ding here I'm going to pull that out a little bit and then we're gonna tackle this area here got a crown right here when it was pushed in here it created a crown right here that we need to remove so we'll push on the door handle from the inside we'll tap down this Crown hopefully that'll release the energy that's in here in this dent and most of this will come out without using a lot of filler got the door panel off this desk took the door panel off there's an access hole right here and right up here is where the door handle is so what I'm going to try and do is get a pry power bar carefully up against that door handle and I'm gonna have Darris push out on it so as he's pushing this door handle out we're going to tap down this crown and try and release the energy in this door handle okay I'm going to hold the door just keep it put a little more pressure on it okay let off that may not work but we're gonna see we're gonna take this off okay so that wasn't quite doing what I wanted it to do so we're going to take off this panel so we can access the door skin and really get some good push on this dent okay dearest has got a two by four brace up against the inside of the door handle and we're going to push this out I'm going to push on this door while I tap down this High spot okay ready you hold on my hammer this way there's a low spot right here that we're trying to get rid of now we're gonna have to pull that door handle out so let's pull that door handle out got now we still got a little ding right here we're going to fill but overall it looks much better you're gonna have to fill some right here and we're gonna have to fill around here but it's going to be a thin coat we might have to do a little bit more dollying around but I'm going to run over this with 80 grit sandpaper on the orbital sander just to see where the high and lows areas are you then you guys can really tell so basically what I was doing was dialing this around I had to push out this edge here push out this Edge right around here and then hammer down a crown that was right here and this was pushed in it created a crown right here and a crown right here and I still have to knock this crown down a little bit but the main thing was to get this Edge pushed out so we've got that done we've got the handle fitting up there nicely now we just need to sand around this with 80 grit knock down this Crown just a little bit more and then we can lay some filler in here [Applause] [Music] now we're just going to grind these low areas this is high this is high this is low right here this is all a little bit low through here so what I'm probably going to do is grind these areas that are low and then we'll hit it with the g90e and pull those out a little bit maybe in here a little bit as well and then we'll level that out just a little bit more and then we'll tape up this Edge and lay in a thin coat of filler right here okay so you saw what we did we went with the g90e and we pulled out those little low areas this is pretty much flat right here feeling really really good we'll put a coat of filler on here we'll put a coat of filler around here we'll have to do a little bit right here too but we want to mask off this Edge so we don't get any filler in this Edge I'm going to sand all these area with 80 grit sandpaper we'll probably feather edge out this paint so it's nice and smooth we are going to be applying our filler over the edge of the paint reason I like to do that so I don't have double edges that I'm going to primer over do that there's a double chance that it could shrink into those edges meaning the edge of Bondo and then an edge of paint so I like to have one Edge one edge of Bondo the filler I use you can apply it over properly sanded paint which is 80 grit sand sand scratches this Dodge truck is pretty much ready for some body filler we're going to use some USC body filler today I think it's a67 I'll show you what we're going to use but we've got the dent pulled out we've feather edge this paint so we just smoothed out the transition from the bare metal to the paint I am going to sand in here a little bit but I am going to tape off this body line we don't want any filler to get down in this groove where this handle sits just makes it easier to sand and clean up except our filler we want to wash this with some isopropyl alcohol okay so this is the filler we're using today this is the USC grip it's a lightweight filler can be applied over paint stir it up here because this does separate we're going to put a little bit here on our pallet we've just got a paper palette here always cover up your filler you don't want it to dry out as far as the hardener this is the hardener here you want to knead the tube make sure it's all mixed up just going to put a little bit on here from the center to the edge like that the ratio is 50 to 1 or 2 percent hardener to filler now when we're mixing it up we're just going to fold it in try not to stir it because that introduces air into the filler and air in your filler is going to cause pin holes and create more work for you to take care of those so we want to we want to press out any air that's in this filler okay let's go over the car first coat you want to press it into the panel to get good adhesion now we sanded this with 80 grit 80 grit is the is the right grit sandpaper to use when you're applying filler I'm just going to start about two inches outside and we'll press it in foreign you want to have before you start laying your filler you want to have a good idea of where you need to lay your filler so I know I need I know where I need to put this filler we've got some low areas here and low area here and then of course the metal we straightened yeah see this is not quite as smooth as that U-Pull filler now most of this is going to get sanded off now as I put my second coat on I don't have to put as much pressure on this because I don't want to push the filler out of the dents kind of want to leave the filler in the center I don't want to leave the filler on the edge so I'll press push a little harder on the edge and then kind of lighten up on my pressure as I get through the center let that cure and then I'll show you how we do our initial shaping of the filler and then apply a second coat so now we are going to shape this body filler we've got some 80 grit sandpaper here this is cubatron 3M cubatron fits nicely on our dustless sanding block and we're going to block this we're we're not going to expect this to be perfect after we're done blocking this but we want all those low areas to be filled we want to flatten it out so we're just going to block it in an x pattern so I'm using this medium sized block I might use a longer block on this down here so we can cover more surface area but typically you want to use a block that's long enough to cover the surface of the area if you don't have any weird Contour so you want to be able to lay this block flat against the panel and cover the largest surface area possible I'm gonna go in all different directions so I'll turn this lock a little bit so I'm sanding these edges here now you can see we're breaking through a little bit there so we've got a low area here and it's probably a little low right here now the biggest mistake I see beginners make is they want to take out too much filler so this is good here I don't have to block this anymore if I do block it more I'm going to block it with 180. but I don't have to put any more filler over this there's enough filler in this it's still got a little bit of material here that I can block down with 180. so I don't want to go over that too much more maybe just on the edge with this 80. so if you start taking out too much material what's going to happen is it stops making it straight it starts to make it wavy then you'll apply more filler you take out too much filler again and it continues to be wavy this is a vicious cycle that you get into when you take out when removed or block too much filler out of your panel don't take out too much filler and you're getting close start refining your scratches when I get this close I know I need to step it down to I need to step it down to 180 because I got I have to remove those 80 grit scratches and if I don't have the filler to do it then I'm going to be taking out too much filler and I'll have to put in more filler she's a little guy cut on this so I can show you where we're at low spot right here low spot so I'm hitting bare metal so that's low right there [Applause] [Music] and look how nicely that blacked out now it's breaking through right there could be a little bit low right around here [Music] foreign [Music] so this is smoothing out a little bit low here but I think that'll block out you got a little bit more blocking to do right here [Music] little few imperfections but we'll use glazing putty to fill those okay that feels good I'm gonna go over it with 180 and then we'll use some glazy Putty over this top section here we've got a high spot here I'm probably going to tap that down and then we're going to put a skim coat of filler right there so let's block this out for that I'll use the long block so we can see where the high filler is getting blocked out and leveled out to the the rest of this panel so I put some guide coat on here and now you can see how this body filler is a little excessive right here so we're blocking that down until it matches up with the rest of this panel then we have a relatively straight panel so let's continue doing that x pattern I'm not pressing hard I'll go in different directions now that this metal is firm okay if you have stretched metal and it's a little tin candy so it acts like a tin can it moves in and out very easy then blocking it that's going to make blocking really difficult because you're never going to be blocking this straight because it keeps flexing and moving your block can't block a straight panel so you've got to make sure your metal is firmed up before you start adding your filler filler will not firm up that panel so you can see this getting a little bit light through here we're getting down to the metal right here we've still got a little bit of a low here and we've got to clean up these edges [Music] that's feeling really good we just got that little bit of a low heat right here in the center but we can fill just that you see we haven't broken through we've got right here where we're starting to break through we're not quite severe metal we're almost to bare metal I'm gonna use a smaller block I've got some 80 on it we're going to do this area and then this Edge and I'm just going to use this small block for this Edge this is all straight here remember so we're just concerned about blending this into the rest of the panel see how I'm going out into the center we're just showing their x pattern now we're gonna have to put a little filler in here now we have a smooth transition our edges are smooth we're going to clean that up that's just extra filler out in a straight panel so this is ready we need a little bit of filler here we're going to block this out real quick okay we've got a high high spot right here we're going to tap that down this is a little low this is a little high this is straight into here that's all we need now we'll put a little skim coat right here I really think we're going to leave this alone maybe a little bit around that corner okay we got some filler here we'll mix this up a little filler here fill that corner a little bit just fill that little low spot and then that block this out and we'll be ready to spray in some primer okay we're gonna stick with 80 and we're gonna block this out I've got this medium block here okay we're going to leave that alone this is still a little bit High here so we're going to tap that down and put another coat of filler there I'm gonna continue blocking this so we had a little low spot here a high spot here we tapped it down we put another coat on blocked it it was still high here so we tapped it down foreign remember we had a couple small dents at the bottom of the store so I went ahead and filled those and then we blocked them out with some 80 grit sandpaper and then I blocked over that 80 grit with 180 to refine those 80 grit scratches get it cleaned up and ready for some primer and then off camera I went ahead and blocked this entire repair area with 180 grit sandpaper now what I'm doing is I'm taking my orbital sander with some 180 grit sandpaper and we're cleaning up the outside area of this repair and cleaning up all those 80 grit scratches and refine those to 180 and then we'll go over it with 320 as well before we primer now I'll go ahead and take my orbital sander and some 600 grit sandpaper and I'll prepare this entire door for primer and the blend and we'll sand it with 600 all the large areas before we apply our primer and then all the small areas that I miss all the body lines and the edges will go over by hand with 600. be sure to check out the next episode when I share with you how to mix apply and block sand out your 2K primer I hope you found this video helpful I appreciate each and every one of you watching if you want to learn more about paint and body repair check out this video now we'll see you next time on garage noise
Channel: Garage Noise
Views: 19,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bondo, bodyfiller, how to, Block sanding, auto body, garage Noise, upol body filler, how to use bodyfiller, auto, car, paint and body, repair your car, diy, diy autobody, body filler tips and techniques
Id: hT8dcUj3IHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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