Easily restore headlight with baking soda and vinegar a how-to video

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banshee moon okay I'm gonna do a quick tutorial on removing the oxidation from your headlamps I did a video earlier how-to on replacing the turn signal for this Toyota Tundra and now as you can see it's uh it's quite a bit different from the headlamp which is badly oxidized and kind of grungy so I'm just gonna do this side for now but does it's a pretty pretty straightforward task I've just got some basic household items here some distilled white vinegar and some baking soda and of course some glass cleaner so first I'm going to clean off the gunk that's on there the bugs and whatnot with the glass cleaner minute you want to have just a few towels you can use your microfibers or your microfiber or a chamois cloth or just some rags because in this job what's going to do what's going to do the bulk of the work is the is the bite of the baking soda so there are a number of different ways to clean your headlights to get the oxidation off some people will use rubbing compound some will use just baking soda some we some will use a combination of baking soda and vinegar like I'm doing but this is a pretty pretty easy way to do it so first I'm gonna like I said clean off this mess it's all it's already a little better next I'm going to add the vinegar to the baking soda which will create a chemical reaction of course you get a baking soda is very alkaline very high pH and vinegar is a very low pH it's very acidic mixing the two will give you that reaction now I'm going to take some of this of a paste and I'm going to begin rubbing the oil just going to take a little work give it a nice good rub circular motion was good be very thorough you can always go back and get your edges they see that baking sodas got a lot of tooth to it so that's really helping much the same way that a rubbing compound would to remove this layer that's on here it's built up over time we can do this a couple of times and some people will use buffing pads and somewhat like I said we'll use shammies or microfibers really doesn't matter as you can see that's built up that on there as a paste and the paste is what's new in the world and we give it a little elbow grease now I'm gonna wipe the excess off here whosh see how it's looking after this first go-round and that took a lot of that haze out as you can see let's take a look at the other one see a big difference that's just one just one rub I'm going to do it again I'm going to flip this so you can buy a $50 kit online you can you can go to the hardware store and buy supplies like rubbing compound you know different different forms of rubbing compound microfibers or you can just use household products and do pretty much the same thing I've found a lot of great uses for vinegar and baking soda around my house as many of you probably have so there you go looking good now you can add a coat of wax to that to help her deck protect it and keep it from oxidizing again and you'll be looking sharp let's see a big difference brightened up the truck you know if you're going to if you're going to resell your truck or car this is a good thing to do ahead of time we can increase the perceived value okay so there we go the truck is looking pretty good again and you can wax your headlights use some car wax to prevent this happening again as quickly and you're all set hello little fella there's a little frog in that little tree from a little bonus for the video there [Applause]
Channel: Banshee Moon
Views: 9,179,196
Rating: 4.5356526 out of 5
Keywords: Vinegar (Ingredient), Sodium Bicarbonate (Chemical Compound), baking soda, clean headlights, headlight, how to, cleaning headlights, easily, Easily restore headlight, restore headlight with baking soda
Id: QWMJubLqnRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 09 2014
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