How to remove backsplash tile correctly

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good afternoon so I thought I would share with everybody the easiest simplest way to get max flies off of your kitchen I've taken a lot of backsplash off I've put a lot back on any I'm basically going to show you the easiest fastest way without damaging the wall that's probably the most important thing don't damage yourself don't damage the wall and I mean by damaging the wall putting holes in the wall so basically if you were take your pry bar and pry you're gonna put a hole of the wall you don't you don't want holes in the wall if you can help and obviously paper stuff like that it's not gonna not gonna bother anything I mean clean it off when you're all done and then go back with a new backsplash so anyhow the trick is fairly simple probably the most important thing about it is sharpening your pry bar you would be really surprised on having a dull pry bar and I consider this sharp because it's it is a steep bevel or this end in case you need it even more is the less bubble I've tried dull ones they basically put a hole in the wall every single time you don't want to pry if you don't have to you're not you're not gonna pry on it you're just gonna tap it basically you're gonna take it and tap across it it'll eventually pop off if you get a hard spot you can just move up or down whichever way you want to go [Music] yes I'm not crying I'm just if anything pulling some back splashes are harder than others you get a hard spot say you're going to start here if you get a hard C it doesn't want to go anywhere I'm crying a little bit but not enough you can move down pop off this part the easiest way to get this part off this metal edge which is not attached to your counters you can just pull it obviously if you were in a customer's house you would not want to do this to their counters you need to cover the counters up this particular house we're basically putting granted in taking the counters off I always pull the backsplash off first because all these little chips end up in their cabinets and nobody wants glass chips in the cabinets so if you're in a customer's house and they're keeping the counters cover them up put carpet on it cardboard whatever go slower this porcelain is really sharp it will Jack a countertop up it'll break granite it will cut you so wear safety goggles and gloves anyhow that's the trick just tap on it if you get a real hard spot move somewhere else move up and down try not to pry you'll end up with a clean wall that doesn't have a bunch of holes in it if you don't really want holes you are gonna go back in the backsplash but a lot of people go back with small 3/4 1 inch tiles and if there's a 4 inch hole in there you basically got to fix all those holes before you go back with a backsplash some people will go over the tile there's nothing really wrong too much with that you have to move all your outlets out and you have to put an edge over here some sort of tile edge to cover up both your tiles I don't recommend that I've done it in the past because people just don't want to pay to have it taken off and they don't want the mess I think this is the best way just to do it correctly that way your outlets are all good I usually will replace all the outlets when we're done but anyhow just remember to cover your countertops off and last years getting rid of them we're getting rid of these anyhow that's my trick super easy thanks for watching bye
Channel: Platinum Design
Views: 216,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CUVxX-NE8fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2018
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