How To Remember Dance Choreography | Back To Basics

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[Music] I bet you never tell them how it feel I bet you never even to [Music] [Applause] be we've all faced those moments in a dance class audition or even a performance where we forget the choreography and that's why in this video we're going to give you some of our favorite tips tricks and methods to learn and retain choreography Let's Get Back to Basics optimize your mark more more okay too much calm down marking refers to when you practice doing a dance without exerting full energy dancers do this in order to get through the learning portion of a dance class without exhausting themselves by going full out the whole time so it makes sense to Mark a routine minimize extensions energy output facial performance textures just focus on learning the dance right but as it turns out most dancers do a little too little okay imagine trying to put on a full singing performance but the only way you've ever practiced the song is by [Music] Whispering it's likely you'll have a lot more trouble with your volume intonation lyric memorization and just overall control of your vocal range in dance why would we practice by mostly Whispering then suddenly at the end of the class trying to belt at full volume or go full out what about all this well I like to separate energy outputs into three main categories a soft Mark a strong Mark and a full out soft marks are when you do the absolute minimum physically using about 10 to 20% of your energy you do this in order to keep your body and rhythm with a song while your mind is focused on remembering the musicality moments and even the timing of when you can breathe during a routine this soft Mark is helpful in small spurts but should be performed the least during a class most people end up doing soft marks as the primary energy output in class which is detrimental for their physical and mental training strong marks are when you use around 60 to 70% of your energy so it includes extending changing body and head directions almost fully hitting your levels implementing a bit of emotion and more basically you're closer to doing a full out than a soft Mark you should be doing strong marks for the majority of a dance class because it allows your body to gain muscle memory through repetition and deliberate practice then of course full out where we add a bit more energy and add extra embellishments into your performance we'd actually recommend you only use around 90% energy output with your full outs that way you leave around 10% for body control have you ever tried throwing a punch with 100% Force without years of technical fight training that's how you get injured also it's important to keep some energy in the bank because in a dance class you rarely do a full out only once the road to learning and retaining a choreography is an extremely heavy mental game which is kind of annoying because we just want to dance right like just let me Vibe but that's why it's important to use our physicality as much as we can to help us Catch The Vibes in a dance class while not burning ourselves out use your strong Mark next up bookmarking movements you know when the routine is getting close to the beat drop the energy picks up we're excited to do the most fun part of the routine but we forget a small section before it no it sucks it was right there I had such a bad memory or do I this is where bookmarking tagging checkpoint points whatever you want to call them is ridiculously helpful the idea of this technique is that you want to mentally attach a move or groups of moves to a section of the music does that make sense let me give you an example there's always at least one or two moves in a routine that feel really good to do maybe it matches the music perfectly or it's a pause at just the right time it's just a great moment those are the ideal parts of a dance to bookmark in your mind create a little memory slot for that move to f inside of the music it's harder to forget bookmark moves because you recognize them as important standout moments I'm going to do a short routine and I want you to figure out at least three moments where you'd bookmark moves to certain parts of the song listen watch and feel as if this were a dance class your own game cover it up don't let them know what you're thinking I bet you never tell them how it feels I bet you never even try to be real I'll let you get to me once now baby but I'll never let you win again it's time to while we ahead no tears are going to sh cover it up you like to play your own game cover it up to let them know what you think again I bet you never tell them how it feel I bet you never even try did you figure out which sections you'd like to bookmark rewind and watch it again if you didn't find your bookmarks yet I'm going to tell you which three parts I would have [Music] bookmarked I bet you never even try to be real I let you get to me once now baby but I'll never let you win again it's time to while we ahead tears are sh cover it up you like to play your own game the more experienced dancers are able to bookmark 10 to 15 moments throughout a dance because they can recognize my M details as important and standout Parts as opposed to less experienced dancers often only seeing the obvious big paws catchy groove or beat drop as a moment just remember my preference of bookmarking doesn't have to be the same as yours as you continue to train take classes and build upon your dance foundations you'll be able to bookmark more moments in a dance routine and over time your shelf of movement patterns will grow into not just a section but an entire dance library that you'll be able to navigate and pull from whenever you need understanding intention you probably heard this word thrown around all the time and it sounds like the teacher is just trying to be deep and it's like chill It's Just Dance wrong well not really wrong but intention doesn't have to be so serious or deep if the dance moves are what we do the intention is why we do it which informs how we do the moves and when it comes to trying to remember choreography in a class understand the intention behind the teacher's movements helps you remember the feeling rather than just the moves and feelings are ridiculously strong triggers for memories imagine if in a class the teacher says okay I want you to lower your level drop a bit of your right knee slump to the side drop your shoulders exhale and drop your head rather than just saying sink down as if you're broken on the inside all of a sudden the moves don't feel so complex yeah the instructor can give you a light basis of specifics but the intention is what helps your body and mind stay in sync this allows you the dancer to fill in the gaps between movements by embodying a feeling first and the next time you review that section in the routine you'll remember the sinking broken part a lot better than the other description and remember even if a dance instructor doesn't tell you the intention directly it's important to listen and feel the music what is the tone what is the artist saying how powerful are the Beats or instrumentation these are all the things we innately feel so do your best to let those feelings run through the structured movements of a dance choreography okay to quickly review our tips on learning and retaining choreography Implement strong marks bookmark movements and moments and of course understand the intention behind the movements being taught and just for fun let's add a few more rapid fire tips drilling just do the moves a lot even if it's just after the class repeat them it just works warm up if your body is not able to keep up in a class your mind is going to get fried too and you'll be exhausted and feel dumb check out our 10-minute daily dance prep routine that you need to do before you dance to get your body and mind right and tight confidence even if you don't feel confident doing the moves pretend you are commit and play the role of a person that knows how to dance amazingly your moves will look a billion times better take more dance classes do this at your local Studios or take stey Studio classes online we have a playlist of multiple dance classes that we recommend you should be taking in order to grow your choreography retention Journey so click the link in the description to take those classes tune in soon to our next video that focuses on movement execution bye
Channel: STEEZY
Views: 46,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dance tutorial, steezy, steezy studios, hip hop dance, Steezy dance, dancing, dancers, dance, 3 choreographers 1 song, dancers reacts, kpop dance, hugh aparente, blackpink, blackpink back up dancer, how to remember choreography, how to retain choreo, how to retain choreography, how to retain dance choreography, dance tips, dance tip, dance tips and trick, how to dance, beginner dance, dance basics
Id: 2TPEd59qECU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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