DANCE TIPS | Learn Choreo Faster + Better: Pick Up Dances in Person + On Video for Auditions + Class

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what is up you guys it's me Gaylyn Lareese  and welcome back to another dance tips video   here on my channel if you watch my videos  then you probably like dance and you're   probably trying to pick up choreography so  in this video I'm going to share with you   guys some tips to pick up choreography  in person and in video if you have not   subscribed then go ahead and consider  doing that I'm not gonna make you but I   promise you're going to want to stick around so  let's go ahead and jump into this video My first tip for picking up choreography better is something  that I've actually mentioned in one of my old   videos on auditioning with confidence so if  you have not checked out that video then go   ahead and do that but I share that my biggest help  with picking up choreography is moving around in   the room if you're the kind of person who always  takes class in the same spot in the room you kind   of build a visual memory of what that space looks  like and that's associated to the choreography as   you're learning it so you may not realize that  you're actually learning the choreography based   on what you see but if you move around in the  room you'll find the spaces where you didn't   actually know the choreography as much as you  thought you would which will prevent you from   messing up when you go into groups and maybe  you're standing in a different spot and all of   a sudden it's like the choreography just went out  of your head so try moving around the room and see   if that helps you really find those spots that  you haven't picked up in the choreography yet my   second tip for picking up choreography is mainly  for taking in class so when you are learning   choreography in a class setting chances are the  person is breaking it down into different phrases   and so they'll teach one phrase maybe they'll play  some music let you try it out and then teach the   next phrase and the tip here is to make sure when  they go to teaching the next phrase that as you're   learning it you're connecting it to the phrase  before so something I found that I have a little   bit more trouble with is the transitions between  two chunks of choreography and so if you forget   that transition it can kind of feel like the rest  of the choreography just like disappears in your   head because you didn't realize what connected  it to the first part you know what I mean so   go ahead and try out as the person is teaching the  second phrase doing the first phrase into the next   movement so you can see how they connect these  transitions are also usually points where you can   really put your own personality into the movement  so that's also a way that you can tell the   difference between professional dancers or dancers  who are more experienced versus newer dancers is   you can see them kind of blend their personality  into the movement and I've found that I I have   a better time doing that in those transition  periods and sometimes in those different like   Groove periods so find those transitions so you  can blend different phrases together and also   make the movement look more your own my third tip  for picking up choreography is for those of you   guys who are learning on video so I actually like  to learn choreography from videos sometimes from   people who don't really teach often and it helps  me kind of find their pocket and their style but   obviously it can be harder learning from video  so one thing I've learned that really helps is to   look at the choreography more as shapes instead  of movements so look at what the shape is first   and then figure out the movement that kind of runs  through the rhythm of the music through that shape   for example if someone is showing really big arms  look at what that shape actually looks like how   straight are their arms a lot of times you'll  find that the movement is a lot bigger than   you think it is it's a lot more full out so if  you're trying to learn their stuff off of video   really make sure that you're seeing how expansive  the movement is how far are their arms how deep   are they going into their different squats and  stuff like that because that's going to make the   difference between you looking like you learned  it off a video versus looking like you learned   it in real life and then once you've gotten the  shapes then figure out that movement that kind   of moves through the shape so it doesn't just  look super stagnant and sharp because that also   can screw up learning choreographies when you've  learned it and you know it looks almost there but   you're missing that extra you know so make sure  you figure out also the movement and how the   rhythm of the music moves through those shapes so  you don't just look like a figure when you dance   my fourth tip for picking up choreography  is for learning in person and over video   and that is repetition now obviously repeating  the whole choreography over and over again can   be helpful for your brain but repeating the small  details of the movement can also be super helpful   for example I have a very hard time with arms  let's say the movement had to go here and back   but I had a hard time picking up the choreography  I would go here and back here and back here and   back and I would just keep doing it until I got  it there it is until I can feel it in my body and   it becomes like muscle memory so that's the goal  with picking up choreography is you want it to   eventually get into your body so that you don't  have to think so much about the choreography and   you can actually perform and sometimes it takes  doing something a bunch of times to get it right   my fifth tip for picking up choreography mostly  applies to in the studio so when you are learning   your choreography there may be a moment where  the teacher actually has you either sit on the   side or just watch from the side as they do the  choreography now obviously we love to watch the   teacher do their own choreography they have  this like effortless style that they apply to   it because it's so deeply in their body and so  we want to just sit there and awe and just like   watch them right but what you should be doing is  not just watching for entertainment but watching   for details seeing how they are moving through  different movements seeing where they choose to be   smooth seeing what parts they like hit sharply all  of that makes a difference in how the choreography   looks put together and is how they kind of want  it to look not all the time but a lot of times you   can learn a lot just by watching how the teacher  chooses to execute the movement and teachers will   also know this teachers can notice when people are  actually watching to get the details versus when   people are just watching for entertainment so also  know that the instructors notice that as well and   not only will that make you a better person who  can learn choreography but it also makes you look   more professional so keep that in mind too really  focus we're in class you know we're learning time   to learn now my sixth tip for memorizing and  picking up choreography is to give yourself some   counts on the parts that you just can't figure  out sometimes people's ear for music is really   different than yours is and for me I've found that  taking a lot of classes out here people hear the   music so differently and a lot of times they hear  it way differently than I do so sometimes there   are parts that I have to just give account listen  to the music find the beat in the music and give   that sucker account and if you need help learning  how to find counts and music let me know Down   Below in the comments because I'm thinking about  doing a video on that on just you know how to hear   music how to hear from that kind of stuff just  because it counts is how I grew up learning I can   learn without it but it does help me every now and  then when there's just a part that I can't figure   out and my seventh and final tip for picking up  choreography is to practice your focus and facials   while you're learning the choreography so a lot  of times when the teacher is teaching they may not   let you know where your focus is supposed to be  or they may I don't know but if they don't decide   where you're going to be looking in the room when  you're doing certain parts because that makes a   huge difference on how the choreography comes off  and I can say that totally from experience I grew   up doing a lot of ballet where things had you know  one of four spots really where your head would be   and that's it and if you're learning other styles  that's not the case your focus may be directly in   camera it may be over to the side it may be flat  side so figure out what that is so you can learn   how to execute the choreography better and more  appealing as you're learning it also if you have   astigmatism like me this might be hard I've  noticed that I have a hard time figuring out   focus sometimes because my eyes literally will  not focus like sometimes I'm dancing so fast   that my eyes won't focus and should I go ahead  and get contacts maybe maybe that's solution I   don't know I'm so weird about poking my eyeball  but but until I do if I even do I just make it   a habit to practice where my eyes are supposed  to be at different points so I can know when I   go to execute the choreography where the heck  I'm looking at and that is it you guys those   are my seven tips for picking up choreography in  person and over video if you have had some trouble   with picking up choreography hopefully this will  help you a little bit these are things that have   helped me a lot because picking up choreography  is not my thing and oh my gosh I forgot there's   an eighth tip that I wanted to share with you  guys the last one and probably one of the most   important is to build your stamina if you are  tired while you're learning the choreography   you're literally not gonna be able to pick it  up it's gonna be so much harder so build your   stamina do some cardio take some classes that  are a little bit more hype a little bit more   fast paced to help you pick up that choreography  faster and train the breath works that you can   do it easily but anyway those are all the tips  I have let me know Down Below in the comments   if you enjoyed this video go ahead and subscribe  if you want to join my dance fam my internet fam   I post all all kinds of things on this channel  stretch videos dance tips my choreography I like   to dance I'll be dancing around here so I will  see you guys in my next video next weekend blue
Channel: Gaylyn Lareese
Views: 8,253
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Keywords: dancer youtube, dance tips, dance tips black girl, how to remember choreography, learn dances faster, learn choreography faster, pick up choreography, pick up choreography faster, how to pick up choreography fast at an audition, how to pick up dance choreography fast, learn dance moves, learn dance steps for beginners, learn dance for beginners, steezy studio, steezy dance, steezy dance tutorial, How to learn dance steps, Hot to get better at dancing
Id: dalvuuvb7jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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