How to Remember Anything

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welcome to next radio with broadcast bionics innovative solutions for creative people great to be here today this is something a little bit different although what apparent sulphite it does touch on some of your ideas I've hired around creating pictures in your mind in creativity what I will be sharing with you today is some of the principles around how to remember anything using techniques called creative memorization now creating memorization is actually quite simple but what it allows us to do is lipstic memorize information or anything one quicker and more importantly retain that information over a long period of time so the street techniques I would like to show you today the first technique is called a memory Network now what a memory network allows you to do is literally take whatever you would like to remember and remember it in a sequence the second technique something which I hope will be useful to lots of people is the ability to remember our names James going to help you with that when they trying to vote them and the last technique I'm going to share with you is again a simple technique but very very effective and it's called the chain method and what we're going to try to do all of us in this room is remember some of the talks you seen in her today up next radio sure it's all getting old swimmingly so before we do that I always like to start the little demonstration so in the front row can you see this number up here can you bring all the numbers fantastic and watching in ya ear hello Ian nice to meet you Oh what I'd like to do so two nights ago I spent some time like you do memorizing a 200 digit number I don't get on that and so what I'd like to do in running the two hundred digits I'll put you to sleep if I do that on some kind of trans could you just give me any role and what what I will attempt to do is recite the 20 digits in that room yeah so seven you sure you won seven so you know want five okay so like there we go seven just let me find we are seven is six and that's okay here we go check that I get this right we have one eight five zero zero eight four five two four zero six zero one seven eight seven four seven seven that works I was going to do a backward a Boston flash okay so at the first technique reading to cut is there we are memory networks so many networks there are really simple technique but a highly effective on what they allow us to do is memorize information in a sequence now to give you a bit of an insight home.this words created memorization is very simple you basically use your imagination on Association and how that works in real terms is you take the information that you'd like number and you charge them to pictures images and then you use your creativity to associate those images together in your mind now all of you TR are excellent visual and sensory memories therefore you have pictures so you remember the information so you're going to try and put this into practice but I've got a post lights please that's great so a bit to do this I'm going to need a volunteer so like I saw a show of hands anyone here who thinks they have are really fun they're there Matt nice to meet Matt Freddie stop is enough just just taste the pot now all you have to do is relax and imagine whatever I say to you in your mind as clean as you can and you can play along with Matt is going to memorize 10 items in sequence let's ask a question what's the biggest thing you've ever forgotten my girlfriend's birthday excellent learning by day cook-out result 10 items now just a module I say to you in your mind here goes 10 items in secret so I want you to imagine on your feet is a gigantic ball can see the ball really see in the mind and explore boom don't know yeah ok next I would like you to imagine there's lots of balloons attached to your needs a lot of different colors maybe and when you start to float up into the chaos there you go to the balloons on your knees next one I would like you to imagine a gigantic green leaf which is really sick and it's obviously on your thighs and your wrap around your thigh for you can do that yourself get proper magical rockin utley around your thighs the next one is a bumble bees I would like you to associate up and so me to your behind you can long yourself your motion your point with your senses if there's bubble being a common the next one I have in gigantic and drill and take this drill and start boring a hole into your site as you can see that drill there it is ok that's it man what is your favorite part I probably over and for better for ya much choice imagine because over metal for that drawing the color gray it's rank is a red room for driving around your chest super speedy really fast easy now fantastic yes yeah ok yes yes God imagine there's two sticks of dynamite stuff to either side of your neck so a little bit like Frankenstein two sticks of dynamite yeah there is imagine me wearing a gigantic oxygen mask oh there's what to suck that option in just then there is it's blue Bruno Mars fantastic imagine you take a big tube of toothpaste like a toothpaste all over your hair this toothpaste all over your hair that then finally plus one which is about the app there's neon lights on the ceiling and it says the wire not that's my movements there we go let's test it out you can play along lips let's see how we go okay what is only feet it's a big bomb excellent simple lots of nice lots of blue plus lip swatching advice the leaf for your interesting ear a morality yes what is on your behind to be yes if it what's in your safe drill simple what's on your chats a red rag or pentagrams opens out what's on your neck the to six dyes see if i'm what's in your face the blue oxygen mark fantastic what's in your hair or toothpaste actually the finally what's in the ceiling the thinnest mark will remember those ten images not just for the next i wide you can pass them you can't estimate lunch but not just tomorrow but one week from now a month from now even three months from now within at one time apologies i do will be stuck never this is one of those powerful things about nanotechniques feel for you to bring the house lights on so and the thing about this technique because you can make these merry networks up yourself there's actually an ancient greek tech technique they used to call it the art of memory and they would use things that they will call the method of loci or in the roman times over the roman groove method or you may a part of the memory palace and it's basically you create a sequence and we store stuff there so you might use itunes in a room location the long journey etc and you can memorize up to hundreds thousands of things that's what memorize number each number was a picture and I had each picture associated with a plate person okay James jug helm yarn this next thing that I know you have a purse a No right you'll see I'm just next time it's busy fun so two names very very interesting and anyway the problem would remember names yeah James you have to memorize the first 20 people so what are these I'm a talking through the process of how you can remember it and you can you can play this right now just if you don't want the person sitting next to you can try this side you can find your other neighbors I'm going to create some pick test the thing is about remembering neighbors is it's a lot about this a lot of it is about conditioning yourself before you meet someone what you're going to do so two things that I tend to think about one notice where you are so right now in the magic sample and later on if I didn't know James I'm at home later let's see in a week's time the fact that I can remember this place might help you remember you know the next things I do and this is the thing you don't tell the person is you exaggerate something about their face so so you take it in before you meet them you go boom what is a feature by the exactly right I create a little parked it here in my mind yeah absolutely think you're telling me and then you're set up your condition I go over hello like me right my name's mark what's your name James James fantastic nice to meet you James I've done two things one I'd listen really important really long based and most people don't don't hear the names I think what was it or lastly type normal I'll just leave it the other thing as I've created a picture for the name James because I've met lots of James in my time through James the picture I have is jam jam is like picture so what I do is I take the feet Jai which are serrated I will tell you what it was and I stick it to James I'm so John let's just say for example it was James's here he's looking very slick today you might be taking John Russian approvers here now that memory stick out in my mind I won't forget it the next time I meet James hello it's James I see the Jama remember anything that that's not the end bit because once I get to know what James I don't need a picture anymore I just know that this is Jim just went into my long-term memory so this technique is more of a bridge it bridges the gap until you actually get to know someone but it's really powerful but I think you've got coffee after this and go play with it don't my side thank you very much James okay the final technique I'm going to share with you now this goes back again a couple of thousand years is called the chain method and when the chain then you basically take a bunch of picture is going to connect them together to form a chain so what we're going to attempt to do and we're all going to enter this in the room is remember the last five talks and the five talks we're about to see after profit now all we really need to do this is have one picture that represents each talk so in effect all you're going to remember is picture so for example and we think about lessons from prison really fantastic talk a lot you might just imagine in prison so the fact that I can see a picture of a prison reminds me prison reading next we had more for content creators so for that I think of what picture can use maybe a lawyer so a lawyer morphic Ron to content creators that we have right at the top how we send benedict cumberbatch it just states and so that we just have Benedict cumberpatch you get the idea so basically you're making one picture to represent you to talk now your natural memory well then you remember lots of facts about that talk and bring you back to that point so here we go this is what we can do I'm going to tell you his story it's a bizarre story it makes no sense when you what you have to do is imagine this story in your mind is clear as you can be ready so one just imagining imagine there is a big dark prison inside the prison is a lawyer just trying to get along comes benedict cumberbatch it breaks them out of prison he flies off into space the benedict cumberbatch is wearing an advert just everyone has big plaque on it's this ad falls off and it lands on the back of an elephant the elephant has a very long trunk and it wraps itself around an android the Android is reading a very large story he takes a story and throws it at a prayer student the prep student is licking a big cup of butter he takes the bottom and he sneers it all over a big radio with pictures okay do it again do two more times a little bit quicker this time like John Hannibal that the big prison inside is a lawyer trying to escape a long competitive combats Hebraic tonight he flies off into space he's wearing an add the arm falls off and lands on the back of an elephant the elephant is grabbing an Android the Android has a very large story he takes a story and throws it up the head of a perhaps student the prep student is licking a large tub of butter takes the butters music one of our original pictures last night I just don't see the main items follow bombing prison Moya Benedict Cumberbatch spades and elephant Android story prep butter radio now this is what you'll all move those temperatures we're going to try out what I would ask you to do it shout out as loud as you can the pictures in sequence this usually watch really well okay I will kill you when I do this you see that you say the first one and there are qu for each one are you ready here we go ah that elephants hold out for eight gate Frankie yes so basically those three techniques you can pretty much use for anything we've got some simple things are some actually the ten things we didn't begin there were elements of the periodic table because of how you Jones actually hydrogen bomb we are helium balloons we're going to leave for lithium little bit 10 bits and these are being for beryllium if you had boring up all ball on their car for carbon in our dynamite I was thinking electro glycerin so nitrogen your oxygen you had chlorine toothpaste and neon so it was actually some real information because are we maybe not the most interesting your list but you get fun to get a picture so you can apply this in this technique to any plate and for everyone else it's dip that's all from me I hope you enjoyed it and around in lunch time when it come in grab me and ask me questions that I know Coach remember and
Channel: Next Radio
Views: 380,013
Rating: 4.7699552 out of 5
Keywords: memory, mark channon, 2011
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2012
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