How to Relocate Your Family to Finland in Just 10 Days

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this video is about how you and your family can legally migrate to Finland within 10 days the average life expectancy for men and women is over 82 years in Finland if you move to Finland under this program your husband or wife the supporting spouse will have no restriction on their work permits your children will be able to access free health and education after four years of living in Finland you will be able to apply for permanent resident and subsequently you will be able to apply for citizenship the total cost of applying for finished Visa under this program is 470 if you are applying online if you are applying in person is 720 for those who do not know where Finland is located Finland is surrounded by Sweden Norway and Russia it is part of NATO and part of the EU Nations so if you move to Finland you will be able to travel to Sweden austa Denmark Germany and all the countries that make up EU countries so this is a great opportunity for you and your family to fulfill your migration dream this video is loaded I will leave Link in the description section for you to be able to start applying for jobs I will leave Links of the 47 companies that are currently recruiting in Finland and I will also leave link for you to use to optimize your CV so make make sure you watch this video to the end and once you finish watching this video start your migration journey to Finland as soon as possible if you are coming across my video for the first time my name is Francis my mission is to save you money show you how you can legally migrate abroad to new countries without you needing the service of an agent if your goal this year is to legally migrate abroad launch Club media can help you fulfill that dream there is no successful migration story without having access to Credible information and using it on time that is the difference between those who achieve their goals and those who do not achieve their goals and therefore I will urge you to consider subscribing to this channel we want to help as many people as possible to fulfill their migration dream without having to spend money now let's talk about the kind of jobs that are currently on offer this year alone just under 40,000 people have moved to Finland under this scheme that I'm telling you now there are currently jobs vacancy in Finland the in June this year the Finnish government introduced this program to try to address severe labor shortage in Finland currently there are jobs for it health workers truck drivers plasterers welders insulator workers care assistants construction workers gardeners the list goes on so whether you're a skilled worker or you unskilled worker this opportunity is wide and open for everyone so make sure you take advantage of this opportunity now how do you migrate to this wonderful country Finland in addition to what I've said before you can check what I'm about to say to you Finland has one of the best education system in the world next to Singapore and it's one of the most equal Society in the world the prime minister of Finland cycle Des part how rich this country is the prime minister cycle used bicycle to go to work you can check what I'm telling you so this is one of the most equal Society where you cannot tell who is rich and poor how do you go to this country that is the Envy of the world in order for you to move to Finland you only need one thing it is that one thing that is currently stopping you from moving to Finland that thing is job if you get a job from a certified employer in Finland that certified employer will then give you an offer of employment the minimum salary that you will end in Finland is € 1,310 per month the employer must agree to pay you € 1,310 a month before he or she can give you an offer of employment once you have your offer on employ of employment you will then take the offer of employment you got two choices you can either apply online make sure you have a valid passport and you have police clearance from your home country if you are not living in your home country say for instance you are a Ugandan living in South Africa you will need to have a residential permit in South Africa for you to be able to apply on this program so you need a job offer from the 47 companies which are the certified companies in Finland that have been given the Lin sense to recruit foreigners directly to come and work in Finland you get a job from one of them once you have the job then you then apply online pay your 40470 within 10 working days that is how fast you will then apply for what is known as the D Visa the only reason the government of Finland introduced the D Visa is to try stimulate economic growth and hting the bureau remove the bureaucracy that employers we're facing with regards to Bringing workers from abroad so you apply for the D Visa you will be giving the D visa after 10 working days once you have the D Visa you have 15 days to move to Finland once you arrive in Finland you need to have a Finland a Finland address that is where your residential permit to be posted to your residential permit initially you will be giv two years Worth Residential permit and after two years you will apply for another two years residential permit once you have lived in Finland for 4 years you will be able to apply for permanent resident so I will then show you the jobs how you can look for jobs in Finland is very very simple so use the link that I put on the description side to start looking for job before you look for job this is very important I want to pay attention to this if I were you I will first of all go on the 47 companies take write the name of the 40 the companies one by one type it on Google search for instance if you typing in one of the companies called bigo AB so you type bigo AB current job vacancy on Google search it will bring it out go on their career section apply directly to the website the reason why you're doing this is that when companies apply when they employ you from a third party such as Monster job or a Zona job or any other website they have to pay commission but if they if you apply directly to them it will save them that money that they would have paid so companies are looking for ways to reduce cost so that would put you at poll position when you are applying for job so apply go through all these companies website but once you've gone through their website then that is when you're Now using the other job website that I put on the link so I want to quickly summarize what I said before I take you to the website to in order for you to go to Finland you need a d Visa in order for you to need a d Visa get a d Visa you need to have a job from one of 147 license employe in Finland once you have a job offer with a minimum salary of 100 1,310 per month you will then apply for your Visa your D visa either online or in person once you apply within 10 days you get your visa you go to Finland you have 15 days to go to Finland once you arrive in Finland your work permit your two years work permit will be posted to your finished address after two years of having your work permit you will be able to get another two years work permit you live in Finland for 4 years you apply for permanent resident your wife or husband depending on who is the main applicant the supporting spouse will get unrestricted work work permit which allows them to work in different sectors of the finished economy and your children will be able to access free health care in Finland so I hope you are finding value for this video lunch club mission is to help people like you to legally migrate abroad without spending money on agent make sure you share this video to anyone that you know would benef benefit consider subscribing to this channel turn on your post notification the difference between those that achieve their goals and those that don't is having access to information and using it before you start applying for jobs make sure you work on your CV I am giving you a free tools to work on your CV I am not one of those bloggers that will tell you to send me your CV and charge you money I understand most people that want to travel money is tight so the last thing I want to do is to exploit you I am very comfortable with my lifestyle and I don't need any of your money use that tool to work on your CV in addition to that you can also use my perfect CV and job can to work on your CV don't rush and start applying for job because you're going to miss this opportunity employers only have less than 30 seconds to look at CV they don't have the time make sure you have keywords on the CV before you start applying for job I hope you have found everything that I've said useful there are site that you can use to look for job sit such as Euros relate Europa Euro jobs and I'm going to put all of them in the description section please share this video with anyone there are jobs for skill and unskilled workers we want to help as many people as possible and make sure you consider subscribing to lunch Club so now let me show you how you can navigate the job search okay so I'm just going to quickly show you uh quick what it says say the most common type of Visa permit in Finland is the resident permit for an employed person Finland becomes that's just the resident permit we've been talking about and you can see here it says a residence permit for an employed person is granted for a professional field you must have a valid job offer from a finished certified employer as I said before if your employer is certified you will get your Finland D Visa in just 10 days okay so that is the Visa you get you get your D Visa in just 10 days anyone from anywhere in the world can apply I will show you how you can look for job and I will also show you a template that you can use to start looking for uh to work on your C so these are the jobs that are currently in demand in Finland as I said before we got a lot of jobs in the farm Gardener construction welder plaster insulator worker cleaner cook lry driver truck driver care assistant domestic worker they've got it there okay I will leave all the links in the description section this is how you a guide to apply for work permit and also Finland also has seasonal work if you want to work in the farm they will initially give you a permission for work visa for three months which will be extended now pay attention to this up to today Finland has almost issued 40,000 permit to people from all over the world to come and work in Finland so you can see it will cost you € 490 if you apply online if you apply in person it will cost you 740 the Visa is initially valid for two years and after two years it will be you you can apply for it to be extended for another two years after four years of living in Finland you will be able to apply for permanent resident and subsequently after one year you'll be able to apply for your uh finished passport okay so the employer the pro what you need is that you have to find a job offer from a finished employer the employer you need to have the qualification for the work the employer must pay you a minimum of$ 1,300 1 a month you need to have a valid passport before you start applying these are the website that you can use to apply for job again these are the these are the you the 47 companies that are certified to bring workers to Finland I will show you their their website I'll take you to their site and these are the these are the the the site that you can use to look for job I will also show you this let me show you this okay so this is the list of the certified Employers in Finland okay as I said before I will leave them the link for you you will see these are the 47 employer what I would do if I were you I will first of all write their name down go to their website right type the name of this company go to Google Search just put the name for instance if you're checking for bu gr AB you byro AB job vacancy you put it on Google search and it will show you you need to try look for job directly from the employer before you start using uh uh other site like job site the reason being that these employer they actually pay to advertise on job site so if you go directly for to to their website it will be cheaper for them so it's going to make the process speed up so this is how you look for job one of the website that I said I'm going to show you okay I will leave all the links in the website so for instance if you're looking for job in say engineering okay so you type the category of engineering you look at the cities as you can see this is just one city in Finland this is hens the capital of Finland okay as you can see the engineering job these are all the engineering job in just one city so on this website there are mind you there are other website that you can also look use to look for job like I said I'm going to put all of them in the description side these are engineering job that's just been released in Finland say for instance we're looking for we're not engineer we're looking for say other type of job yeah so you put here say let's say we're looking for a technology job okay you put technology here you put the city you're looking for H again I just put n there because N is a cap F there are jobs all over as you can see these are all the jobs in technology that you can apply so if you're interested in that job you go onto their website and you apply directly if you want to go on the website you apply and you just click on apply now okay it will take you to this site then this is how you will apply for this job if you want to apply for the job okay so you apply now this website this website is this is a fantastic website that you can actually use to do your CV according to European Standard so I'm going to leave the link to this website on your on the description so please don't tell me oh I can't find a I can't don't know how to work on my CV this is the website that you're going to use and I'm going to leave a link on the website so I want to quickly summarize what I'm said there are 47 companies that are licensed to employ foreign workers into Finland I will leave a link on the description of the 47 companies so you can start going to their website and I would also leave a link for you to contact to use to search for job which is this is just one of the site but there are all there like 10 site that you that you can use to search for job this is just one of them I just showing you this because I don't want the video to be long so these are the list of the certified employer the 47 certified employers here you have all sorts of jobs here for skill or skill worker this is their list like I said before go directly to their website before you go on this thing as you can see these companies were just put on the website now they were just put on this list last month so they all have jobs so it's very straightforward you have 47 companies and you have jobs there for skill or unskilled workers these 47 companies can employ you directly and this Visa take 10 days to process if you are applying online it will cost only 47470 and if you're applying if you're not applying online you pay 700 and something EUR to apply so I hope you found this information useful this is the best video you will come across when it comes to Finland because I've got link inside for you to make your CV I've got link there for you to start uh for for you to search for job and I've got a link to the 47 companies that are on this website that can sponsor you there so you do not have any option not to take advantage of this this information has been well researched to make sure that it is easy for you to look for job so if I where you go to the next C Cafe and I will start working on my CV make sure you work on your CV what I cannot stret this enough work on your CV for as long as it take before you start looking for job so make make sure you start you walk in your CV and start looking for job as soon as possible there are lot of jobs I've shown you the numbers of people that have come to Finland this year alone it's close to 50,000 people that have come to Finland so Finland is one of the is been rated the most happiest country on Earth for the last six years this is a very rich country there is opportunity free education free health do not miss this this opportunity so I hope you have found this video useful launch clubs mission is to help as many people as possible to legally migrate abroad without having to spend money on agent share this video with your loved one consider subscribing to lunch Club because we want to help as many people as possible to fulfill their migration dream without spending money on agent follow us on all our social media platform and make sure you share this video And subscribe to lunch clo may God bless you and may God let your dream come true thank you for for your time
Channel: The Lunch Club
Views: 338,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #movetofinland, #finlandworkpermit2023, #finlandvisa, #finlandjobopportunities, #finlandworksalary, #finlandfreeworkvisa, jobs in finland, unskilled jobs in finland for foreigners, finland work visa from india, jobs in finland for indian, how to apply for finland, finland work permit, high paid jobs in finland, finland work permit update, finland visa process, jobs in finland for foreigners, finland without ielts
Id: _rBmt1LAPAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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