Millions Of Immigrants Are At Risk Of Deportation From UK !

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good afternoon the launch Club can confirm that up to 4.6 million immigrants could lose the right to claim benefit and live in the UK and at risk of being deported from the United Kingdom by the 31st of December this year this afternoon's video and message is extremely important if you you know anyone that resides in the UK make sure you share this video with them because as we speak now 4.6 million immigrants are at risk of being deported from the from the UK from the following reasons my name is Francis I am reporting directly from the lunch Club base in the UK on this channel we share content about migration and the believed experience of immigrant on a daytoday basis figures that the guardian and observers newspaper two highly respected newspapers in the UK have seen shown that 4.5 million 4.6 million immigrants whose biometric card have expired they are at risk of being deported as you know the home office in the UK in April this year introduced what is known as the digital Visa the digital Visa replaces the old biometric resident permit the pro the issue that the home office is having as we speak today is that the home office have not been able to contact a lot of people whose cards have expired the the reasons why the home office have not been able to come start them there are a lot it could be reasons to do with change of address change of email and also change of telephone contact number and also a lot of these immigrants they have changed their details but they haven't notified the home office so we living in a situation now where those that have the biometric residence permit that live in the UK because the home office have said from the 31st of December you will not be able to use your biometric C because you're supposed to switch to the digital Visa so the main problem we're having right now as we speak is that you have people whose card have expired some of them are aware some of them are not aware but they can't the home office cannot contact them to replace their card so please I am pleading with you if you know anyone who lives in the UK who does who has a biometric resident permit make sure you share this video with them and please encourage them to go and start the process of switching their biometric resident permit to the digital visa to switch up to to set up the digital Visa you will need to create what is known as the UK visa and immigration digital account that is where you will be able to set up an account online to then switch from the biometric resident permit card to a digital EV Visa this is extremely important I'm going to give you a quote by Josephine wh of the migrant right charity pra Josephine said and I quote millions of people will be left with no way to prove their rights if the if the government doesn't act and she also said the windr scander showed us clearly that what this can happen when people have the ability to prove their right taken away by the home office blunder without change of course there is going to be a serious problem the launch Club is currently providing an assistance to a young man who traveled to the UK who only realized when he was on his way back that his Visa has been canceled because he did not regularize some de some document before he left so if you know anyone who has biometric resident permit who is planning to travel out of the UK by December this year please tell them to make sure that they confirm their do doent and they make to make sure that they switch to the new digital Visa or S they will not be able to return back to the UK after the 31st of January this message is extremely important because the home office have acknowledged that they are struggling to contact a lot of people who have biometric resident permit for the reasons that I stated before so if you are one of those who use a solicitor to renew your document the last time you need to make sure now that you contact the home office as we speak if you are one of those that use a solicitor I repeat you need to contact the home office and give them your document if you did not use a solicitor but your telephone number your email email your home address have changed you also need to contact the home office as soon as possible to update them so that they have your correct information because the problem we're having right now according to the reports that the guardian and the Observer newspaper have a lot of people are not aware of this they are just going to work going their normal daily businesses not knowing that the home office is not able to contact them because they do not have their current contact details so this is why this message is extremely important because we know that it is a people from our community that will be affected by this and if you if you stay in the UK after the 31st of December this year and you haven't s that means you will not be able to remain in the UK you're going to have a problem and if you travel outside the UK you're returning back to the UK you may not be able to come back to the country this is why today's message is extremely important because as I said before the home office acknowledge the information they released to Helen bber Foundation that is a foundation that advocate for immigrant shows that 4.6 million immigrants they are at risk of being deported from the UK because of the reasons that I stated before so what do you need to do to make sure that anyone you know is not affected number one if you are carrying a biometric resident permit you need to make sure that you out the process of creating an account with the UK visa and immigration digital account you set it up and once you set up that account that is where you will be able to switch your details from the plastic card the plastic card that we normally Carri before which is like this card you you need to you need to switch from a card to the digital Visa that the home office have just introduced so make sure you start the process as soon as possible if you know anyone who could be among the 4.6 million that the home office have said that they are struggling to contact them please share this video with them and tell them to contact the home office now to begin to update their details and also make sure that the home office have your correct email mobile number and your house address is extremely important important I repeat if you use a solicitor the last time make sure if you don't not want to use the solicitor again make sure this time around that you give the home office your correct information I repeat after the 31st of this year 31st of December this year you will not be able to remain in the home office the home office for those outside the UK there's a question here the home office that is the government agency that controls immigration it is called the home office those in the UK knows so if you know anyone if you're watching me from abroad now and you know anyone in the UK I am pleading with you kindly share this video with them and encourage them to make sure that the home office have their correct details and also make sure that they have set up an account set up the account under the ukuk Visa and immigration digital account where they will be able to switch from the plastic card to the digital card quick appeal before the before 1976 black people in the UK struggled to rent a house it was very common at that time to hear Room to r no black no Irish no dogs it was openly difficult for black people to rent a house before the race relation Act of 1976 was passed that that makes it illegal to discriminate against anyone on the basis of their race nationality and gender and it was the labor government of uh uh 1976 that passed that out today we are today is the last day to register to vote in the UK the election that is going to take place on the 4th of July is extremely important because the issues that affect our community whether immigration Health Care education the future of your children is at stake if you reside in the UK and you come from commonwealth countries such as Nigeria Ghana Uganda Zimbabwe South Africa busana India Pakistan Jamaica Barbados Trin ano any country that was colonized by Great Britain you can vote in this country as long as you are legal you do not need to be a British citizen to be able to cast your vote the future of our children is at stake if you love your children you want them to have a better life I am pleading with you there is a link in the description section of this video for you to register you have up till 12:00 today to register to vote this is extremely important if the people that came before us did not do anything a lot of the things that we are now enjoying and taking for granted we will not be enjoying it I am pleading with you for the political parties in this country to respect us and value US and address the issues that are important to us they need to know that we take our vote seriously we will vote and we will use our vote to hold them accountable my brothers and sisters as you're watching me now I am begging you to please register and go and vote so that so that political class start respecting our community so they start addressing the issues that affect us please do not take this for granted if you love your children you will want them to have a better life than you the link is there it takes more than 30 seconds to register to vote and encourage other people to vote if you do not want to go to the poll to vote you can do what they call poster vote where you take the candidate that you want and you send it by post so please this is extremely important do not take it for granted God bless you as you do your part to make sure that the Next Generation they would have a better life thank you so I return back to what I was saying before the the the biometric card so please I am begging you if you know anyone that lives in the UK as you're watching me now share this video with them please advise them to contact the home office to make sure that the home office have their correct address email and the home office also have their home address it's extremely important because if you live in the UK after the 31st of December this year if you haven't switched to the new digital digital Visa it means that you will not be able to access benefit and you may not be a you may have to be deported from the UK because your PayPal will be illegal out after the 31st so make please make sure you go and update your document I today I've done a video about Germany it's there there go to my page you'll be able to see the video I did about Germany okay so if you you I can send the link to the video to you so please kindly advise encourage anyone that lives in the UK to go and give their details and to make sure that they switch from the uh biometric card to the EV Visa as I said before the home office figure showed that 4.6 million people their biometric card expired last December and they are still living in the UK and they did not even know and the home office have not been able to contact a lot of these people this is why I am pleading with you to please kindly share this video with anyone that you know will benefit and also don't forget to subscribe to this channel you can support us by subscribing to this Channel and share this video with anyone that you know will benefit I repeat what I've said as I'm talking to you now 4.6 million immigrant I had risk of being deported from the UK because their biometric card expired in December according to the government own data which they release under the Freedom of Information the home office have not been able to contact these people so please please please go josua you can contact me I can give you the guide on how to create a biometric uh account it's very easy so please if you live in the UK you know whether you're a carer student as long as you live in the UK you're not a British citizen please kindly go on and start creating your UK Visa an immigration account if you use any immigration lawyer before also contact the immigration lawyer if you still want to use them to make sure they have your correct document because the home office is struggling to contact people I will leave all your comment in the comment section I will get back to I will respond to all your comment including the gentleman that said he wants to speak to me privately I will respond to all your comment share this video with anyone that you know lives in the UK that will benefit and if you're watching me from abroad share this video to anyone that you know don't forget to give this video a like to show appreciation to myself and the team and leave your comment in the comment section subscribe to this channel our goal is to make sure that we give our community we serve our community we give you the most up toate information as soon as we have them God bless you and don't forget to vote today is the last day to register to vote in the UK general election thank you very much for joining me today I'll see you soon God bless guys I love you guys
Channel: The Lunch Club
Views: 20,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uk migration, uk immigration news today hindi, uk immigration news today punjabi, uk immigration news today in urdu, foreign students immigration uk, migration crisis, uk visa immigration, uk work visa, uk work visa application process, uk immigration news today, uk immigration rules target families of foreign students, uk dependent visa latest news, uk study visa update, uk work visa requirements, uk work permit, uk work visa for indian, uk seasonal work visa from india
Id: nH-6Qs_sHb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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