UK - Based Immigrant Facing Serious Crisis & In Shock

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a UK based immigrant is stuck 4,000 miles away from the UK with no means of returning back to the UK to join his son this young man is in shock and he still cannot believe what happened to him he accused his partner who lives in the UK of using him whilst the partner said that she doesn't believe that this guy genuinely loves her both of them are accusing each other I want to know what your views are today's story is extremely important I'm sure someone can learn a lesson from this story this gentleman in question came to the UK almost three years ago on the Caris he said he said told he was working as a carer good afternoon thank you for joining us on this Su day my name is Francis on this channel we share content about migration and we talk about the things that affect immigrants on a day-to-day basis hopefully someone can learn from this gentleman's experience the guy was working as a carer in his home country before he came to the UK he was working as an engineer he wasn't happy working as a carer in the UK he was looking for a job in the engineering sector he met a lady who is about 38 years of age and this gentleman is 42 years of age they both came from the same country the lady had a son and the son wasn't the father of the son wasn't involved in the son's life they both met online this lady is she is an investment banker she works in the city of London she's a highflying lady she's got a very very good job when they met they met online they this guy was traveling they were the guy was traveling all the way from up north where he lives to down out where this lady lives to see this lady because this lady has a son who at that time the son was too and a half years old it was hard for the lady to travel up nor to see this gentleman and therefore he was the one that was doing most of the traveling the lady at that time was working mainly from home and she found out later that she was pregnant when she found out that she was pregnant for this gentleman the gentleman now the lady now suggested that this gentleman should move from up north where he lives and move down south to come and stay with him this gentleman's friend initially they said to him look you do not know this girl very well how are you going to move from where you live to come and live with somebody that you barely know very well and at the same time this gentleman had just had an interview and he was offered a job in engineering so the company that offered him the job offered to give him five years residential permit which means that he will have security working as an engineer which is something that he's always wanted to do and at the same time he will be able to that will lead him to permanent resident but the Ladi brought the idea of the guy moving to down south K stay with huh this guy asked his family in his home country to go and check the ladies family house to check and everything the report that they gave him was very positive and this guy felt reassured according to this guy he said well I I Know This Girl's family I I know where she lives the parents are responsible I think this is somebody that I can uh trust so this guy he left the offer of a job that he was giving he left everything his friends who were advising him not to make this move that is too soon that him and this girl they don't know each other they asking questions like where is the son's father how come the son's father is not involved in the son's life and whenever the guy ask this lady the question about the son's father the lady is not happy to talk about it the lady kept saying look the relationship with that man is wasn't very good the man is not a nice man he's a nasty man the guy said the the woman is very very negative whenever he asked her about the son's father but because the lady was pregnant and the lady had just gotten a new job still working in the city but the new job will require the lady to be coming to office more the guy now offered to say okay I'm going to move let me move down to come and stay with this lady because she's struggling with child care with it two years old uh child that she has let me move down side he left everything he did not even tell his company on time he just said look I'm going to take some time off work you know to care for somebody and he moved in with this lady this lady now had the child for this guy who happened to be a son the lady the agreement between the guy and the lady was that when the lady when the child is born the lady would put the guy's name will be on the best cic as a father and the lady will not apply for this gentleman as the father of the child she will not apply for two and a half years stay that was the agreement between them after they've agree they've applied the lady and the guy would then go back to their home country because the lady said she wanted them to have a wedding in their home country once they have the two and a half years stay for the guy they not move to their home country to not have a proper wedding that all their family members will be able to attend listen to this story because this story is very important this thing can happen to a lot of people when the guy moved in they had the baby the guy said he noticed that the lady changed she started changing when they had the baby the after after a few weeks the guy said look let's go to the registry to have my name on the best he said the lady was very reluctant initially the lady would say today tomorrow will go after some time the guy just said look we need to go so they eventually he persuaded the lady to go and put his name on the best certificate which they did when they did that when they did put the name on the best certificate before all this process the guy's employer had revoked his work permit because the guy wasn't attending work he did not take up the new job that he was offered he did not communicate to his employer that look I'm not coming again he just said said I'm taking some time after they revoked his work permit so this guy was then living in the UK illegally but the lady said don't worry once the baby is born because I am a British citizen this child will give you two and a half years as they Evergreen the guy felt there's no problem he stopped communicating with his friends who were telling him not to move in with this lady he just stopped communicating with all his friend so once once he has his name on the best certificate the next stage was for them to now apply for the two and a half years for this gentleman the lady said initially they need to see a lawyer who was going to do everything for them the guy now said okay because he's not working again the lady was not the one that he was R he was relying on the lady to fund everything the lawyer told them look this thing is going to this how much it's going to cost the lady said I don't have money to do it instead of us getting two and a half years for you and once when we're planning to go to our home country to marry why not we just go to our home country to marry once we marry in our home country I am the lady said I am working I will file for you you will be giving spouse visa which means that in five years time you will qualify to apply for indefinite leave to remain for those outside the UK indefinite leave to remain that is the permanent resident the lady said instead of you to go through this let's just go to our home country that means that we're not going to waste the over 1,500 that this lawyer is telling us this thing is going to cost instead of wasting this money for you to get two and a half years and we not go back let's just go to the home country and means that we're not going to waste money so the guy said he agreed with the plan thinking that yes at least this is going to save money we're not going to waste money if we do this let me let's just go so the let the guy now went to his Embassy in the in London he got what they call traveling certificate because he was not in the UK illegal he got traveling certificate the lady bought T flight for him the the he was the first person that went to his home country he went to his home country the lady flew in with the two children they not have two children flew in there and they've already set a date for the wedding this guy was excited thinking that yeah everything is working well yes the lady she she's now in back she's there now we're getting married when the lady arrived in the Home Country this is the shock that I'm going to share with you if you know anyone who will benefit from this video please kindly share this video with them what happened to this lady and this guy it can happen to anyone they are both accusing each other of wanting to use each other they both accusing each other of insincerity leave your comment in the comment section I want to know what your views are if you're seeing value for what you hearing please kindly give this video a like like so that other people can learn from this experience because this is a lesson that we can all learn from so when they go to their home country they fix a date for the wedding the guy fix the fixed the day for the wedding before the lady arrived so the lady arrived they went to see the family the lady said she now found that when they arrived in the Home Country they went to see the family she saw a child that looked exactly like this guy in the guy's family home she saw the side the son she said the son was about 9 to 9 years going to 10 years old so she asked this gentleman said look this child it looks like carbon copy of you who is this child the guy said initially did not see anything but later the lady said who is this child is this from your mom's this your mom's son the guy now reluctant well this was my son I had this son before I when I was younger you know I had this son uh about 9 to 10 years ago you know the lady said why did you not tell me you had a son the like the guy said well I didn't tell you I had a son he didn't really have any excuse to give so the lady said when the guy told that that and she has in the past when they were in the UK there were times that in her mind she was thinking that the guy wasn't faithful and she felt that the guy could be having an affair but she didn't really have the proof so when the lady now saw this this child and the guy said well was my admitted it was my son guess what the lady did the ladyes said okay okay we're still going to go ahead with the wedding anyway but what we need to do is that I'm going to uh go to my family spend some time with my family and we will have the wedding on the day the guy said they allow everything they get they paid for everything the lady gave him the impression that she was on board with the marriage that she wanted them to go ahead with the marriage only for the lady to to wake up one morning the Ladi called somebody called her with a private number with number with head and he said I'm back in the the UK with the children and the guy said what the lady said I am back in the UK with the children because I am not going ahead with this wedding because I realized that you not being faithful be realized that you're not being I doubted your sincerity of this way of this marriage I had my concern and the lady the guy said well you made me to lose everything if I am not sincere I had the opport of getting a work permit five years given to me to work as an engineer something that I've always wanted to do and you allowed me to lose that opportunity I came to spend to stay with you so that you can return you can go back to work only I was caring for your son I was became your babysitter only for you to not do this to me so the guy is in tears now the lady is saying look I'm not going to go ahead with this wedding because I do not believe that you genuinely wanted to marry me for the reason that you stated and both of them now they are there so when I spoke with both of them I felt sorry for for for both both parties because the lady is saying well I wanted to go ahead with the wedding despite the fact that I had some concerns I wanted to go ahead with the wedding but what I saw broke the camera back and therefore I cannot go ahead with this wedding because I do not believe that you genuinely wanted to be with me for the reasons you stated and the guy is now saying oh you do not want to go ahead with the reding in the first place and now he's not calling his friends whom he has disengaged from to send him money so this is why I'm saying there are lessons that we can all learn from this those two couples experience the question I asked both of them I said to the lady I said look this guy is now in their home country he cannot return back to the UK because it doesn't have British passport it doesn't have work visa to come back to the UK what about the child the lady said well if he wants to be in the child like can call the child he can have video call with the child but she doesn't want to be in the child's life again she doesn't she does she's not going to stop him from being a child's life but she's not going to be the one and the child is not going to be the reason that he will come back to the UK if he wants to come to the UK he can find a way to come back to the UK and be involved in the child's life but she doesn't want him to be to use that child as a as a as a as the passport to come to the UK so the guy now is in dis he is stuck he cannot return back to the UK he said to me what pains me that I only pack a few clothes that I'm going to use on the wedding and apply to come back I never knew that I was going back to my home country for a few days I never knew that that was my trip that I'm not coming back to the UK and the guy is in tears right now his family cannot believe because he said the only the little money that he had was what he spent you know making sure that the wedding goes well because the lady said I wanted the church wedding I wanted this I wanted the he said the little money he had saved he saved everything towards this wedding he even told said his younger elder brother in America B send send him money to make sure that the wedding leave up to the lady's expectation because the lady was saying I want this I want this he the the Brothers Spend a lot of money to make sure that the wedding is good and now this guy the money they spend is gone the guy cannot come back to the UK he has lost the opportunity to work in engineering he has lost five years residential permit that he was given and this guy has been in the UK now for almost three years he only needed two more years to qualify for indefinite leave to remain if he had not if he had stayed where he was and now he cannot get everything everything he has worked for is gone and this guy said before I came to the UK he was doing very well in his home country and now he cannot go back to his own job so his life now is ruin is a mess so this is a story that this do you think the lady acted right or do you think the guy made a mistake by not telling the girl I want to know what your views are these are lessons that we can all learn from like I said before what happened to this guy can happen to anyone so please kindly share this video with anyone that you know will benefit subscribe to this channel if you appreciate this content like this and do not forget to give this video a like so that other people can see it and learn from it leave your comment in the comment section it's very important if you have any story that you want to share with our team you can contact us on our WhatsApp number which is plus 44754 88 0442 I repeat plus 44 0754 188 0442 if you're contacting us from the UK remove the zero and do not call our number we will not respond all you need to do is to send us a WhatsApp message go straight to the point someone from the team will contact you share this video with anyone that you know will benefit and don't forget to subscribe to this channel give this video a live to show appreciation to myself leave your comment in the comment section do you think the guy is at fault or do you think the lady I want to know have a nice weekend guys I love you God bless
Channel: The Lunch Club
Views: 8,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: migrant crisis, migrant, channel migrant crisis 'serious and escalating problem, immigrant crisis, migrant crisis us, migrant crisis europe, migrant crisis uk, immigration crisis, migrant crisis nyc, migrant crisis 2023, migrant crisis 2022, migrant crisis live, migration crisis, mexico migrant crisis, europe migrant crisis, migrant crisis for kids, migrant crisis new york, european migrant crisis, migrant crossing, migrant crossings, uk immigrants, migrant workers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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