How to Fix Shoulder Pain in Seconds (This Works!)

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hi folks I'm Bob schroer physical therapist BriTANicK physical thermo streamis physical therapist on the internet in our opinion of course Bob we're rejoined by Napoleon Bonaparte we haven't seen you in a while Napoleon hope things have been going well but today I want to talk about how to fix shoulder pain in seconds and this does work and I know because I'm actually using it on my shoulder right now right now that we use it on our patients over the years we just don't pick these things out of the air all right before we do that you are new to our Channel please take a second to subscribe to us we provide videos how to stay healthy fit pain for you and we upload every day also go over to the Facebook and like us Bob and Brad and Napoleon bottom Brad because if you like us we will send some positive vibes your way here they come right through the lens all right so these are five exercises and how you can do this in seconds is I just want you to do one of these exercise sizes every few hours mm-hmm and it only takes you seconds to do it right so I'm not telling you you know everybody's busy you know nobody has time for pain that's it's it's interesting I just had one of our aides she hurt her knee yeah and she goes I don't have time for this that's right you don't have time for a shoulder pain right so you don't have time to rehab it either so I'm gonna show you things you can do throughout today maybe even in the office or wherever you work right so so you're gonna try all of these and only do the ones that's successful because more than likely not all five will work on one person it's usually one or two are gonna be successful so write with them exactly find the ones that are working for you and stick with it and the the thing that we're trying to treat here mainly is what we call impingement because impingement often leads to rotator cup problems and I'd say about 80% of the shoulders that we see are having this difficulty right as a matter of fact our hanging book has studies saying this is the primary source of shoulder pain and all of it but majority so very quickly we're going to show you what impingement is so it often occurs from kind of poor posture leaning forward like this or being hunched forward and what that causes is you have the humeral head here and goes into the socket here or the glenoid fossa and you have a tendon going over here that's what this red thing is and if there's not enough room in there what's going to happen when you lift the arm it pinches I know if you can catch that at all okay you guys I'm gonna show the healthy way is this you have a barrel the joint drops down where it's supposed to the rotator cuff is doing what it's supposed to unhealthy shoulder pinch and that's what where you get is where your shoulders around 90 degrees it starts to pinch ouch ouch ouch and what happens over time you start to saw a way at that tendon and you can actually get a rotator cuff tear you can tear on the muscle I mean it just it throws everything off so we've got it these exercises are designed to get you a little more room in there right so we eliminate that impingement or that squeezing pinching nasty Oh a painful all right the first one is the one that I've been doing I actually without going into too much detail I have a little bit of weaned on this scapular because I actually lost a muscle when I was younger I had a nerve damage maybe you could go find it yeah maybe I could find it but so this one tends to come forward more than the other one right so I have to every so often I mean this is something you do through all today you want to do a shoulder squeezes and they're very easy to do you can do them no matter where you are you can do them standing you can do a city sure and yeah I'm just gonna go ahead bend my elbows I'm gonna squeeze my shoulder blades together you can see the wrinkling of his clothes you know showing that that movement of the shoulder blades it from this side are you saying I just got my clothes out of the hamper yeah that wrinkles you gotta get them taken in but once again to the press yeah pressure on why not pressure on I'm sorry 1 2 3 4 5 I usually do that you I just go hold and just kind of that's my mantra hold I straighten you might come over here Matt Matt brow Matt's my son is by strengthen these muscles you're strengthening the core of the shoulder and helps if these are held back right here it puts the shoulder in the right position right so instead of being like this they're back like this and that's where you want them to be right they work much more efficiently and less pain the other the next technique so that's one I definitely want all of you doing that one right that's one I want you to slip in throughout the day the next one is our Mulligan technique which were a big fan of and you can just do this off the back of a chair and again this helps set that humeral head down in the socket to give you more room for the tendon to glide through right maybe should do it the other arm so they can sure see so I'm I'm right here I'm pushing down into the chair and while I push down into the chair I walk away and this is my bad shoulder so this is the one I should be doing it sure and I can feel this actually stretch really well so you're kind of pushing not straight down this way but down and kind of towards your toes so it's kind of going that way you're that crack oh I didn't hear but I believe yeah it's louder to the person it has but you can see every motion yeah I did hear that audible crepitus that's how we call it in the field so we're trying again and it was it's a sneaky way of getting more motion right and it's a sneaky way of getting more gap right with this technique if you're unable to do this but you do this without pain it's the right thing but if I've had some patients do this and it didn't like right it's painful a case of sharp pain if that's the case that one goes off the list we go to the next one did you want to show it with the boy yes oh sure no actually why don't you aren't you Bob okay so if you did have one of our Booya sticks you could use the Booya stick and you can actually actually you can do it one of two ways you can walk away from it like this or you can also push down and move it away right so either way but it works out really well to walk away and push down the entire time you know it's something if you don't have a boy a stick and you don't want to borrow you can we've had people comment they're using the broom handle ourselves you got to do it on carpet or something so it sticks that's what we have this nice rubber in the back of a chair like sure so next one is shoulder extension so now we're gonna start working on bringing the shoulder back like this stretching this area out here again making more room for the shoulder to do its job to work correctly and we talked about people who started these Mulligan he's a famous physical therapist I think he's getting up there in age I think he's still alive he's got a whole system this is Mackenzie taking technique and he's developed his own system that's worldwide popular in the therapy world we're working on increasing the amount that the arm goes back Brad I thought you showed really well on the countertop yeah we got a messy countertop look at it we got an arm here we got my glasses we have a screwdriver we've been busy today by Z so you know in their early phase when your shoulders tight you may just go up to the counter here and then get your good posture and then you're just squat gently and right now as I do that that extends my shoulder and you just go until you feel some pain that much then you come off it a little pain off so we go to pressure on but not into the pain you never go into sharp pain when the range of motion starts to get better and it's like oh this is getting much better much less pain along with that you're gonna find that going in front is easier but to increase it more you open up the cupboard some people say we got a crooked cupboard or on yeah we tried to fix that job so here we go and now this would be for this is for a high level this is for someone whose shoulders really doing well they just want to get it to you know maybe they're a baseball thrower or you know pitcher thrower yeah yeah one way or another there you go so and you can use other things in the house Alvers things just you know end up being the right level for you go ahead and use it sure all right next one again you don't need to do all these I have all of you doing the shoulder squeezes with the other ones I would kind of find out which one seems to be working the best for a decrease in your pain this one's a really easy one you just use a belt and you're gonna go and let's see how do we do this this is a little challenging to get it set up but yeah there we go and the reason to use a belt that is smooth and shiny because you're gonna do it with clothing and you'll find out why in just a second or sometimes a little help there we go that's where you're trying to do so this arm is relaxed so we're trying to show you is quite often what you're gonna find is the tight arm is down here where the other arm I can put way up here right and so I want to get this arm up to that equal with that one so you just didn't go pressure on pressure off this belt really does work well I know I once you get it set up takes a little bit of doing but it slides really well matter of fact we did a video a number of years ago on a patient that she was set up for shoulder surgery and then she said can I do therapy and a surgeon said well go ahead we can do it within four visits she was doing this exercise no surgery needed Wow I was going from here to here the canceled surgery and I still see her and it's still in good shape Wow yeah there's some miracles every minute yeah the Bob and Brad clinic right there you go all right the last one we're gonna do is this one you're gonna need some equipment I mean you need a place to hang okay and Brad and I have become big fans of this I know do we have our book around you go ahead and start hanging out oh I think it's right up there by the prescription sunglasses or whatever but I you over here those don't don't worry about Bob he's just looking through our library quote unquote but yeah you just need a hanging bar yeah and you're just simply going to relax and hang and we know when I first heard this I thought this is crazy it's gonna make the impingement worse but once I read the book understand the mechanics and I start trying it and we start working with people doing it it's like yeah this this can be really about we've become big fans I it's such an easy thing to do if you have the equipment and you can wear gloves right make it easier so the book is shoulder pain the solution and prevention it's by John M Kerr MD will have it we have it in our we have in our favorite bookstore yeah you do yeah he's known at the Pedic surgeon matter of fact he he does his practice 30 miles from where I grew up in Wisconsin does he really have Stevens Point oh cool my daughter went to Stevens there you go the lid nice tone river running through it and everything go to Stevens Point - there you go so here you're gonna hey 10 to 30 seconds dependent and what you tolerate of the three repetitions of that and dependent how you respond to it so the first time you do it might get sore but after you do it for a few days you'll be able to do this two to three times per day and start to we've really had good success you still said seconds remember we promised seconds and yeah so it's 30 seconds there you go out of your day and and you can make it great and all that so we've got to stick with our title alright thanks everybody for watching remember we can fix just about anything except a broken heart there it is but we're working on it we'll never stop you
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 1,942,079
Rating: 4.9161057 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, shoulder pain, neck pain, jeff cavaliere, athlean x, rotator cuff, stiff neck, bulging disc, poor posture, herniated disc, pinched nerve, rounded shoulders, back pain, degenerative disc disease (disease or medical condition), pronated shoulders, mid back pain, anterior head carriage, popping shoulders, how to fix shoulder pain
Id: D0Ll6aDOMkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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