How To Reinvent Yourself To Become Perfect Like Ayanokoji Kiyotaka

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so recently I got a comment and it says video is about getting back in track with those who lost motivation and the ego that was guiding them from the beginning of their journey of self-improvement and motivated by anuki kotaka because you EEG is the best Channel out there for serious content and it got nine likes and it's because this is a very common problem as people on self-improvement have the wrong mindset and beliefs so before I show you guys the actual steps to reinvent yourself let me drill some Concepts into your head so you don't keep on failing even after this video let me fix my mic okay so let's draw a graph real quick and you got the X got Y and let's name this the self-improvement dma okay so here here's what happens so you first start self-improvement so let's go back to the comment the guy said that he started off really nice and he was using his ego Etc and then he just pled all the way down so this is what happens a lot so even when I first started self-improvement you can you have like that thing you had like the you have like your like notebook where it's like Journal meditation and then cold shower then you like exit off every day you check it off so you start like your first three weeks of self-improvement and you start like over here so you're like this batch and you Plum it you go all the way up you're like consistent for like three weeks straight then one bad day you stop so you go down so you just go down like a little bit for say one day bad because a lot of people have like this perfectionate mindset or believe okay I've done good for 3 weeks but I did bad for one day that means I'm not consistent this basically just up with your mindset and makes you Plum it like all the way down but here's the thing you started here like before you started self-improvement you were your base level was here but now your base level is over here so then you probably watch like self improvement videos for another like three weeks right and you have a lot of motivation then you start again you go all the way up and then you stop again where like the three we Mark cuz like you can't pass like three weeks of consistency then again you fail after three weeks and then you plumm it all the way down but this time oh my God I'm trying my dad this time you're a little bit higher than your other base level so pretty much what people don't understand is that every time how selfimprovement is like is not you're not supposed to be like perfect like you're never going to have this a whole linear straight line but the reality is it's going be like waves it's going to be up down up down until eventually you get like a mon consistent and now your base level's over here and they just keep going up until your base level is pretty much like your until your base level is like pretty much like over here and your thing is up here so that's pretty much how it's supposed to be like but the lot of you guys so continuing on I want to say that failure is so important for Success a lot of you guys think that moving forward is the only Direction you can move but there's going to be times where you're going to have to take five steps back so you can move 20 steps forward and in your self-improvement journey you're never going to be perfect no one's perfect so you're always going to keep falling all the way down but as long as your base level keeps increasing every time you fail at the end of the day you're going to win so now that we got that out the way let's go over the reinvention process so reinvention is no irritative process how one works on his business is not how one works on himself it's never a purposeful change if gradual it's not going to work it's overnight do or die you blink and experience the eagle de in a second in that one second you simultaneously pull the trigger of all the culminations of realizations you bu away so what I mean is that you can rack your brain as much as you can you can read pointless book after pointless book you can pick up pointless habit after pointless habit 5:00 a.m. cold shower meditation need I go on if you allow yourself one second that's all it takes you realize that the pointless books habits tactics were nothing but resisting tension with tension like a man pushing on a boulder it pushes back with equal and opposite force and nothing happens so dear cfus stop pushing on that Boulder and seize the pointless exercise and pushing tension with tension relax for a second and M what if the boulder rolls me over that's the whole point it's death eag death but death nonetheless all within a second Caesar Napoleon genas Khan Rockefeller Vander blit Carnegie Churchill Hitler Stalin Roosevelt all woke up and chose violence I read all their biographies cover to cover the most interesting are always the first three chapters it's the earthquake that causes the events to Domino the rest happens naturally with the passage of time the rivers driving up the Bings falling over the mountains being formed can take minutes hours days months and years to happen but they were inventable so stop studying The Dominoes and stop trying to replicate by going Domino by Domino gently pushing them over one by one but your gay habits and pointless activities were all a waste of time you'll never be able to replicate anything meaningful in such a way but what you need to do is let go of all fear and hesitation and yes you will die and after pushing over the boulder you will wake up a different person you will be able to answer the questions you couldn't for you'll be able to move think and act and behave differently you will not just be one step closer to manifesting your destiny but a million steps closer so this is what I would recommend so find a role model who resonates with you living the life you want with the values you want Study them watch everything and read everything about them break them down on paper what is their values their day look like their income in their business try your hardest to emulate them you'll be surprised as you enter their form but once you do you'll realize you just become another version of yourself so let me show you how to do this now and I'll do it for anuki kotaka as that's who you guys love and admire so like I said we're going to find a role model that resonates with us living the life that we want to live with the values that we want we're going to study them watch everything read everything about them break them down on paper and then we're going to try to emulate them as hard as possible and then we'll just enter their form but once we do that we won't just become them we will become another version of ourselves so we did this for anoi so for traits we have his traits are he perceives life like a game of trust he's a strategist he's extremely self-aware he's Fearless he's effective he's stoic he's calm he's disciplined he doesn't overthink he's non-reactive he's composed he's resourceful he's confident he's analytical he's resistant to pain he's observant Hing manipulative mysterious adaptable independent strong leader decisive logical thinking and there's so much more but pretty much what we want to do now is emulate these traits next is value so all he cares about is Victory Effectiveness performance achievements and results and the restrictions stuff that he doesn't do he has no social media he doesn't listen to music he doesn't watch porn no sugar he doesn't sit for more than 2 hours no complaining no crying and doesn't play video games so how does this day look like so we know in the white room they wake up at 7:00 a.m. a staff member removes all of the attached electrolytes and quickly performs a health check and measures their weight and height they use the bathroom then after the was they use a urine analysis and it's done like at least once a month but we'll just assume since a routine and some blood is also drawn at the same time then they have a hydration plus 30 minutes of basic training then they do daily measurements of their physical record so grip strength probably like bench P Etc then the white room kids go into training area and perform like their assignments divided by gender breakfast etc etc so that's how his day looks like then we make a daily routine based off this cuz we're trying to emulate him until we get get into his form so pretty much we do the same thing so we wake up dream journal cuz this is something I you would do we go to our backyard and go outside to resect our card uh car it circadian rhythm yeah chug water for for like the electrolytes like even like how he did Etc so I made a daily routine so you can also reinvent yourself and emulate him as much as possible but remember the traits and the values and the restrictions all have to come together but not only that then we also have our looks and physiques cuzz how does Hani look like he has a Vaper he's lean muscular he's broad he has high muscle density he has a demon back he has perfect posture he has functional ABS he has crazy strong forearm and grip strength and strong tendons so this is the physique that we need to visualize ourself in and also strive for next the way we act the way he acts is nonchalant unfaced doesn't care too much preserved nice he's pretty nice and selfish for his own goals so using this whole sheet as like a template for life what we want to do is do our daily routine we craft it based off his place off the traits or the values how we act we want to just so hardly imitate this until we just enter its form and then we don't become like anoi kot taka but we become another version of ourselves Which is higher than the last version so thank you guys for watching and peace on Theory I hope all you guys try to re reinvent yourself I'll leave the link for this document in the description below and also if you want to join my one-year White Room program where I already talked about this early but I was like why don't I give you guys some of this as well because I feel bad because you guys are already missing out on so much value in my one-year White Room program the best program in the world special exams every week classes a to d etc etc etc if you want to join it's in the description below thanks for watching and peace on the street
Channel: Eg
Views: 2,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eg's Philosophy
Id: zWsQC3TiSxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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