How To Mover Over to a Branded Sending Domain (Klaviyo Tutorial - No Shared Server)

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do you want to move over to a dedicated setting domain maybe because of all the changes with Gmail and Yahoo maybe because you fall into the spam folder because you have some deliverability issues or just in general you want to stop using clavio shared server whatever the case you probably dabbled around from you know podcast interview to block article to YouTube tutorial and you still do not really know how to set it up in this video I'm going to break it down for you how we helped all of the brands we P up with move over to a dedicated sing domain and how you can do that too with without having to over complicate things so without further Ado let's start immediately so welcome to the tutorial I'm going to cover how to move over to a dedicated setting domain basically this is a tutorial where I go through uh first of all why you should move over to a dedicated setting domain how to do it and how to basically you know stop using the shared server from clavio I'm going to go through it step by step uh hopefully you know go through everything that you have in mind to help you with this move we've done that dozens and dozens of times for the brands we work with so it's going to be a smooth ride here because it's not too too complicated so why should you move over in the first place um there are multiple reasons for that we kind of advised in the past everyone to move over at some point basically uh it's overall better for your deliverability because you aren't sharing your sen reputation because what could happen because you basically share your um Center reputation basically causes you to end up in spam or not and if you share that you basically are dependent on other people not messing up the deliverability or the reputation of the server this is definitely not ideal right so you want to move over CU you want to have you know all all bals in your Cod and and not you know rely on someone else so that's the first thing maybe you know sometimes Brands they land in spam and you know they can basically reset the entire deliverability and just overall increase the deliverability but now what's happening in 2024 in February 2024 is that Gmail and Yahoo they basically decide to make it necessary so that's why I'm also doing this video because before that it was kind of a nice to have or like we basically advised everyone to do that but it was not necessary and we've seen still big Brands uh crush it without but from February 2024 it's basically necessary because otherwise you will get flag to spam immediately so that's basically the reason um let's start immediately so you can literally just log into your clavio account you basically click on the settings thing here in the clavio uh and this will bring you to kind of this overview where you have account building email blah blah BL blah and all of that good stuff and then you just click on email you click on domains and this will get you to this interface here and then this is basically where it says dedicated sending domain this page allows you to set blah blah blah blah blah basically what we're doing right so just click on get started and that's kind of the first step so you click on get started which will open this field here which is uh the root domain and the setting domain you do not want to kind of over complicated the root domain is basically just your domain so for example you have a domain that is called YouTube or maybe you run BR or maybe you run you just put in the domain that you're running and that you want to move over to right this is just the domain of your store do not over complicated here sending domain that's basically a subdomain of your main domain sounds super complicated you can just literally put in whatever you want to um you can just put in send it's just something that you do not want to use uh elsewhere and usually most of the brands they do not really theyve never looked into this so just use send or friend or just basically use something a short um a short kind of prefix here which is in that case send and then you click on continue which will then get you to the next tab which is basically updating and verifying your DNS records so now it's getting a little bit complicated so you have a root domain you have a sending domain um and now you need to put those DNS records into your host um and this is where it gets maybe a little bit complicated which I cannot help you with right now because most of the brands they just have totally different hosting software so for example you could be on cloud flare you could be on Squarespace you could be on um I mean Google domains now moved to Squarespace that's why I'm saying that but basically the domain host that you're using could be cloudfare could be GoDaddy um all of these platforms you go there and log into and open the DNS records this is very very important um and that's basically where you put in those records in and that's basically to verify okay this domain is mine that's literally the entire process here so you want to verify your domain that this is your domain and you can use that for your clavio uh account um so yeah that's what you do so what you want to do is here there are four DNS records C name three C names one uh txt which is text um and what you want to do and it may look like this this is how it looks like on on Google domains that's why I put together it here you basically have host name or something across the lines of host name um and then you have the type that's usually type um this is something that you can disregard you could just leave it whatever some some uh host uh hosting platforms do have that some not and then you have something like data here you have value something across that line so what you basically want to do is here you can see we have three times C name and we have one text so what you want to do is you want to First select the type so here we have txt we do that and then we put in the host name as so what you want to do is you want to use the type so in that case txd the host in that case would be at so we can literally you know use the host name that is there so in that case it's it's at which is basically empty um so you can just put in an ADD txt and then the data you just copy paste what you have here in that case this is from a different um this is from a different domain and that's why it's basically different but in that way you basically now know okay this is um this is right so you copy paste this here this is this record is done and you repeat the process for all these three so what you do is you do c name you use the host name that is here so for example here kl2 this thing domain key and then just copy paste this put it in here blah blah blah blah and then repeat it for the other two and by doing that you basically verify that this domain is yours and then you just click on verify records and that's it and then it's done so not too too complicated the only complicated thing is you have to understand how to actually add DNS records um but that's pretty much it you just want to click on verify records then um and then it might take a few moments or like a few hours I think it says to 24 to 36 hours usually it's not really the case it's like set up pretty immediate um and that's pretty much the setup so what you want to do now because it's pretty much a hard reset of your deliverability you do not want to like blast and and run the same strategy used before so what you want to do is you want to decrease your engaged segment so for example you've been sending to 120 days or maybe you sent to the entire list all the time now you want to start sending lower volume so what you want to do is you want to use maybe the first campaign just literally engaged 14 days and then after that engaged 30 have a couple campaigns on engag 30 and then increase that to maybe 45 60 75 90 120 and then you know after a month or so you should be back to normal that's basically to ensure that the transition is smooth because that's kind of the first time for the domain to send that many emails so we want to do that um and then basically warm up your domain depending on how big and how old your domain is you can also adjust that but yeah that's basically everything you need to know um you basically learned how to move over to a dedicated sing domain if you want this to get done from my side then pre to schedule call and see you there I hope this video end of itself was Avail to you bye-bye take care if you like this tutorial then definitely make sure to check out some of my other videos if you are a brand that has at least 50k per month and you want for example this tutorial implemented or you want to have an audit of your entire email marketing strategy a step-by-step strategy to adjust or you want to partner basically who takes you to Due Heights when it comes to your email um efforts then feel free to schedule a call with me there's somewhere in this video uh in the description there's a link you can click on get it to my schedule we have a super casual conversation and by the end you definitely know way more about emails than before so I see you there thank you so much bye-bye
Channel: Lukas Brack
Views: 477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3j_gIEDNVms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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