How to Build a High-Impact Welcome Series in Klaviyo

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[Music] inflation isn't easy on anyone but it's especially not easy on d2c Brands trying to scale profitable with the increased customer acquisition cost it makes a welcome series a well-crafted welcome series even more important the actual asset to your email marketing stack hi my name is bdan I'm the head of strategy Innovations at Magnet master and today I'm going to show you and tell you what is a welcome series flow why you need a welcome series flow what you should have in it and how to build one so you might be wondering why is this so important why is a welcome series that important well think about it the first few days after someone subscribes to your email list are the most crucial moments they're excited about your brand curious to learn more and open to engagement with your brand with your product a well-crafted welcome series flow Taps into this enthusiasm helping to establish trust and connection right from the start it's your chance to make a killer first impression boost engagement rates and ultimately drive more conversions think about the welcome series as a first date you want to put your best clothes on make a good impression boast about your accolades but not make it too arrogant and then hit for the second date at mag masterer we found that most subscribers purchased within the first 10 days upon subscribing so it makes the content of the welcome series crucial to the first impression and to your first conversion with a new visitor from my experience with working with so many d2c Brands when it comes to crafting welcome series I found the following common mistakes number one they are not aggressive with the purchasing window being on average on 10 days um lots of Brands tend to be more light back because they are afraid of actually giving information to the new subscriber they are afraid of sending them emails every day but that's it's that it's a mistake because those leads are worm leades and you want to provide information and value as soon as they subscribe to your Brand number two when it comes to M mistakes that Brands make when crafting the welcome series not providing social proof not boasting about their brand maybe your brand has award maybe they have been mentioned in news newspapers media you should boast about it showcase to people those a wordss that presence in media and provide value to them additionally if you have social proof If you have great ugc don't be afraid to include them in the welcome series it's important for people to have that trust in you and get it from other people who previously purchased the third common mistake I see on the brands when it comes to the welcome series is not providing valuable content you might be aggressive you might offer the welcome discount and you think I give them a discount that should be enough for them to drive the conversion but that it's not always the case you want to educate a customer you want to introduce them to your brand and show them why your product it's important and how that will help them in their life so make sure that you provide value to your new subscribers the fourth mistake is when you combine the welcome series flow with your regular Cadence of campaigns mixing those two not only deludes the meaning and the goal of your welcome series but it also confuses your fresh subscriber to avoid that make sure that you exclude anyone who subscribed to your welcome series from your regular campaigns how many emails you should have in your welcome series a minimum of four to five it really depends from one brand to another if you have a lot of content if you can provide people with value then go go for it Additionally you can also add your best performing campaigns in your welcome series now let's get into the integrating part what should your welcome series include here is a breakdown number one worm welcome email start with a friendly introduction thanking your subscriber for joining your community make them feel valued right away number two Brand Story share your Brand's Journey values and what sets you apart from your competition this helps in building a personal connection number three value proposition highlight what they can expect from your emails and from your brand exclusive offers valuable content inside the news make sure that you highlight these in the emails number four social proof include testimonials ugc reviews or case studies to build credibility and Trust number five engagement email encourage them to follow you on social media encourage your subscribers to connect with your community outside the email marketing or check your blog if you have any valuable content to educate your customers number six first offer give them a special discount or offer as a thank you for subscribing this can incentivize their first purchase number seven product highlight showcase some of your bestselling or new products to pick their interest or Drive traffic to your website number eight personalization and zero party data if you collect zero party data through your opin methods try to personalize your welcome series and give your subscribers a more genuine way of connecting to your brand let's say you track what product someone is interested in gender you can use that information to personalize your welcome series and improve conversion let's start with the beginning you first want to double check your trigger for the flow so the trigger should be the main list your subscribers are added in your welcome series another thing that you should triple check are your flow filters you want to exclude anyone who places an order while going through the welcome series you want to exclude anyone who started check out while going through the welcome series because they will drop in the abandoned checkout flow and also you want to exclude anyone who previously purchase from you because the welcome series should Target new subscribers not new purchasers okay so that's the first thing earlier we discussed about not missing your welcome flow with your regular Cadance of campaigns why is that important because welcome Series has its own goal if you mix them with your regular campaigns it deludes the goal and it dilutes the importance and the messaging of the welcome series to do that you should create a new profile property and update the profile property of your new subscribers and I'm going to show you later on to where's the end of the flow how to update the profile property and how to exclude these subscribers from your campaigns let's move on to the first email okay first email ponchy headline that recognizes that someone is a new subscriber new around here but also highlighting the welcome offer 20% off you want to H that in the hero with a CTA by the fold scrolling down we showcase the value proposition to people we Welcome to our brand and we introduce them on our values and why the brand is a good fit for them okay second email social proof another important email in your welcome series flow stack we need to provide value to our new subscribers and add trust how you can do that by adding genuine reviews from a previous customers in this case we use reviews from our bestselling products here are products that we know will drive conversions number three educational email by this time people still haven't purchased from your B brand meaning that they still they are still not convinced they should do so if you have a quiz drive people back to that page and have help them in making the decision and help them in finding the right product for them if you don't have a quiz app use this email to educate your customers and guide them in finding the right product for them by asking question what is your skin type where do you live or how young is your skin these questions will help people find the right product for them number four bestselling products showcase people your bestselling products your hero items from the store highlight them in the hero and tell people why they're the best sellers use again reviews or highlight their unique selling points it's important for people to find out what others have purchased and why they did so okay number five qualitative research email not a lot of brands are doing it but this is a great addition to your welcome series because at this point people haven't purchased from you and the chances of them converting are slim to n so why not ask them about their experience with your brand ask them why they didn't purchase you can use a plain text email coming for your from your customer support team asking them about the common reason they haven't purchased was it our prices were UNS sure about the produ products they should pick they were concerned about the quality of your products or there was something else redirect them back to a survey and have them answer these questions this could this can boost your conversions on site or can help get answers that you didn't think about previously that could help increase the conversions not only on the email side but can improve your whole business the last thing that you need to do is to update the profile property that we set initially in the flow this will update the segment that you're going to create using this Pro these properties and make sure that it's regularly updated and and it's close to the truth of their Journey [Music]
Channel: MagnetMonster
Views: 24
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: klaviyo, email marketing, sms marketing, retention marketing, life cycle marketing, email marketing strategy, email marketing strategies, email marketing tactics, email marketing techniques, klaviyo training, klaviyo education, klaviyo FAQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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