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hey what's going on Chris Elam here and today I'm gonna answer a question coming from Jose who is asking how do you not monitor through Cubase but not lose the effects when monitoring for the VST amps and the vocal reverbs for example so today I'm gonna share with you my workflow on how I do recording with effects and without latency alright so in this video I'm first gonna explain to you briefly what latency is and I'm gonna put you in context because this question is related to the last video that I produced on the recording template that I use in K so if you want to watch this video just click on the link on top and then I'm gonna show you my technique on how I use effects and no latency when monitoring but first if you're new here on the channel consider subscribing and clicking that notification bell so you don't miss anything and for all of you share and like this video so what is latency latency is simply the amount of time it takes for a signal to go through a preamp to the interface then to the computer to your DW back to the interface and then to your speakers so that entire route takes some time and this is called latency and when you monitor when you do some monitoring while recording you're gonna have to deal with latency if you're using your da W to do some monitoring like in Cubase we can set up cue mixes to use a for monitoring but you know doing so is very practical but we need to consider that we're going to be dealing with latency and that is the same for any da W now if you want to monitor without any latency you'll have to do it outside your da W for example if you use a digital console like my good friend the Joel Gilder who works with a Presonus digital console that he also uses as a monitoring system so this way it doesn't have to deal with latency and on top of that he has access to all those effects that are already set up into the mixing console which is quite practical so latency is not an issue in this case there's also sound interfaces like the Steinberg URR d4 which has the DSP mix effects which is actually DSP chip that manages some plugins directly on the interface itself so we can get some effects while recording in your monitors without any latency which is quite nice and same for the ue d apollo which again gives you access to plugins so you can monitor yourself without latency and with the use of effects which is quite nice now in my case i with a lynx over a 16 which has 16 inputs and 16 outputs and there's no DSP effects on this interface so I had to think of a workaround to be able to monitor without latency but with the use of effects and this is what I'm gonna show you in this video but first let's go in Cubase to check out the amount of latency just to show you guys what latency sounds like and where you can find the settings in Cubase now if you're using another DW you can have access to those settings as well now in Cubase you go into studio and then down to Studio setup and then on the left side go down to your a sound interface in my case I have the links and I'm gonna click on control panel but first on the right side of that window I have the amount of latency that I have at the moment if I click on control panel I have the buffer size and this will determine the amount of latency that you're gonna get on your computer okay so if my in my case if my buffer size that that is at 128 I'm gonna get a 4.3 milliseconds of input latency and 3 milliseconds of output latency if I bring that up to 2048 I'm gonna get a an input latency of 44 point 37 milliseconds and an output latency of 43 milliseconds which is high but something you need to understand is the lower the latency the harder it is on your system again on your computer system it's gonna take way more resources out of your CPU ok so it is gonna be hard on your system if you work at a low latency that's why I use a high buffer size and a high latency when mixing because I want to get my computer to be performance with a lot of plugins and this will allow me to do so now my computer is an old computer it's a six year old computer so I just need to work with this and that's why increasing the buffer size in my case is very practical while mixing and mastering but when I'm doing some recording I tend to bring it down to one twenty-eight which is good enough you know especially if I'm recording guitars like with Guitar Rig for example on my recording template like I was like it was explaining in my last video I have two channels that are stereo channels where I have on one of them anyways I have Guitar Rig 5 so I mainly use these plugins when I do some when we're working on arrangements or when we write music we're gonna use those virtual guitar amps and after the arrangements usually we rerecord everything using amps and stuff but in this case when I'm using Guitar Rig I just use it within Cubase I just activate the monitor option right here which is gonna allow me to play the guitar with Guitar Rig directly from Cubase but I'm gonna have to deal with the latency but at 128 of buffer size that is good enough for what I'm doing with while recording guitars or while working with a VST instrument but when it comes to record drums or vocals now this is a different story even if the latency is very low it just doesn't feel very good you know it's not very comfortable for a singer to sing in my case anyways you know with the system that I have it's not very comfortable for the singer to sing even have at a 128 buffer size even if it's low so I tend to bypass the Cubase monitoring system and send a signal right away and to do so it's very simple on my links and this is something that most interfaces has on an interface you're probably going to have a a software that comes with your interface that you install on your computer and that will give you access to a mini console of some sort or some settings that you can use for direct monitoring in this case with links this is what I get I have on top all the inputs okay so all the everything that comes into the interface is shown on top so I have my 16 inputs in the middle I have what's coming out of Cubase or my computer one into for example is my master bus okay channels my output from Cubase and I have three and four set up for monitoring from Cubase so I have a cue mix set up two three and four which I'm gonna use later on so just stay put and at the bottom I have the output of the interface itself and output 1 and 2 is going in through my Presonus Central Station that feeds my three pairs of speakers and my output three and four and five and six seven and eight are used for monitor mixes so five and six is actually what I'm using when I shoot some YouTube videos I send that stereo output to a tascam multitrack recorder where I record the audio of my youtube videos okay so what I have here I have a microphone I'm just gonna put in my headphones so I'm just gonna give you an example here and I'm gonna use this microphone alright so now you see on top here I have my input in channel 4 I'm gonna explain to you what I have here later on and at the bottom actually I'm just gonna bypass it okay so now I have my signal on top that comes into my interface and I have that signal coming out of my output my output 5 and 6 that goes into my task and recorders so you're hearing a direct signal so this is basically your monitor mix now if I go in Cubase and I select my lead vocal track it's gonna click on top it's on I'm just gonna put it on mono in 4 and I'm gonna activate the monitor okay now you're gonna hear two signal okay I'm gonna go back to my links mixer and you have output 1 & 2 that will send us the signal coming out of Cubase and on top of that I have my direct signal as well so that's why you're hearing that kind of a chorus effect so that is the effect of latency I'm just going to go back in studio studio setup and bring that latency at a higher buffer size I'm gonna click on OK and there you go now you okay now we have a lot of latency and this is the type of of the facts that you have so just try singing with a high latency you'll see it's quite uncomfortable actually just gonna bypass it so this is how it sounds like direct and with latency let me go back here and put that back to 128 so what I do if I want to add some effects to my direct sound that is bypassing Cubase what I do is basically create myself a second audio track where I insert a reverb and this audio track if I just go on my mix console the audio track is right here my fader is way down because I don't want to hear it on my main channels but I'm sending a cue mix to a two might my my cue mix one which is routed to output three and four out of my computer and this is what we get right here three and four right here where I have the faders down at the moment so I'm just gonna make sure okay input 4 is there so I'm just gonna activate the monitor on this channel and if we look on the mix console I have some signal coming in to output 3 & 4 out of Cubase and it's gonna bring that higher and there you go so now I have some reverb feeding my monitors which is quite cool so just to reacquaint at briefly output 5 & 6 is my my stereo monitor okay that I that I'm using for you guys and we have the direct signal that comes out of the interface directly into that monitor without passing to a through Cubase the only thing that passes through Cubase is the effects that's it I just wanna go back to my main microphone so so we had the use of reverb with latency doesn't matter at all you know even on the mixing situation I tend to use pre delay so that's why I just I just don't care now I hope this video wasn't too complicated now if you have any questions or comments feel free to leave everything down below and don't forget to share to like and to subscribe if you're new here on the channel alright guys take care and I'll see you next time
Channel: Chris Selim - Mixdown Online
Views: 54,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio, audio engineering, audio mixing, chris selim, cubase, cubase 9, cubase pro, home recording, home studio, home studio mixing, home studios, mixdown, mixdown online, mixing, mixing audio, mixing tip, mixing tutorials, music, recording audio, steinberg, the recording revolution, tips, tutorial, Latency, How to RECORD with EFFECTS and WITHOUT LATENCY, With no latency, recording vocals, audio interface, audio lag, cubase 10, cubase 10 pro
Id: RuOn6qEs4z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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