How to work with the dspMixFx in CUBASE and other DAWs

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a couple months ago I talked about the you are RT for from Steinberg that comes with DDS we mix effects that you can use to monitor yourself with effects without any latency entered I'm going to show you how to work with the DSP mix effects in Cubase and on any other VAW now don't forget to share and to like this video and if you're new here on the channel feel free to subscribe alright so let's take a look so this is what we get when opening the DSP makes effects a from Steinberg it is a typical console look and it's very easy to use so this is the the software you're gonna use if you're not working in Cubase if you're working in Cubase just hang on I'm gonna show you how to work with that DSP mix effects within the software but for now let's look at what we have here with the irregular mixer it is a mixer a bit a lot like the one I have when I'm working with my links which is the links mixer this way I can monitor myself without any latency and use that mixer to do my mixes so it is about the same thing with this a TSP mix effects but the only difference that I have here is I have access to some effects that I can use without any latency so let's go over those effects so first if we look at that channel I am plugged into channel 1 at the moment with this microphone directly into the URR T 4 and this is where I get my signal from on this channel okay so on top here I have access to a high-pass filter that I can activate I have my phase reverse option here and I have daemon effects and insert effects now this is very simple to understand by default it is going to be set up to monofin meaning that you're going to use the insert effects to monitor only in case so those effects will not be recorded with your signal ok your signal is gonna stay dry but you're gonna have the option to use a insert effect and what we have for effects is a channel strip and we have for guitar amp emulation ok that you can use with your while recording guitars ok you can monitor with them or you can record with them directly ok so let's first look at the channel strips I'm gonna select channel strip I'm gonna make sure the activate effect is on and then I'm gonna click on II and that will open the channel strip where I have access to a compressor in EQ and there's also a sidechain option for the compressor we have on the EQ side we can EQ manually and we can also use some some type of different presets okay I'm going to leave it flat but if I want to I can just tweak that manually okay so if I want to use some compression and EQ while monitoring my signal when I'm recording I am gonna use the channel strip now again if you want to record with those effects just to click on Mon effects and select insert effects very useful especially with the the electric guitar emulation the amp emulations here that we have we have to clean the crunch the lead and the drive that you can use you can also have access to those plugins directly in Cubase as a regular insert if you're using Cubase and let me show you the reverb now there's the send level right here which is the amount of signal I am going to send to my reverb okay and my reverb is right here so I have d rev X if I click on e that will open the actual reverb where I have access to all the reverb settings I'm gonna close the software now and I also have the reverb time that I can just modify directly on the mixer in case I'm just gonna add a bit of signal to this reverb by increasing my reverb send and there you go so I can decrease the amount of time the reverb time and increase it if I want to and I also have the return volume here in K where I can just bring higher or lower the amount of level coming out of the reverb directly into my mix so I'm gonna bring that reverb down and this is what you get with this mixer now on top we have access to the general settings and the information on your sound interface you can even store some presets of yours if you have some so you can load them afterwards channel 1 2 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 can be linked together so if you want to use the same settings if you're recording a stereo instruments you can monitor that stereo instrument by linking both channels together and then at the bottom right we have the headphones mix that we can work with so I mix it there's mix 1 mixed you and we can allocate mixed used for on on the second pair of headphones and mix one on the first one if we want to and have two separate mixes now this this will go according to the sound interface that you have that you work on now on my ru r RT 4 I have two headphone outputs and that's why I have two different mixes here so now let's open Cubase and I'm gonna show you how that works in Cubase because when Cubase is open this mixer is dis activated okay so let's check this out okay now first in Cubase what you need to do is to go in studio studio setup and make sure direct monitoring is checked on okay you need to have that checked on and then I'm gonna open the mixer the mix console and I'm gonna make sure I have the input channels on the left side of the mixer if you don't see those channels you can go in and click on the set channel type and make sure the input channels is checked on okay and this way you're gonna you're going to see the input channels and this is where you're going to be able to to monitor yourself and use different types of settings as far as monitoring goes and on top here we have a new tab called hardware if you don't see that tab go on racks and make sure hardware is checked on and then I'm gonna just open that tab and I see this type of window so this will replace the actual visual of the mixer that we had earlier now if we look at actual mixer this is what we get it is disabled now you cannot use the USB port it has been used by another application which is Cubase so this is why you see that message so let's go back in Cubase and check what we have here we have here these same settings as found on the mixer the invert input phase the high-pass filter and we have here our effects so if we click on insert effects actually this is not going to do anything if we want to activate those insert effects we need to go and click in the middle here we have just a dot here and three options where we can slide the dot on the top settings will be to dis activate the insert effects the middle will be to activate the Mon effects and then the bottom one is going to be to activate the insert effects if you want to record with those effects activated so you can print those effects again useful if your if you want to record electric guitars with those amp emulations okay so now I just want to monitor with those effects I'm gonna keep that into the middle setting right here and now you can see those effects will not be recorded now at the bottom we have the reverb and again this is the same thing you know the reverb will not be recorded and there's no way you can record the reverb effect directly in Cubase by using the the DSP mix effects software okay so but you have access to that reverb as an insert as a separate plug-in in Cubase if you want to use it but for now let's monitor with the reverb so if I want to monitor just click on the e I have access to my reverb settings and I can just bring up my send my reverb sent up and there you go now I have some some reverb without any latency so even if I bring my buffer size high let's bring that up to 2048 there you go again I don't have any latency that's because the signal doesn't go through Cubase as you can see here in K my monitor is activated and this is very important on my channel the channel I'm gonna record this signal my monitor option needs to be activated but as you can see there's no signal coming into that channel opposed to when we we don't have the direct monitoring option activated in the studio and studio setup I'm just gonna dis activate it alright so which is pretty annoying so there's no signal coming into that channel so that's why you don't get any latency the only signal that you're hearing right now is the input signal so that's why you don't get any latency your him the signal coming out of the interface directly and so let's go back on top check the channel strip that we have right here same thing as we've seen earlier and we have the list of all the insert effects and you also have access to the settings by clicking at the bottom here if you want to check the headphones settings you just click on headphones or just click on the headphones tab okay so this is basically what you get and how to use the DSP mix effects within Cubase okay make sure that the REC monitoring is activated in studio setup make sure your track where you're gonna record your state your signal the monitor option is activated and make sure you have the mono inputs on your mix console and then that the hardware is open the hardware tab is available and open so you can tweak the settings the monitoring settings directly in Cubase so there you go guys this is how you work with the DSP mix effects in Cubase in any other d8w which is only going to use the irregular mixer all right so I hope that was helpful for you guys that have access to the TSP mix effects if you have any questions or comments leave them down below and don't forget again to share to like and to subscribe to this channel alright thank you guys see you soon [Music]
Channel: Chris Selim - Mixdown Online
Views: 40,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio, audio engineering, audio mixing, chris selim, cubase, cubase 9, cubase pro, home recording, home studio, home studio mixing, home studios, mixdown, mixdown online, mixing, mixing audio, mixing tip, mixing tutorials, music, recording audio, steinberg, the recording revolution, tips, tutorial, How to work with the dspMixFx in CUBASE and other DAWs, dspmixfx, dsp mix fx
Id: eqW5hwFSqkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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