How to record voice in Adobe Audition Proper way

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in this lecture we will see how to record audio in Adobe Audition Adobe Audition is now open on my screen and it looks like a complex interface it is not as complex as it is looking now it will become easy as we progress through the course you can see a tiny record button to start the recording process but before that you have to make sure the correct microphone is selected for recording go to Adobe Audition settings to check your current microphone you will find it inside the audio Hardware the main configuration here will be the default input drop-down my microphone is connected through the Scarlett 2i2 audio interface for me the desired mic is already selected if I need to change the microphone for recording I will select it from the drop down selecting another mic will show a warning message about Channel mapping Channel mapping can be important if you are using a mixer for a simple audio interface or microphone audition automatically Maps this click on yes and you do not need to worry about it audition will take care I will change it back to the Scarlett 2i2 if your audio interface or mic does not appear in the list after connecting to your computer close Adobe Audition and open it again default output is not important during recording because I will not use live monitoring of the audio during recording live monitoring means you listen to the audio as you record we will listen to it after recording the default output will be the playback device when we listen all other options can be as it is now by default you need to focus mainly on checking if the correct mic is selected if yes you can move on to the next step if you remember the channel mapping warning that option is here audition does the mapping automatically so you do not need to worry about this I am just showing you that the option is here if you are using a mixer you may be interested in Channel mapping with a microphone or audio interface we do not need to do anything here I will click OK and move on to the next step The Next Step will be to check the input level you can see a level meter here you can check if you have set the gain properly a good input level means your audio can be processed easily later and you will get top quality audio if you watch this video on YouTube you can pre-order this course at half price from this buy me a coffee page the course will be released on September 19th and the price will be doubled on release you will be able to produce high quality audio after completing this course you do not need to buy Adobe Audition to complete this course you can do it with the free trial and if you see you are getting the desired result you can buy Adobe Audition a bad input level will limit your ability to get great audio double-click inside this area and start talking to the microphone as you would talk during recording the best level is to be inside this yellow zone this meter has a maximum value of zero and all other values are negative if your talks stay between -18 to -6 that will give good enough audio data for post-processing if your talks always stay below -18 you run the risk of being too close to the noise floor then when you increase the loudness in post-processing your noise will also become quite loud to be noticeable if your talk always stays above -6 you run the risk of clipping or Distortion when the audio signal goes beyond -6 it becomes red or too hot that should be avoided during recording if your audio is distorted or clipped during recording it may become impossible to recover if I summarize always stay between -18 to -6 during recording to avoid complications in post-processing it would make the editing a lot easier what should you do if you cannot reach this level you have to check if you are talking to the correct side of the microphone and if the distance from the mic to the mouth is okay you may also need to check the volume knob in the mic or in the audio interface make the necessary adjustments and get the desired level in the meter and then start recording you can double click inside this meter to toggle on and off the monitoring I am getting the proper level and I will move to the next step my microphone is set correctly and I am getting the proper input level I will click on the record button you have to set some configurations for the audio file you should use the default configuration for sample rate Channel and bit depth it is the ideal configuration for voice recording to keep things simple you should follow it 32-bit float in the bit depth is important for the editing process I will explain it later you can give a file name if you wish it is not mandatory but to better recognize the recording you can give a name I will give a demo recording one after clicking OK the recording will start I will let you listen to the original recording before taking this course you must be wondering why you should learn adobo addition the answer depends on what you are trying to achieve and what is your current situation Ado addition is the most popular software for voice editing it has all the necessary features to make professional grade audio if you are into if you are into professional voiceover or audiobook narration your final audio has to be top quality Adobe Audition can help you to achieve that easily you may you may be very new to audio editing or you may have some experience with free software like audacity the recording is now complete you may notice the background has become white as I press the stop button Adobe Audition automatically selected everything in the waveform after I completed the recording I will get back to the waveform selection later I can now listen to the recorded audio click on a point in the timeline from where you want the recording to start the waveform is inside a timeline the time is shown at the above in seconds you can see this audio is around 45 seconds you can either press the space bar to play the audio or click the play button before taking this course you must be wondering why you should learn Adobe Audition the answer depends on what you are trying to achieve and what is your current situation Ado addition is the I can now start editing this waveform and improve the audio for final production but before that I want to save the recording I just did if I close Adobe Audition without saving or Adobe Audition crashes all my recordings will be gone you can see the file name as a star beside its name this star means you have some unsaved changes I will go to file and then select save a pop-up window will appear where you can configure how and where you want to save it I will keep the file name as it is now I will choose a location to save the file click on browse and choose a folder you can choose the file format you want during editing I keep it in wave because it is a lossless format with MP3 some audio data may be lost and can affect the editing process as I am not done with editing I will keep it as wave you can configure other settings like sample type or format settings for now I will keep it as it is there is a checkbox about including metadata it is only for Adobe Audition it does not matter in audio quality if this option is checked or unchecked if checked audition will store the metadata in a separate file Adobe Audition uses that file internally but it has no relation to audio quality I will keep it as it is and click ok the file is now saved if I go to the location where I save the file I can see it here you can see the demo recording WAV file it also has a pkf file beside it it is the metadata file please remember that we are not concerned about this metadata file it has nothing to do with audio editing and audio quality you will see this file when you are editing with audition but you should not worry about this file let's see another essential thing in the recording after you record one file you may want to record Another file but if you press the record button it will start recording from the red line this line is called playhead I will move this line to a silent area click on another place and the playhead will move there if I press record the recording will start from the playhead position I will press the spacebar on the keyboard to stop recording you can see the recording happened on the same file here you can see the history of the file two record is in the history I can move back and forth in the history this history will remain only in the current session that means if I close Adobe Audition this history will be gone I can get back to a previous point from history or delete some action entirely for example I want to delete the second record delete a history item means it will be gone forever I wanted the new recording in another file so I deleted the history to start a new recording I will go to file new choose audio file the same process of setting the file configuration I will keep everything as it is the area is now ready to record in a new file you can move back and forth between the files from the file browser the currently selected file will be in the blue color name I can double click in the new file and record some audio the audio recording process is the same I have to click on the red record button you can see the waveform in the timeline as I record I will Fast Forward the recording clip I have recorded something on the new file in the file browser you can see the star on the new Untitled to file but not on the demo recording one because demo recording one is already saved and there are no new changes on that file while I am inside the new recording Untitled 2 I can save the file we have already seen the file save process so I am not explaining it again in detail if I go to the location I can see two-way files one for demo recording one and the other for Untitled 2. I think now you have a good idea of the recording process please practice recording a couple of files before proceeding to the next lecture if you are watching this video on YouTube you can pre-order this course at half price from this buy me a coffee page the course will be released on September 19th and the price will be doubled on release you will be able to produce high quality audio after completing this course you do not need to buy Adobe Audition to complete this course you can do it with the free trial and if you see you are getting the desired result you can buy Adobe Audition
Channel: Master Editor
Views: 149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use adobe audition, adobe audition tutorial, adobe audition, how to use adobe audition cc, audio editing, adobe audition cc
Id: Ipp-eByBeNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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