How to Record Using the ATEM MINI EXTREME

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the Ada mini the Ada mini pro the 80 mini extreme are one of black magic designs most amazing pieces of gear because it packs a lot of other of their devices into one small device especially for churches like mine now it doesn't have the capabilities of some of those other devices that they have but what this thing can do is quite amazing especially for church production or production in general now one thing it cannot do is record your stream to itself it can record however and that's what I'm showing you today and the one thing you're going to need that's very important is a hard drive you need an external hard drive I'm using a four terabyte just a regular old hard drive by Western Digital it's the Western Digital My Book a four terabyte you can use pretty much any hard drive you want to with Ada mini plug it into the USBC port on the back it actually made them in extreme actually has two USBC ports and yes you can plug two hard drives into that and switch between those so let's get right into showing you how to record on your computer open up the Ada mini software control or the Adam software control and then go to the right side now if it's on the pallets then you want to click on output and this is where your live stream setup is and then your record stream settings are right here the best thing to do is give the file name a title this is very important so let's give it a title so my charge is Legacy Church Global so I'll do lcg full service because once everything is recorded it will be a full service and then you can take that over to YouTube and do whatever you want to with it and then go to drive one and click on your desired hard drive or whatever hard drive you picked up and make sure that's already selected it will give you the amount of minutes left on that drive right here to the right so that way you can kind of decide right there or you can see it up on the like if you have a multi-view setup you can see that as well if you have your recording settings or recording information on the multi-view if you have a second drive you can select that drive there if it didn't do it automatically and then yeah I want to display my status at the bottom just so I can always see what's going on as far as my recording and then if I had the capability if I had the Ada mini extreme ISO version then I could record all cameras separately which would be really cool but I don't have that capability and then once you're ready you can press this record button or better yet you use the record button on the actual Ada mini itself that's the way we do it we start and stop on that and I'll show you that now on the Adam mini extreme you have this record start and or what just says record and then it says stop so look for that and you also want to look for the green LED on disk and what that means is that that disk doesn't have an issue and you are good to go as far as starting to record so you can take a fingers just press record just a second that will light up red or should light up red there it goes all right now we're recording and we can see that on our multi-view as well the number one is that first drive we just set up and number two is the drive we don't have we have 1178 minutes left and it also gives me a terabyte reading and we had 3.2 terabyte left on the hard drive once you are done with your service everything's good to go you do need to press stop recording and there it goes and because it will not stop I mean it will record until you turn the unit off or until your drive is out since you stopped recording it's now time to get that footage over to a editing software and then get that onto YouTube so you can share that message with the world and that leads me to today's verse of the day and it's blessed those who curse you and pray for those who hurt you and that comes out of Luke 6 28. so the best way to get the footage from the hard drive is actually pull it from the hard drive over a network rather than unplugging the hard drive and plugging it into your computer or wherever that may be if you are on the same network you'll be able to pull it from the hard drive and I'll show you how to do that in this video right there thank you guys so much for watching remember that great worship leaders are always learning I'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Worship Leader Hangout
Views: 12,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chad buckland cwickvb, church, Jesus, music, pastor, piano, tutorial, worship leader hangout, worship leader, worship pastor, worship vlog, worship team, worship training, church worship, christian worship, how to record, recording settings, how to record atem footage, atem mini tutorials, atem, atem mini extreme, blackmagic design, blackmagic atem mini, extreme, atem mini pro, recording using atem mini, atem mini extreme tutorials, church av room, church atem mini, church tech
Id: 99gPPuh5LFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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