How to recognise enlightened beings? | Swami Sarvapriyananda

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one criterion is of course ethical behavior an enlightened one is not bound by ethical behavior but generally an enlightened person would not be unethical so if you see unethical behavior immoral behavior whatever that person is probably not very spiritual let alone being enlightened a good uh sign sri ramakrishna has given jake you feel um you feel appraised you feel purified you feel sublime in the in the company of such people and this many many of us have noted very few highly spiritual people i have met in my life i've seen absolutely always it is the case that people around them they feel it how do they feel they feel purified negativities diminish you feel peace you feel acceptance you feel joy a kind of very pure luminous joy you feel higher life becomes real worldly life sort of fades to the background a holy place like a pilgrimage can do that to you and a holy person can do that to you an enlightened person more powerful they are the more deep that effect is i have seen a number of cases for example i have seen swami bhutasanandaji 12th precedent of our order coming to an ashram i saw the before and after it's an ashram a holy place yet it seems suddenly everything is lit up not physically somewhere somehow everybody is in a state of joy because of his presence and every day everybody wants to finish their daily tasks and routine just go to sit in his presence after all he's a 95 96 year old man what what what are you getting from this little old man but you sit there everybody's rushing like they're all attracted like honey bees to the flower that unexplained attraction [Music] i mean again and again i've seen crowds of people just gathering to look at him so what is it that attraction that shows um some kind of that shows enlightenment and you can see it more extraordinarily of course in the case of avataras you read of chaitanya mahaprabhu in puri in jagannath and puri what extraordinary depictions and they're so vivid they must be depictions by people who are there kitan singing and dancing is going on at night and the whole crowd around they're playing the drums and symbols and harem in between them is caitanya mahaprabhu in uh in ecstasy he's not aware of the external world and only half aware and therefore and he's singing to the song and dancing and the beautiful description of people holding up these flaming this fire brands this mashal and lamps they're holding it up so that they can get a glimpse of his face and this huge crowd is entranced see we can't see god but he here is one who is literally seeing god right at this moment and it's it's like it's expressed in his face that that's what stuns all of us sri ramakrishna he went to back to the village and he said he says mahamaya bhel ki lagirish is a magic show of the um of the divine mother he had no rest for days on end wherever he goes crowds of people gather around to look at him and he says in bengali tagory that means the play of the drums everywhere you go groups of musicians arrive and they want to sing and dance with him take the name of god and he can't sleep at night people pressing all around similar example is there of swami priman and the babur maharaj was the manager of peloud mutt direct disciple of sri ramakrishna he was an extraordinary spiritual when he passed holy mother masharada she burst into tears and said my baburama was a light on the bank of the ganga he was light up the grounds of balurmat because she lived on the other bank and she felt his presence as a light shining on the other side of the river and he has gone up that light has gone out now but there's a description of sriram krishna's birthday swami primal is in charge of all the festivities crowds of people coming musicians they rush towards him and surround him and they sing and he just stands in silence or in ecstasy but they're seeing him this particular thing a small description which i found unforgettable in the afternoon with all this pressure you know in the afternoon he wants to take a break the famous indian afternoon siesta so he goes to this place which is called the visitors room it's still there in belurum now it has got many windows all around so he goes and he wants to take a nap there and all the windows are thick with people who are looking down at him just to see his face while he's sleeping what is that attraction it's the attraction of god and it says it's something that we are feeling all the time whatever we do in life so vivekananda says in bhakti yoga whatever we do in life do you not see that one force behind all the good in this life the love of the mother for the child the the the love of the greedy man for his money the love of the um the politician the ambition for success and power in the world and the the tremendous urge for um scientific discovery among a researcher the the uh you know the tendency of the the writer the artist for artistic expression pouring themselves out vivekananda says it's one force and it's at its higher end it is the saint um you know searching for god but it's the one force everywhere playing in all human beings in all civilizations in all life itself that is general but when it becomes very specific when that which all of this is searching for god when that god becomes even indirectly manifest to us in the face of somebody who is seeing god imagine the attraction we will have i remember there was this swami pavw in this was about nearly 30 years ago in dogher i remember in the evening he was a disciple of swami shivananda and he was an irishman in his old age nearly 90 years at that time in the evening after the arathi was over he would go to his room i would you know accompany him hold his hand and slowly take him there before he would leave the temple he would turn around and bow down to sri ramakrishna i still remember the first time i saw him do it i was walking towards him he was facing he was going down but before he left the temple he turned around facing me looking over my shoulder at the pictures at the images on the altar i tell you every hair on my body rose yeah literally it's as if he was seeing this divine presence i whipped my head around to see what he was looking at he was just looking at the pictures but i'm sure he was not seeing what i was seeing i was seeing pictures of srirama krishna but he was seeing a living presence now what i'm saying is just the expression on his face how is it that 30 years later i it is most vivid i closed my eyes instantly it is there it is a reflection indirectly here is a person i believe seeing god and i'm seeing the expression on his face it's unforgettable i'm you know in this life if nothing happens i've seen those things i know another monk like that who was a disciple again a disciple of swami shivan and nir muktanan who lived for more than 100 years i used to talk to him open maharaj another monk a senior monk he told she saw me talking with this old open ma nirmuktanji and he said and this other senior monk who told me was very accomplished is a very accomplished man a lot of things he has done in his life he said you know for all i have done in my life um he said i am um i had considered myself fortunate to roll on the dust on which this old monk has walked that's my stature compared to him and i understand his feeling so this is the feeling you get when you come near a person let alone avatar such persons who probably are highly spiritually advanced i don't know who is enlightened or not this is just to illustrate sri ramakrishna is saying that ishari uddipandha you get the feeling of the presence of god in the present when you are with such people that's a good indicator again all indirect indicators
Channel: Children Of Immortal Bliss
Views: 138,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: swamisarvapriyananda, sarvapriyanandaji, vedanta, spirtuality, god, realization, enlightenment
Id: vhO3Yay6QIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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