Shri Krishnas' reply on Mind Control | Swami Sarvapriyananda

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why couldn't I wait and how can I control myself these are these are the questions now he'd go to Shri Krishna's answer and see what he has to say chapter three two verses I'll take up basically what he's saying is this she's saying that there are two levels in our activities one is at the level of our subconscious minds he calls it rarity or samskaras so there is a level which is below of our level of our consciousness and here we have tendencies we have it is you can call it some scholars or rarity like if even simply means nature of an individual what does it consist of he says it consists of a large activation liking and disliking raga and raesha rather than its attachments likings I want I want do Asia I dislike what do I want what do I dislike it depends upon you your habits if you are believer in rebirth theory so the idea is that we have accumulated a lot of tendencies throughout our lives if you don't believe in that also that's perfectly all right from childhood onwards we have developed in a particular way so we have liking for certain food certain environment certain activities books games for whatever certain people and we have dislikes certain environments certain foods certain kind of people we dislike we have dislikes and these differ from people a person to person to person and these are deep-rooted we are not often aware of this it's below the level of our conscious awareness this is one stage the second stage is when we interact with the world what happens is we have we have a reaction it comes from here and we we think something we say something and we do certain things so these are these are the level up is that the conscious level with a level of conscious activities already expressed this is this is not expressed unconscious this is conscious and expressed at this level it is too late already you know I am dying I want to control watch my weight and have this delicious pastry in front of me I like it I eat it up and then later I'd regret it I had thought I would not eat this but I have now eaten it so what happened was here is a raga here is a raga and you see this attractive object X in front of you and you think I wanted you order it give me one and eat it up and then you regret it because you decided not to take this actually this is what is happening all the time it happened to Duryodhana it happened to the little kids and Arjuna is asking why does it happen it happens because of this from our samskaras directly this is expressed and shri krishna says this in third chapter in the shloka number 33 he says sedition - today's worship retreated gana wanna pee Prakriti me aunty Bhutan in the graha team kaliesha tea very interesting shloka he says saturation taste of this worshiper tweeted jana wanna be a person who is a Gandhi who has read disastrous I want to lead my life in this particular way I want to meditate realize garden I want to have daily meditation exercise have a fit body I want to do my studies in this particular way anything is there Jana one is aware of what he wants to do he or she but but ruthenian she says sedition case today's was she up retreated Jana wanna pee retreat is this one salvation means according to Prakriti even this person who is very alert he works according to clarity but routinely aunty Bhutan Anna Nagar Hakim curry Shetty such an interesting comment by sri krishna people act according to their natures what can self-control do make Dahak increase Shetty an immediate doubt which is raised in all the comment races if self-control is of no use then what is the point of all this meditation and yoga and all spiritual practices and they raise this doubt and what is the point of all this what he is saying is we have this prakruti and then it is expressed at this level it is unconscious you are not aware of it you cannot do anything at this level is already expressed you may stop it once very very difficult to stop you may stop it once next time you'll say you failed twice maybe succeed once and you get frustrated it goes around like this what is the way out Shri Krishna says in the thirty fourth first he gives the secret Indian wrist area rather dash of ever state o day or now rush Amma the chip though he has Jeff Clary panthino 3.3 34 the secret is here he says between these two levels are we clear about these two levels one is the subconscious level samskaara this one sokrati and the next one is action karma because this the uncontrollable level a level is a conscious level it's conscious but difficult to control and this is unconscious but because it's unconscious you can't control if you're not aware of it so this is he says this is a third level in the first level and says the secret is Shri Krishna gives this is the important point the whole lecture this is the most important point he says the secret is between these two levels there is another level there is another level and he says this regard raesha it comes in a conscious level and this is the second level this is controllable what he says is from here the action goes here and from here to third level from the first level unconscious level there is a small conscious gap when you become aware of likes and dislikes coming up boiling up from within before it takes on the form of a strong desire thoughts or you already say something a flash of anger comes and you hurdle and insulted somebody later on you're going to regret it for behaving like that and did not have said that you feel that but you already said it at that level it's very difficult to control you know he says I became so angry I was burning up from the top of my head to my toes so that's already at this level third level but he says Krishna says at this level this is sick this is a gap there's a conscious gap a window of opportunity at that level you can control it at that level you can control it you can consciously control it what he's saying is this rather Drescher likes and dislikes according to our sense organs in the rear see and really means earlier shloka what it means is each India has its vishaya in real means sense organ so eyes have Chuck shoe has a shy as form these are forms u.s. shabda tongue taste rasa like this a five andreas have their be Shire India's changes their take rather - of gravity - each of them have fixed likes and dislikes which are in your subconscious mind there are certain forms I like certain forms I do not like to see certain sounds which I like certain things which I do not like to hear and so on certain things I'd like to taste certain things I do not like to taste all these are about conditioning and they are expressed in action in karma between these two levels he says there is a there's a second level at which he says Krishna says what you can do is you can exercise conscious control like a traffic policeman and the other chara here there's a traffic policeman there what he does his controls traffic now you have a particular aim in life so maybe it might be studies it might be meditation god-realization whatever you know very well just like Duryodhana said I know what is right and what is wrong how do you know what is right and wrong according to your aim aim of life the certain things which are right things which are wrong if a little child wants to marshmallows the right thing is not to eat the marshmallow until sir comes back the wrong thing to do is to eat it up because you will not get the second marshmallow in the same way that's very simplistic thing but in the same way it works for all of us what is right and wrong in life we know now this policeman this conscious level what you have to do is whatever is coming from your subconscious it will be in the form of think this say this do this you filter it at this level certain things which are in accordance with your aim of life what you want to do or what you want to be those who allow okay pass and you are expressing as action certain things which are not in accordance with what you want in life those who disallow you divert them and you replace them with something good because you can't have a vacuum you must think something say something and do something so there is a decision which you have to take at this level there is a decision which you have to take it's not all that complicated my diagrams look very complicated if this level you have to take a decision [Music] you
Channel: Vivekananda Samiti IIT-Kanpur
Views: 188,124
Rating: 4.9215212 out of 5
Keywords: vivekananda samiti, vsiitk, Saravapriyananda
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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