How to Realtime - VFX / Lens Textures TUTORIAL PART 1 Using Substance Designer

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hi everyone in this video i'd like to show you how to make some lens flare or lens textures in substance designer so i used to buy those from various marketplaces or make them in after effects or just hand paint them in photoshop but i think there's a better way to create them at least the base image that you can manipulate later on so the idea is the same as in the previous videos and you get a data that you can manipulate and change it on the fly so you could get very quick iterations on the on your texture okay so we're going to start with some basic shape add some stuff and blur to it we're going to create a background as well additional rays some details like this ring you can see here and maybe you can we will apply some sort of mask so we can you know make this a circular and i just added a color gradient in substance design but we actually we'll be exporting um this one to the engine as i don't think we need a colored one unless it's a very specific and you want some sort of gradient in a texture then you might want to export it as a color map but i tend to just expose stuff into the engine as a grayscale okay and as usual i went to unreal engine and create like very basic particle system with this texture okay so this is seriously nothing crazy it's just you know just a texture spawning so i think this is the exactly that texture and with some material stuff added to it and then i've got exactly the same texture but it's scaled horizontally so it's a basically very wide and i'll just mix those together to create um this so this to me seems like some sort of impact effect or maybe some indication if there will be different color indication of um explosion maybe i think it's very stylized and yeah so let's get to it let's start in substance design okay so the first thing we need it's probably those defining shapes so i'm gonna start with shape node and let's maybe try waves so i'm gonna scale it to something like this and maybe on the y-axis just a bit as well okay so i need a one stripe so let's try histogram scan okay let's start maybe with something like this for now okay i'm gonna zoom in a little bit under no on the note so you can actually see the name of them okay now maybe try to get splatter circular and plug it into the pattern input one change the pattern to pattern to image input and let's play with the values okay so there let's start maybe with radius um something like this get much larger scale let's play with the size random maybe scale around them as well definitely and make sure you change the angle random to one or maybe somewhere in in the middle it depends uh what you want and i'll change the spiral factor as well i'm gonna leave spread at one for now okay right so i think you know we got those defining shapes and now we can just tweak the pattern amount so we could get less or more what i don't like so far is this intersection so maybe i'm gonna change the um scale a little bit now it's actually not the scale it might be spiral factor yeah and there's one more setting that i want to tweak i think it's a radius actually nothing i think that will do for now okay remember we can always go back later and tweak those values right so i'm gonna use blur now that one and i'm gonna use another blur okay so in this one i just wanna slight intensity like you know something like point five i mean point five will be okay but for this one i a slightly larger value although i need a blur and hq that one okay so now when i blend them together i'm going to use other linear i'm going to get this subtle glow around those shapes okay so i think this is for the shapes but maybe let's go back to the splatter circular and tweak it a little bit because i really don't like this bit okay maybe a radius random to one changes and this daft actually looks pretty cool i'm gonna change the size as well and i'm gonna try different pattern amounts just to see how it looks with the various rotations and basically amount of those shapes that were created in the beginning right okay so i kind of like the shapes though shape that we got here so let's try and maybe create some nice background for it okay so i'm gonna use empty okay i'm gonna use this node i'm going to rotate it and i'm looking for this sort of pattern let's try this okay and i think this will we will use this with the warp node warp and but we're gonna actually plug in [Music] a few lines into the world node okay because uh yeah we just wanna you know what let me just do it it'll be a lot easier to explain okay so i've got a simple line and all i wanna do i just want to create like a um a blur that goes from the top just a little bit not to the whole image because then i'm going to warp this image and [Music] create like a it's going to wrap around itself i'm gonna show you okay so let's get transform let's just move to the top and let's turn off tiling on this node so we only got this on top i'm gonna use blur again two blurs because i need this to blur actually a lot we got this weird thing here let's see if disabling tonic will help no okay so maybe let's use the other blur that one okay i'm gonna blend those together and what we should get is something like this for me i'll try max blending mode instead i'm gonna use this for warp [Music] let me try the let me try to get another warp node sorry the other way around okay so we get something like this now let's use a directional blur and put 90 degrees there so we get something like this and now maybe let's use shape mapper so as you can see we are getting somewhere i think but i need level notes as well because i don't want this to be a uniform where i want i want breaks here maybe in here okay so i'm gonna try to do that with levels [Music] [Music] i think i'm gonna blur it a lot more something like this maybe and for the work i'm actually gonna use only this okay so i think this could work and now maybe let's try to blend it with with this but we need to turn that into shape mapper as well so we get nice circle now let's make circle a lot smaller so get like a very hot center i think i need this to spread a lot more into that texture so um i would use this [Music] actually i'm gonna get rid of that level note i don't think we need it okay so i think that's pretty cool i'm gonna use blur here as well because i think we just need a little blur not that much okay and now maybe let's try to bring our main shapes and let's try to blend it together okay so i've got a few issues with this texture right i think we just need a little bit more data in this black area so i'm going to go to the shape mapper and i'll increase the width of that texture also i think those lines are a little bit too intense so i just need less of them or just being less intense okay so we just want this to be subtle i think all right let's try to expand this a little bit using slope blur and grayscale so what we're going to do i'm trying to create like a a radial or maybe a zoom blur so i'm trying to expand it further into the image and i'm going to use shape node try something like this i want a lot of samples and intensity as well maybe something like i'm gonna go with 30 35 here as you can see we got those really nice rays coming from the middle okay if you think that the lens lines are a bit you know maybe two they go a little bit too much into the texture then you can always go into your splatter circular node and just change the size on one of the axes okay i'm going to keep it as it is for now and i just want to add additional few more details to it so i'm going to blend it with lines so i'm going to create a shape i'm going to go for waves again and rotate it 90 degree scale it only on one axis to maybe something like this and blend into it i'm gonna blur it a little bit as well so we could get a very subtle [Music] line me something maybe like this or maybe like three lines it depends what you want really so and i kind of want like one blurred line so i'm gonna keep it as it is and maybe another thing i would like to add a it would be like a a different version of it so i'm going to take this i'm going to warp it and i'm going to work it with petal and [Music] mice and that's gonna allow me to create some sort of um swirly uh texture okay i'm gonna blend it with another shape actually i need to reverse the order because this shape will serve as a mask add a little bit blur to it increase the quality of the blur and now if i blend those together we'll be getting additional details so and this is part one and in the second part we will explore a little bit more details about this texture now we're going to explore adding a bit more race a little bit background to it and basically i think this texture is a already looking good it gives you a lot of details and you can manipulate all the stuff in here so for example if you want though if you don't want the swirly texture you just change the opacity and it goes away and same with the number of lines you can go back to our splatter circular shape that will recreate at the beginning and you can see you can just change the amount um of those lines as well and that'll be for the rays here okay maybe you don't want to we just want to you know few rays as you can see we already got a decent looking lens texture at least i think right so that's it for this part and another part will just you know add more details and background and data to that image all right thanks for watching you
Channel: 1MaFX
Views: 8,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unrealengine, ue4, gamedev, gamedevelopment, vfx, gameart, realtimeVFX, VFXFriday, SubstanceDesigner, Procedural, Texturing, 3dart, stylized, textures, materials, madewithsubstance, madewithunreal, Houdini, unity, madewithunity
Id: mQxkZiv4q1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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